Explicit implementation of the backward pass is technically not necessarry due to Eisner's paper (also see Torch-Struct). However, running dynamic programming in Pytorch is computationally expensive especially for long sequences such as speech.
This repo provides a C++ kernel of the HMM layer, gradients are computed with batched message passing algorithm (also known as forward-backward).
To build C++ extension, run:
python setup.py install
The Pytorch interface is defined in hmm_forward.py
import torch
from hmm_forward import HMMForward
device = torch.device("cuda")
batch = 2
time = 5
num_states = 10
lengths = torch.tensor([3, 5], device=device, dtype=torch.int64)
mask_pad = torch.tensor(
[[1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1]], device=device)
# prepare potential (can be replaced with neural nets)
emission = -1 * torch.randn(batch, time, num_states, num_states,
device=device, requires_grad=True).pow(2)
transition = torch.randn(batch, time, num_states, num_states,
potential = emission + transition
# forward
mask_pad = mask_pad.view(batch, time, 1, 1)
log_partition = HMMForward.apply(potential, lengths, mask_pad)
loss = - log_partition.sum()
More examples will be added.
Benchmarked on a single NVIDIA 1080 Ti. The improvements are more pronounced when running on longer sequences.
Forward pass:
Batch=8, N=50 | hmm-backprop | Pytorch |
L=100 | 30.6 ms | 39.3 ms |
L=500 | 118.0 ms | 145.5 ms |
L=1000 | 185.3 ms | 270.0 ms |
L=2000 | 339.9 ms | 526.3 ms |
L=3000 | 486.1 ms | 800.5 ms |
Backward pass:
Batch=8, N=50 | hmm-backprop | Pytorch |
L=100 | 37.4 ms | 55.2 ms |
L=500 | 141.8 ms | 368.2 ms |
L=1000 | 224.2 ms | 1528.4 ms |
L=2000 | 397.1 ms | 6680.4 ms |
L=3000 | 566.5 ms | 13962.0 ms |
title={Learning Dependencies of Discrete Speech Representations with Neural Hidden Markov Models},
author={Yeh, Sung-Lin and Tang, Hao},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.16659},