Is not required to Unlock the Bootloader of Your Device or ROOT your Device ;)
For rooted devices=
Download F-Droid on your Android, open it, search Termux, and install it.
Free Storage Space = 33.37 GB
Now open Termux, steps 1, and 2, need to be executed in an independent Termux session, for that just slide from left to right in Termux to see the option. "New Session"
The below documentation is an improvement of this one:
pkg update -y && pkg upgrade -y && pkg install termux-tools net-tools iproute2 unstable-repo root-repo x11-repo -y
termux-wake-lock && export PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin && export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin
pkg update && pkg install unstable-repo root-repo x11-repo -y && apt update && apt install ruby neofetch coreutils busybox screenfetch vim nano python python-pip nodejs git openssh -y && screenfetch && pkg update -y && pkg upgrade -y && pkg install python python2 ruby git php perl nmap bash which neofetch clang nano figlet cowsay curl tar zip unzip tor tsu wget wcalc openssl bmon -y && pkg update -y && pkg upgrade -y && cp $(which pip) $PREFIX/bin/pip3 && neofetch && pkg install wget openssl-tool proot -y && neofetch && wget -O install-nethunter-termux && chmod +x install-nethunter-termux && ./install-nethunter-termux
sudo sed -i '/nameserver^/#/' /etc/resolv.conf && echo -e "nameserver\nnameserver\n\n# Round Robin\noptions rotate" | sudo tee -a /etc/resolv.conf
echo "deb kali-rolling main contrib non-free non-free-firmware" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list
Specialized Scripts to get CVE's details with Nmap & Metasploit
sudo apt update -y && sudo apt full-upgrade -y --allow-downgrades && sudo apt install neofetch screenfetch git -y && neofetch screenfetch && sudo gem install lolcat nokogiri bundle rails && sudo apt-get autoclean && sudo apt install -f && sudo apt -f install && sudo apt autoremove -y && sudo apt-get clean cache && sudo dpkg --configure -a && cd && neofetch && sudo apt update -y && sudo apt full-upgrade -y --allow-downgrades && cd && neofetch && apt install git neofetch screenfetch -y && cd /usr/share/nmap/scripts && git clone && git clone && cd vulscan/utilities/updater/ && chmod +x && ./ && neofetch && sudo pip install --no-cache-dir -U crcmod && sudo apt-get install python2 python2-dev python-dev-is-python3 python3 python3-pip python3-dev python3-setuptools nmap metasploit-framework asciinema steghide radare2 mtr firmware-realtek net-tools wpasupplicant kali-tools-passwords wireless-tools -y && screenfetch && bash <(wget -qO- && neofetch && sudo apt-get autoclean && sudo apt install -f && sudo apt install neofetch -y && sudo apt -f install && sudo apt autoremove -y && apt-get clean cache && sudo apt update && sudo apt-get autoclean && apt-get clean cache && sudo apt update && sudo apt update -y && neofetch
sudo apt install -y kali-linux-default && sudo apt full-upgrade -y --allow-downgrades && cd && neofetch && apt-get autoclean && apt install -f && apt -f install && apt autoremove -y && apt-get clean cache && apt update && apt-get autoclean && apt-get clean cache && apt update && apt update -y && apt full-upgrade -y --allow-downgrades && dpkg --configure -a && cd && neofetch
if [ ! -d "/usr/share/wordlists" ]; then sudo mkdir /usr/share/wordlists; fi && \
[ -d "/usr/share/wordlists" ] && { sudo mv /usr/share/wordlists /usr/share/wordlists_bck || true; } && \
git clone /usr/share/wordlists && \
[ -d "/usr/share/wordlists_bck" ] && { cd /usr/share/wordlists_bck/ && sudo mv * -u -f /usr/share/wordlists/ || true; } && \
cd /usr/share/ && git clone /usr/share/SecLists && cd && neofetch
The db_nmap sessions will be saved in XML so you can restart an early scan using
To resume previus Metasploit session commands is here:
db_nmap --resume /root/.msf4/local/file.xml
The history of Metasploit commands is here:
update-rc.d postgresql enable && update-rc.d nginx enable && service postgresql start
su postgres
createuser root -P
createdb —owner=root msfdb
Close Terminal
Open a new terminal as a normal user, verify that services are running, and initiate the database of Metasploit Framework 5.
service --status-all
It's time to open Metasploit Framework 5 (Works in Kali Linux and Ubuntu Cosmic)
neofetch && msfdb init && /opt/metasploit-framework/bin/./msfconsole
(for repair use "msfdb reinit")
load nexpose
load nessus
workspace -a ad
setg Prompt x(%whi%H/%grn%U/%whi%L%grn%D/%whi%T/%grn%W/%whiS%S/%grnJ%J)
setg ConsoleLogging y
setg LogLevel 5
setg SessionLogging y
setg TimestampOutput true
Make a backup each time that you need each one of your workspaces separately
db_export -f xml /root/msfuExported.xml
Importing a file from an earlier scan (This is done using db_import followed by the path to our file.)
db_import /root/msfu/nmapScan
For display help for the individual scripts use this option
To get an easy list of the installed scripts, use
locate nse | grep nmap