This repository contains example flows demonstrating features of the Solace Connector for Mulesoft
It contains the following flows:
- simplesenderlistener: Listen for and send messages - direct and guaranteed
- Using consume operation
- Request-reply with a responder service
- Manual Message Acknowledgement
- Complex message - JSON payload
For your reference of the documentation of the connector can be found at:
git clone
Follow the instructions to import an "Anypoint Studio Project from File System": Importing and Exporting Projects
Review the connector configuration(s) and adjust if necessary. The projects are configured to connect to a locally deployed broker that doesn;t require authentication such as deployed following the instructions for Using docker.
Then simply run the flow within the project and observe the console/log output in Anypoint Studio to verify the example is running. To do this open the Flow XML file in the project, right-click on the canvas and choose the "Run project [...]" menu option
This example uses simple text payloads. It contains three flows:
- directListener: a topic subscriber listening on topic
, this is configured in the inlinesubscriptions
element. You can add wild card subscriptions and add multiple subscriptions. - guaranteedListener: a queue consumer subscribing to queue
. The OnGuaranteedMessage node also sets a subscription to add to the queue -t/simple/direct
. The queue will be auto provisioned as theProvision Queue
property on theAdvanced
property sheet is set to "true". - simplesenderFlow: publishes a text message to
triggered periodically by the scheduler node.
How to verify it is working?
Messages received by the two listener flows are logged to the output with a prefix indicating the flow.
INFO 2020-07-22 18:08:46,861 [[MuleRuntime].cpuLight.23: [simplesenderlistener].directListener.CPU_LITE @b5ceadc] [event: fe9e4cc0-cc3d-11ea-96db-f018982a62eb] DIRECT-SOURCE - : Hello listeners
INFO 2020-07-22 18:08:46,861 [[MuleRuntime].cpuLight.22: [simplesenderlistener].guaranteedListener.CPU_LITE @6b663d69] [event: fe9ee900-cc3d-11ea-96db-f018982a62eb] GUARANTEED-SOURCE - : Hello listeners
This example uses simple text payloads.
It contains two flows:
- produceFlow - periodically sends a guaranteed message to queue -
. The queue will be auto provisioned as theProvision Queue
property on theAdvanced
property sheet is set to "true". - consumeFlow - periodically attempts to receive a message using the consume operation. Note that the scheduler has an initial delay to ensure a message is already enqueued when it's running for the first time.
How to verify it's working?
Message received by the consumeFlow are logged ot the console/log output:
INFO 2020-07-23 12:23:33,206 [[MuleRuntime].io.11: [consume].consumeFlow.BLOCKING @2480d044] [event: f1510d71-ccd6-11ea-a970-f018982a62eb] CONSUME OPERATION - : Hello Consume
Demonstrates request-reply with direct messaging.
This example uses simple text payloads.
It contains two flows:
- responderFlow: listens for messages on a topic
, logs the message received and sends a response message to a requestor. Note that thePublish direct
operation assigns the topic and correlation id from the metadata of the received message so the message is routed to the requestor. It also makrs the message as a reply. - requestFlow: periodically sends a request and attempts to receive a response. The process logs the response received from
How to verify it's working?
The requestFlow
logs the reponse it receives, the responderFlow
logs the request it receives before sending a response.
You will observe logging in the console/log output similar to this:
INFO 2020-07-23 12:30:13,760 [[MuleRuntime].cpuLight.22: [requestreply].responderFlow.CPU_LITE @f48751b] [event: e012e0f0-ccd7-11ea-94f4-f018982a62eb] RESPONDER - : Hello responder
INFO 2020-07-23 12:30:13,764 [[MuleRuntime].io.11: [requestreply].requestFlow.BLOCKING @4ae4b7bc] [event: e0126bc1-ccd7-11ea-94f4-f018982a62eb] REQUESTOR - : This is the response
Demonstrates manually acknowledging messages.
This example uses simple text payloads.
Please inspect the connector configuguration's Endpoint Consumer
tab - the acknowledgement mode is set to MANUAL_CLIENT
It contains two flows:
- manualackFlow: listens for guaranteed messages on queue
, it's set to "Auto provision" queue. The process first logs that it receives a message, then waits for 4 seconds, logs that it acknowledges the message and acks the message, then logs the message payload. - publishFlow: publishes a message periodically (every 30 seconds)
How to verify it's working?
On every message the manualackFlow
writes the followng entries into the log - note that the "Got a message" and "acking message" log entries will be around 4 seconds apart as outlined above:
INFO 2020-07-23 13:23:03,129 [[MuleRuntime].cpuLight.21: [manualack].manualackFlow.CPU_LITE @47b98f2c] [event: 412a3580-ccdf-11ea-98f0-f018982a62eb] MANUALACK - : Got a message
INFO 2020-07-23 13:23:07,130 [[MuleRuntime].cpuLight.21: [manualack].manualackFlow.CPU_LITE @47b98f2c] [event: 412a3580-ccdf-11ea-98f0-f018982a62eb] MANUALACK - : Acking message
INFO 2020-07-23 13:23:07,132 [[MuleRuntime].io.11: [manualack].manualackFlow.BLOCKING @1ed230b5] [event: 412a3580-ccdf-11ea-98f0-f018982a62eb] MANUALACK - : A guaranteed message
You can monitor the queue in the Solace admin UI and should be able to observe a message in the queu if you check straight when "Got a message" was logged.
Demonstrates a process with a JSON message and how this can be easily serialised and de-serialised.
It contains two flows:
- jsonSendFlow: this process runs periodically, sets a JSON payload and then publishes it as a direct message. Note:
- The
Set Payload
node specifies the json payload -{"greeting": "hello","name": "solace"}
and sets the MIME type toapplication\json
. It's payload output metadat is set to aHelloWorld
message type which represents the schema of the JSON payload. Publish direct
uses the payload created bySet Payload
as its message body. It doesn't specify a MIME type and sends it tot/json/greeting
. The metadata of the input payload is set to theHelloWorld
type described above.
- The
- jsonListenerFlow: triggered on receipt of a message on the topic
. The metadata of the output payload ofOnDirectMessage
is also set to theHelloMessage
type. TheLogger
outputs the name attribute of the JSON message.
How to verify it's working?
On every message jsonListenerFlow
outputs the name
attribute of the JSON payload received:
INFO 2020-07-23 13:35:50,946 [[MuleRuntime].cpuLight.15: [jsonmessage].jsonListenerFlow.CPU_LITE @560e1345] [event: 0ad1a200-cce1-11ea-86ea-f018982a62eb] greeting to: solace