Write more generic test cases with mocks
Write incredibly basic test cases
- EVO: Done
- Rusty: Done
- CRW: Done
- Die Bahnwelt
- Brandish 2
- Pass disks as command line argument
- Pass disk as subdirectory
- Target disk with SJIS filename
- Pass read-only disk
Better failure when trying to insert a file after deleting
- meunierd suggested "So I think the way it works now is something like: BACKUP, ATTEMPT, FAIL, RESTORE FROM BACKUP // But what might be more durable is to BACKUP, APPLY TO BACKUP, and just clean up if we fail // and overwrite if we succeed"
Check out NDC on Touhou games
- The directory 5_怪綺談 gets mangled into (null) on Mac but not Windows...
- Possibly a bug in ndc. Works in ND, NDC Win, but not NDC Mac
- The directory 5_怪綺談 gets mangled into (null) on Mac but not Windows...
Investigate silent failure on Estonian locale system
- Last thing in log: "INFO:root:"C:\Users\fushi\Dropbox\46\46\bin\ndc" G "C:\Users\fushi\Dropbox\46\46\46 Okunen Monogatari - The Shinkaron.hdi" 0 "OPENING.EXE" "C:\Users\fushi\Dropbox\46\46"
Those tests are rather slow. It's about 4s for a speedrun of pachy98
- Would be faster with mocked disks
Windows XP + Vista support? Need to try building it on an XP system
- Pyinstaller does support XP.
- Windows builds
- Need to make builds on Windows 7 or earlier. Earliest offered by Appveyor is Windows Server 2012.
- Mac builds
- Travis CI can't use Python on Mac.
- Linux builds
- Could probably use Travis but haven't tried yet.