- State “DONE” from [2020-01-13 Mon 01:53]
- State “DONE” from [2020-01-13 Mon 01:53]
- State “DONE” from [2020-01-13 Mon 01:53]
- State “DONE” from [2020-01-13 Mon 01:53]
Killing the sexp by Ctrl-k (paredit-kill не годится, так как надо возвращать курсор на следующий sexp)
- State “DONE” from [2020-01-13 Mon 01:53]
Raising by “r” (paredit не годится так как неправильно райзит на левой скобке и не умеет райзить всё)
- State “DONE” from [2020-01-13 Mon 01:53]
- State “DONE” from [2020-01-13 Mon 01:53]
- State “DONE” from [2020-01-13 Mon 01:53]
- State “DONE” from [2020-01-13 Mon 01:53]
This should also keep all comments and reindent them. Original Lispy raises not all children, but only from the current one and further.
- State “DONE” from [2020-01-13 Mon 01:53]
- State “DONE” from “STARTED” [2020-01-13 Mon 06:29]
- State “STARTED” from “TODO” [2020-01-13 Mon 05:58]
- State “DONE” from “STARTED” [2020-01-13 Mon 19:26]
- State “STARTED” from “TODO” [2020-01-13 Mon 06:30]
Replace C-w backward-delete-word may be on the base of the paredit-backward-delete (it deletes one character at a time
Lem’s paredit does not support slurping and barfing which moves the left paren of the sexp. But Emacs’s does (if i remember correctly). Probably it should be implemented in the Paredit first.
but should be on the last paren of the raised sexp.
There will be a problem if you raise a doooom:
(make-instanse 'dooooom)
(make-instanse 'basdsad))