This query combines multiple malicious activities that have been performed by a compromised device into one query. This query can be used to get a quick overview if more malicious activities have been performed on a device. The data that is queries does mostly not trigger an incident itself. The data that is included in the query:
- ASR Triggers
- SmartScreen Events
- Antivirus Detections
- Tampering Detections
- Exploit Guard Triggers
- AMSI Events
In order for this query to succesfully execute the CompromisedDevice needs to be changed to the compromised device you want to investigate.
let CompromisedDevice = "laptop1";
let SearchWindow = 48h; //Customizable h = hours, d = days
// Collect all ASR triggers from the compromised device
let ASREvents = DeviceEvents
| where Timestamp > ago(SearchWindow)
| where DeviceName == CompromisedDevice
| where ActionType startswith "ASR"
| project Timestamp,ActionType, FileName, FolderPath, ProcessCommandLine, InitiatingProcessCommandLine, AccountDomain, AccountName;
// Collect all SmartScreen events from the compromised device
let SmartScreenEvents = DeviceEvents
| where Timestamp > ago(SearchWindow)
| where DeviceName == CompromisedDevice
| where ActionType in ('SmartScreenAppWarning', 'SmartScreenUrlWarning')
| extend SmartScreenTrigger = iff(ActionType == "SmartScreenUrlWarning", RemoteUrl, FileName), ReasonForTrigger = parse_json(AdditionalFields).Experience
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, ActionType, SmartScreenTrigger, ReasonForTrigger, InitiatingProcessCommandLine;
// List all AV detections from the compromised device
let AntivirusDetections = DeviceEvents
| where Timestamp > ago(SearchWindow)
| where DeviceName == CompromisedDevice
| where ActionType == "AntivirusDetection"
| extend ThreatName = tostring(parse_json(AdditionalFields).ThreatName)
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, ActionType, ThreatName, FileName, FolderPath, SHA1, InitiatingProcessAccountSid;
// List all tampering actions from a compromised device
let TamperingAttempts = DeviceEvents
| where Timestamp > ago(SearchWindow)
| where DeviceName == CompromisedDevice
| where ActionType == "TamperingAttempt"
| extend TamperingAction = tostring(parse_json(AdditionalFields).TamperingAction), Status = tostring(parse_json(AdditionalFields).Status), Target = tostring(parse_json(AdditionalFields).Target)
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, ActionType, TamperingAction, Status, Target, InitiatingProcessCommandLine;
// List all exploit guard events
let ExploitGuardEvents = DeviceEvents
| where Timestamp > ago(SearchWindow)
| where DeviceName == CompromisedDevice
| where ActionType startswith "ExploitGuard"
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, ActionType, FileName, FolderPath, RemoteUrl;
// List all amsi events
let AMSIEvents = DeviceEvents
| where Timestamp > ago(SearchWindow)
| where DeviceName == CompromisedDevice
| where ActionType contains "Amsi"
| extend Description = tostring(parse_json(AdditionalFields).Description)
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, ActionType, Description, FolderPath;
// Combine all results into one output
(union isfuzzy=true
| sort by Timestamp
let CompromisedDevice = "laptop1";
let SearchWindow = 48h; //Customizable h = hours, d = days
// Collect all ASR triggers from the compromised device
let ASREvents = DeviceEvents
| where TimeGenerated > ago(SearchWindow)
| where DeviceName == CompromisedDevice
| where ActionType startswith "ASR"
| project TimeGenerated,ActionType, FileName, FolderPath, ProcessCommandLine, InitiatingProcessCommandLine, AccountDomain, AccountName;
// Collect all SmartScreen events from the compromised device
let SmartScreenEvents = DeviceEvents
| where TimeGenerated > ago(SearchWindow)
| where DeviceName == CompromisedDevice
| where ActionType in ('SmartScreenAppWarning', 'SmartScreenUrlWarning')
| extend SmartScreenTrigger = iff(ActionType == "SmartScreenUrlWarning", RemoteUrl, FileName), ReasonForTrigger = parse_json(AdditionalFields).Experience
| project TimeGenerated, DeviceName, ActionType, SmartScreenTrigger, ReasonForTrigger, InitiatingProcessCommandLine;
// List all AV detections from the compromised device
let AntivirusDetections = DeviceEvents
| where TimeGenerated > ago(SearchWindow)
| where DeviceName == CompromisedDevice
| where ActionType == "AntivirusDetection"
| extend ThreatName = tostring(parse_json(AdditionalFields).ThreatName)
| project TimeGenerated, DeviceName, ActionType, ThreatName, FileName, FolderPath, SHA1, InitiatingProcessAccountSid;
// List all tampering actions from a compromised device
let TamperingAttempts = DeviceEvents
| where TimeGenerated > ago(SearchWindow)
| where DeviceName == CompromisedDevice
| where ActionType == "TamperingAttempt"
| extend TamperingAction = tostring(parse_json(AdditionalFields).TamperingAction), Status = tostring(parse_json(AdditionalFields).Status), Target = tostring(parse_json(AdditionalFields).Target)
| project Timestamp, DeviceName, ActionType, TamperingAction, Status, Target, InitiatingProcessCommandLine;
// List all exploit guard events
let ExploitGuardEvents = DeviceEvents
| where TimeGenerated > ago(SearchWindow)
| where DeviceName == CompromisedDevice
| where ActionType startswith "ExploitGuard"
| project TimeGenerated, DeviceName, ActionType, FileName, FolderPath, RemoteUrl;
// List all amsi events
let AMSIEvents = DeviceEvents
| where TimeGenerated > ago(SearchWindow)
| where DeviceName == CompromisedDevice
| where ActionType contains "Amsi"
| extend Description = tostring(parse_json(AdditionalFields).Description)
| project TimeGenerated, DeviceName, ActionType, Description, FolderPath;
// Combine all results into one output
(union isfuzzy=true
| sort by TimeGenerated