Super lighweight and fast
clone and make clean install
- alpha
- xresources
- vim-browser
you can change the color scheme by changing ~/.Xresources file this is a example of a color scheme
!! Transparency (0-1):
st.alpha: 0.1
!! Set a default font and font size as below:
st.font: Liberation Mono-15;
! st.termname: st-256color
! st.borderpx: 2
!! Set the background, foreground and cursor colors as below:
/* !! solarized */
*.color0: #073642
*.color1: #dc322f
*.color2: #859900
*.color3: #b58900
*.color4: #268bd2
*.color5: #d33682
*.color6: #2aa198
*.color7: #eee8d5
*.color9: #cb4b16
*.color8: #fdf6e3
*.color10: #586e75
*.color11: #657b83
*.color12: #839496
*.color13: #6c71c4
*.color14: #93a1a1
*.color15: #fdf6e3
you need xrdb to reload xresources, just run
xrdb ~/.Xresources
restart your terminal and your changes will take effect
alt+c is vim-browse ctrl+c in vim copy to clipboard to copy from the terminal output use vim-browse, yank to copy to clipboard alt+shift+v paste on the terminal from the clipboard
In order to build st you need the Xlib header files.
Edit to match your local setup (st is installed into the /usr/local namespace by default).
Afterwards enter the following command to build and install st (if necessary as root):
make clean install
If you did not install st with make clean install, you must compile the st terminfo entry with the following command:
tic -sx
See the man page for additional details.
Based on Aurélien APTEL bt source code.