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90 lines (68 loc) · 1.76 KB

My ST(simple terminal) Build

Super lighweight and fast


clone and make clean install


  • alpha
  • xresources
  • vim-browser

changing color scheme

you can change the color scheme by changing ~/.Xresources file this is a example of a color scheme

!! Transparency (0-1):
st.alpha: 0.1

!! Set a default font and font size as below:
st.font: Liberation Mono-15;

! st.termname: st-256color
! st.borderpx: 2

!! Set the background, foreground and cursor colors as below:

/* !! solarized */
*.color0:	#073642
*.color1:	#dc322f
*.color2:	#859900
*.color3:	#b58900
*.color4:	#268bd2
*.color5:	#d33682
*.color6:	#2aa198
*.color7:	#eee8d5
*.color9:	#cb4b16
*.color8:	#fdf6e3
*.color10:	#586e75
*.color11:	#657b83
*.color12:	#839496
*.color13:	#6c71c4
*.color14:	#93a1a1
*.color15:	#fdf6e3

Reload xresources

you need xrdb to reload xresources, just run

xrdb ~/.Xresources

restart your terminal and your changes will take effect


alt+c is vim-browse ctrl+c in vim copy to clipboard to copy from the terminal output use vim-browse, yank to copy to clipboard alt+shift+v paste on the terminal from the clipboard

Extra info


In order to build st you need the Xlib header files.


Edit to match your local setup (st is installed into the /usr/local namespace by default).

Afterwards enter the following command to build and install st (if necessary as root):

make clean install

Running st

If you did not install st with make clean install, you must compile the st terminfo entry with the following command:

tic -sx

See the man page for additional details.


Based on Aurélien APTEL bt source code.