TMF-001 |
testFuzz_tombMint |
Tomb mint should: - Increase User Balance
- Increase Total Supply
TMF-002 |
testFuzz_tombBurn |
Tomb burn should:- Decrease User Balance
- Decrease Total Supply
TMF-003 |
testFuzz_tombBurnFrom |
Tomb burnFrom should:- Decrease User Balance
- Decrease Total Supply
TMF-004 |
testFuzz_tombTransferFrom |
Tomb transferFrom without autoCalculateTax & currentTaxRate == 0 should:- Decrease from User Balance
- Increase to User Balance
- Total Supply should remain the same
TMF-005 |
testFuzz_tombTaxTransferFrom |
Tomb transferFrom with autoCalculateTax should:- Decrease from User Balance
- Increase to User Balance
- Decrease Total Supply
TMF-006 |
testFuzz_tBondMint |
TBond mint should:- Increase User Balance
- Increase Total Supply
TMF-007 |
testFuzz_tBondBurn |
TBond burn should:- Decrease User Balance
- Decrease Total Supply
TMF-008 |
testFuzz_tBondBurnFrom |
TBond burnFrom should:- Decrease User Balance
- Decrease Total Supply
TMF-009 |
testFuzz_tombGenesisRewardPoolDeposit |
Depositing into TombGenesisRewardPool Should: - Update pool reward variables
- Decrease User bal of token
- Update User rewardDebt
- Increase user bal amount
TMF-010 |
testFuzz_tombGenesisRewardPoolWithdraw |
Withdrawing from TombGenesisRewardPool Should: - Update pool reward variables
- Increase User bal of token
- Update User rewardDebt
- Decrease user bal amount
TMF-011 |
testFuzz_tombGenesisRewardPoolEmergencyWithdraw |
Emergency withdrawing from TombGenesisRewardPool Should: - Increase User bal of token
- Decrease User rewardDebt
- Decrease user bal amount
TMF-012 |
testFuzz_tombGenesisRewardPooGovernanceRecoverUnsupported |
TombGenesisRewardPool Governance recover Should: - Decrease contract bal of token
- Increase to User bal of token
TMF-013 |
testFuzz_tombRewardPoolDeposit |
Depositing into TombRewardPool Should: - Update pool reward variables
- Decrease User bal of token
- Increase User rewardDebt
- Increase user bal amount
TMF-014 |
testFuzz_tombRewardPoolWithdraw |
Withdrawing from TombRewardPool Should: - Update pool reward variables
- Increase User bal of token
- Update User rewardDebt
- Decrease user bal amount
TMF-015 |
testFuzz_tombRewardPoolEmergencyWithdraw |
Emergency withdrawing from TombRewardPool Should: - Increase User bal of token
- Decrease User rewardDebt
- Decrease user bal amount
TMF-016 |
testFuzz_tombRewardPoolGovernanceRecoverUnsupported |
TombRewardPool Governance recover Should: - Decrease contract bal of token
- Increase to User bal of token
TMF-017 |
testFuzz_tShareRewardPoolDeposit |
Depositing into TShareRewardPool Should: - Update pool reward variables
- Decrease User bal of token
- Increase User rewardDebt
- Increase user bal amount
TMF-018 |
testFuzz_tShareRewardPoolWithdraw |
Withdrawing from TShareRewardPool Should: - Update pool reward variables
- Increase User bal of token
- Update User rewardDebt
- Decrease user bal amount
TMF-019 |
testFuzz_tShareRewardPoolEmergencyWithdraw |
Emergency withdrawing from TShareRewardPool Should: - Increase User bal of token
- Decrease User rewardDebt
- Decrease user bal amount
TMF-020 |
testFuzz_testFuzztShareRewardPoolGovernanceRecoverUnsupported |
TShareRewardPool Governance recover Should: - Decrease contract bal of token
- Increase to User bal of token
TMF-021 |
testFuzz_masonryStake |
Staking into Masonry Should: - Increase totalSupply
- Increase User staked bal
- Decrease User tBond amount
TMF-022 |
testFuzz_masonryWithdraw |
Depositing into Masonry Should: - Decrease totalSupply
- Decrease User staked bal
- Increase User tBond amount
TMF-023 |
testFuzz_masonryClaimReward |
Claiming reward from Masonry Should: - Decrease User Reward
- Increase tomb bal
- Update User epochTimerStart
TMF-024 |
testFuzz_masonryExit |
Exiting from Masonry Should: - Decrease totalSupply
- Decrease User staked bal
- Increase User tBond amount
TMF-025 |
testFuzz_masonryAllocateSeigniorage |
Masonry Allocate Seigniorage Should: - Update nextRPS
- Update time
- Decrease from User tomb bal
- Increase contracts tomb bal
TMF-026 |
testFuzz_masonryGovernanceRecoverUnsupported |
Masonry Governance recover Should: - Decrease contract bal of token
- Increase to User bal of token
TMF-027 |
testFuzz_treasuryBuyBonds |
Buying bonds from the Treasury Should: - Decrease User tomb bal
- Increase User tBond bal
- Decrease epochSupplyContractionLeft
TMF-028 |
testFuzz_treasuryRedeemBonds |
Redeeming bonds from the Treasury Should: - Decrease User tBond bal
- Increase User tomb bal
- Decrease epochSupplyContractionLeft
TMF-029 |
testFuzz_treasuryAllocateSeigniorage |
Treasury Allocate Seigniorage Should: - Update previousEpochTombPrice
- If
_savedForBond > 0 , increase contract tomb bal - If
_savedForMasonry > 0 && daoFundSharedPercent > 0 increase daoFund tomb bal - If
_savedForMasonry > 0 && devFundSharedPercent > 0 increase devFund tomb bal - Update masonry's allowance
TMF-030 |
testFuzz_treasuryGovernanceRecoverUnsupported |
Treasury Governance recover Should: - Decrease contract bal of token
- Increase to User bal of token
TMF-031 |
testFuzz_tShareClaimRewards |
tShare Claim rewards Should: - Increase totalSupply
- If
_pending > 0 && communityFund != address(0) increase communityFund tShare bal - If
_pending > 0 && devFund != address(0) increase devFund tShare bal
TMF-032 |
testFuzz_tShareBurn |
TShare Burn Should: - Decrease User Balance
- Decrease Total Supply
TMF-033 |
testFuzz_tShareGovernanceRecoverUnsupported |
Governance recover from TShare Should: - Decrease contract bal of token
- Increase to User bal of token