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STS 98 - Lecture 2016.05.12

See notes.R to follow along in RStudio.

Once again, I forgot to save the R session.

However, here's some additional notes on mapping.


(5/17) Guest Speakers: Triage Consulting

CL Apartments data is now available as separate CSV files (by region).



The maps in the maps package are not very detailed, especially outside the US. What if you want to use other maps?

Get more maps online!

A shapefile (extension .shp) is a format for map data. Other formats are also used, but shapefiles are the most popular.

Most shapefiles are actually a collection of files that include shapes on the map and additional information.

The rgdal package has functions for loading shapefiles into R. However, to use rgdal you must install the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL).

I've converted the US Census shapefiles into RDS files for you.

R represents map data with the class SpatialPolygonsDataFrame.

county = readRDS("data/maps/shp_county.rds")


Use the names() function to see if any additional information is included.


Map data can be displayed directly with the plot() function.


place = readRDS("data/maps/shp_place.rds")

Region names are listed in the NAME column.

Take a subset to restrict to a specific region!

sfbay = c("San Francisco", "Alameda")
sf_county = subset(county, NAME %in% sfbay)

sf_place = subset(place, county %in% sfbay)
plot(sf_place, add = T)

# Change border colors with plot.
plot(sf_county, border = "red")
plot(sf_place, add = T)

# Alternative: change border colors with map.
map(sf_county, col = "red")
plot(sf_place, add = T)

You can also use other maps functions with the shapefiles:

map.scale(metric = F)

Data Cleaning - Outliers

How can we tell if price and odometer are related?

v = readRDS("cl_vehicles.rds")
plot(price ~ odometer, v)


# Turn off scientific notation.
options(scipen = 999)


An outlier is a point that's far away from most of the other data.

In fact, outliers are suspicious because of this. They could be due to errors when the data was measured or recorded.

There's no specific definition for "far away"!

Sometimes people label outliers as any points:

  • more than 1.5 IQRs below 25th or above 75th quantile

  • more than 3 standard deviations above or below the mean

You can use the scale() function to compute how many standard deviations a point is from the mean.



These definitions don't work in every situation. Always make a plot to see what's going on first.


How can you handle outliers?

First, try to use other covariates to determine whether the outliers are valid data or errors.

index = which.max(v$price)
v[index, ]

When an outlier is valid, keep it.

You can adjust the x and y limits on plots as needed to "ignore" the outlier, but make sure to mention it in any analysis you do.

When an outlier is not valid, first try to correct it.

Try to:

  • Correct with a different covariate from the same observation.

  • Estimate with a location statistic (mean, median) based on "similar" observations. This is called imputation.

For the vehicles data, we can use the text covariate.

v[index, "price"] = 32000

If other covariates don't help with correction, try external sources.

If you can't correct the outlier but know it's invalid, replace it with a missing value (NA).

indexes = order(v$price, decreasing = T)
v[indexes[1], ]
v[indexes[2], ]
v[indexes[3], ]

plot(density(v$price, na.rm = T))

Before we go back to the original question, let's take a detour...

Data Cleaning - Missing Values

Examining outliers and missing values are both data cleaning steps.

R represents missing values as NA.


table($price), v$fuel)

# Two packages for missing values: mice, VIM

Missing values can be:

  • missing not at random (MNAR) - causes bias!

  • missing at random (MAR)

When values are missing not at random, the cause for missingness depends on other covariates. These covariates may or may not be in the data set. Think of this as a form of censorship.

For example, if people in a food survey refuse to report how much sugar they ate on days where they ate junk food, data is missing not at random.

When values are missing at random, the cause for missingness is not related to any of the other covariates. This is rare in practice.

For example, if people in a food survey accidentally overlook some questions.

Values MNAR can bias your analysis! Just like error values, missing values can sometimes be corrected or imputed:

  • Correct whenever possible, for values MNAR or MAR.

  • Impute values MNAR. Imputed values can also bias your analysis, so it's often better not to impute values MAR.

If you need to remove a missing value, subset with !

v_no_na_price = subset(v, !

Using na.omit() is less precise because it removes rows that have a missing value in ANY column. Lots of information gets lost!!!

v_no_na = na.omit(v)


na_detector = function(col) {table(}
sapply(v, na_detector)

Statistics - Correlation

Back to the question: how can we tell if price and odometer are related?

plot(price ~ odometer, v)

smoothScatter(v$odometer, v$price, 1000, xlim = c(0, 5e5), ylim = c(0, 1e5),
  asp = 1)

Set asp = 1 to make sure 1 unit on the x-axis corresponds to 1 unit on the y-axis.

Think about what the appropriate aspect ratio is for your particular data.

Q: How can I fit a line?

A: Use the lm() function. The name stands for "linear model".

line = lm(price ~ odometer, v)
# Add the line to the plot. a is intercept, b is slope.