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previous method (that ran from around 2005 to 2021). There are six sub-accounts: - Income: A spending account (checking) where all money received from third-parties goes; this starts the flow before money is transferred to the other accounts. -- Profit: A savings account where a certain percentage of the money coming in goes; this is for emergencies and extended runway. +- Cash Reserves: A savings account where a certain percentage of the money coming in goes; this is for emergencies and extended runway. - Taxes: A savings account where a certain percentage of the money coming in goes; this is to prepare for possibly owing taxes each year. - Operating Expenses: A spending account where a percentage of money goes; this is for paying bills. - Runway: A savings account where a percentage of money goes; this is used to prepare for future expenses and emergencies. @@ -48,21 +48,27 @@ The Operating Expenses and Investing Pass-through accounts don't earn dividends, ## Categories -I've seen folks use accounting software and have a category for every little thing. Further, some accounting software comes with a set of starter categories. I prefer additive systems over subtractive systems. +Categories in accounting software can quickly turn into the problem I’ve seen categories and tagging in the blogosphere and project management tools; every transaction needing its own category. This approach can quickly lead to overwhelm as, across the entire income and expenses ledger, each purchase garners only a few percentage points. This hides more useful metrics. -With an additive system you start with bare bones constraints and setup; then add on what you need to do what you need and want to do. With a subtractive system you are given everything and the kitchen sink up front, just in case you need it. +With this in mind, I prefer additive systems over subtractive systems. -In my [coaching practice](/coaching/) I've realized that the kitchen sink approach can often lead to an invisible hand that drives people to find ways to use capabilities of the system even if they don't need them: +Additive systems start with bare bones constraints and setup; then you add what you need when you need to. With subtractive systems you're given everything and the kitchen sink up front, just in case you need it later. + +In my [coaching practice](/coaching/) I've realized that the kitchen sink approach can lead to an invisible hand driving people to find ways to use capabilities of the system even if they don't need them: > Why are we doing X? Because we can. Anyhoo. -I want to have a minimal set of categories. This makes it easier for me to remember which categories exist and tends to give me enough information to visualize income and expenses quickly. Because systems come with some more accounting standard categories I don't want to delete the initial set either. Enter the workaround; prefix the categories you use with a special character—I use the hyphen (-). +I want a minimal set of categories. This makes it easier for me to remember which categories exist and tends to give me enough information to visualize income and expenses quickly. + +Instead of `Phone - landline` and `Phone - mobile`, I have `Electronics`. The bills for purchasing electronic equipment (like a cellphone) fall under this category. The bills for services that make these tools function (service and internet, for example), fall under this category. One category covering a lot of ground and making it easier to see the impact of all my electronics, regardless of a particular service needed to make it function the way it was intended. -So, if I see a category of `Fuel`, I know I don't use that category, because it doesn't start with a hyphen. If I see a category of `- Food` on the other hand, I know I use that one. +Unfortunately, for me at least, most accounting software come with a bunch of categories, just in case you need it. Enter the workaround; prefix the categories you use with a special character—I use the hyphen (-). -Prefixing with a special character is also something of a computer hack. When software is used to sort a list of items symbols tend to come before number, which come before letters. +So, if I see a category of `Fuel`, I know I don't use that category, because it doesn't start with a hyphen. And, I may never use it even if I had a car; refueling might go under `- Transportation`, along with the car payments. If I wanted to track fuel specifically, I might rename the provided `Fuel` to `- Transportation - fuel`, for example. Then, if I decide to stop tracking fuel as a separate deal, I'd just stop using that category. + +Prefixing with a special character is something of a computer hack. When software is used to sort a list of items symbols tend to come before numbers, which come before letters. So, when the dropdown is expanded in my accounting app, the categories that start with the hyphen are at the top of the list: @@ -72,12 +78,133 @@ Apples Fuel ``` -This means I can quickly scan down through the list of categories I actually use before scanning of the categories that have never been used or are no longer being used (more on this in a moment). +This means I can quickly scan down through the list of categories I use before scanning the unused or no longer being used categories (more on this in a moment). + +When I first set up the accounting app, I created a `Miscellaneous expenses` category and a `Miscellaneous revenue` category (I won't use the hyphenated versions for the purposes of these inline examples). Then I went through and reconciled a single month. With each transaction I asked myself if this was something I want to track specifically; that's where the `Food` category came from. As I continued reconciling though, I decided I want to track dining out separately, which is where the `Food - dining` category came from. + +As of this writing I smoke tobacco and walk to convenience stores every couple of days to get a pack of cigarettes and snacks. I could categorize this as `Food` because of the snacks, but both are actually conveniences that could be cut from my life, if needed. So, I created a `Habits - tobacco` category and another for `Food - snacks`. The `Habits - tobacco` category lets me track spending specific to that habit. + +For things I don't buy often, like clothes, I can use the `Miscellaneous expenses` category. For things I spend regularly on, I can create a different category. + +## Distributions + +Every paycheck, or every two weeks, I redistribute money; I only post here on the first and fifteenth though. + +### Establishing the baseline + +I don't remember the resource or resources I pulled this idea from. It goes like this, there are three types of expenses: + +1. basic, +2. utility, and +3. convenience. + +Basic expenses are those things that are required and tend to be fixed; keeping the lights on expenses. For example, house payments or rent. + +Utility are expenses that are required, however, may be less required than what you consider basic. Further, you have some control over how much you spend without changing providers or the item itself. For example, electricity, food, and taxes. + +Convenience are expenses that add to your life and could be cut or reduced. For example, insurance on electronics and some subscription services. + +Capture all of these expenses along with: + +1. how much the expense will be (even if an estimate), +2. how many paychecks will be received between payments, and +3. which type of expense it is. + +And do this for each recurring expense. + +I have a cellphone I believe needs to be replaced every 4 or 5 years. The phone will be around 800 [.United States Dollars](USD), I will receive roughly 120 paychecks between replacements, and it's a basic expense. It's a basic expense because I consider communication to be a requirement though I do have some flexibility in what phone I purchase, I plan on purchasing the same or similar phone. The affordance of being able to make and receive phone calls is the requirement. + +Coupled to the cellphone, I have a service plan. The amount is roughly 35 USD per month, I will receive roughly 2 paycheck between charges, and it's a basic expense. + +I need food to survive. I spend anywhere from 50 to 70 USD per week on food, I'll receive 0.5 paychecks between replenishments, and I consider it a utility expense. I consider food to be a utility expense because within some range, I have the ability to control how much I spend per week on food; coupons, sales, member card discounts, and so on. + +In 2021 I spent 1,750 USD on tobacco products for the year, I will receive roughly 26 paychecks in a year, and I consider tobacco products to be a convenience expense. + +Once you've got enough in place to have seated the habit, determine how much per paycheck you'll set aside for each expense and where you'll put it. + +If I'm planning to need the money in one year or less, I'll put it into the Runway account. Any longer than that, it will typically go into an investment account of some sort; usually a pretty conservative or risk parity blend. + +The goal here is to know, roughly, what your minimum living expenses could be and establish a priority should things go pear-shaped. + +For example, at present I have a laptop and a desktop computer. I set aside a certain amount per paycheck to replace both of them. I consider the laptop to be a utility expense while the desktop is a convenience. If things go sideways and it comes time to replace one, the other, or both, chances are I'd only replace the laptop. All of the money set aside for the smooth operation of my electronic hardware is placed in a conservative investment account because I plan on keeping each device for roughly 5 years. + +### Preparing for known future expenses + +With the aforementioned in place and money squirreled away to cover those known expenses, I'm ready to figure out distributions using [Wave](https://www.waveapps.com) to create a plan. + +Every paycheck, I sum the total balance of each credit card I have and each bill that is due immediately. I make sure the Operating Expenses account will be left at around 100 USD after paying each credit card and bill. Sometimes this will require moving money from the Runway account; usually when paying rent or purchasing the item I had been preparing for. + +I sum all the partial payments for known future expenses due within the next 12 months and put that in the Runway account. + +I sum all future known expenses that will be due after 12 months or more and put those into the conservative securities I have for each. + +That covers short-term needs. + +### Preparing for unknown future expenses + +Making sure I can keep the lights on out of the way, time to move on to preparing for the known unknowns. (This could be called preparing for retirement.) + +My employer is responsible for paying the majority of my taxes for me, however, I do generate extra income from various sources including dividends on savings and investments. Therefore, I always want to make sure I'm putting a bit aside to cover the possibility of owing taxes. As of this writing, I have 2 percent of each check going to the Tax account. + +For cash reserves I have at least 100 USD and up to the maximum established by the portfolio asset allocations. + +Whatever remains goes toward the taxable brokerage account and Roth Individual Retirement Account. + +## Transferring from the Tax account + +The maximum transfer is 80 percent of the available balance. Transfers are made to the Cash Reserves account. The following criteria must be met: + +1. taxes for the year were filed and accepted by the Government; and +2. if money is owed, it was paid out of the Tax account and received by the Government; or +3. if a refund is expected, it was received and deposited to the Income account and transferred to the Tax account. + +This move puts money back into circulation within the system; see next section. + +If money is owed, the amount sent to the Tax account must be increased by at least 1 percent. + +If money is owed, and there isn't enough in the Tax account to cover the amount, cash should be withdrawn from the accounts in the following order: + +1. Cash Reserves, +2. Runway. + +If more money is needed, something has gone horribly wrong and you should be consulting with accountants and attorneys. + +## Spending cash reserves + +Cash reserves are different than an emergency fund in that cash reserves are there for times of opportunity while emergency funds are there for times of strife. + +A portion of each paycheck is set aside for cash reserves; not to exceed the maximum cash reserve percent and it cannot cause the proportion of cash in the portfolio to go over the maximum cash. + +The following events open the possibility of spending cash reserves (or not setting aside a percentage): + +
+Too much cash + +Barring extenuating circumstances (like owing thousands of dollars), if the balance of cash reserves causes the cash portion of the portfolio to be higher than the maximum established, cash may be immediately spent to buy a single security in the portfolio. + +
+ +
+90 day cool down + +If it’s been 90 days since the last spend from cash reserves, up to 50 percent of the cash reserves balance can be used to buy a single security in the portfolio. + +
+ +
+Buying a dip + +If the current price of a security is 3–30 percent less than the average of the 52 week high and low, cash reserves may be used to purchase that security. + +The percent of cash reserves that may be used is equal to the percent the security is down. -When I first set up the accounting app, I created a `Miscellaneous expenses` category and a `Miscellaneous revenue` category (I won't use the hyphenated versions for the purposes of these inline examples). Then I went through and reconciled a single month. With each transaction I asked myself if this was something I want to track specifically; that's where the `Food` category came from. As I continued reconciling though, I decided I want to track dining out separately, which is where the `Food - dining` came from. +For example, if the security is down 5 percent, you may use up to 5 percent of the cash reserves to purchase the single security. -As of this writing I still smoke tobacco and walk to convenience stores every couple of days to get cigarettes and snacks. I could categorize this as `Food` because of the snacks, but both are actually luxuries that could be cut from my life, if needed. So, I created a `Habits - tobacco` category and another for `Food - snacks`. The `Habits - tobacco` category lets me track spending specific to that habit. +
-For things I don't buy very often, like clothes, I can just use the `Miscellaneous expenses` category. For things I spend regularly on, I can create a different category. For example, I pay rent regularly, it gets flagged as `Housing`. This is also where other bills related to the apartment go; like electricity, water, internet, and so on. If I want to track something specifically, I can create a different category. When I no longer feel like tracking that specific element, I can stop using the category. +Constraints on how cash reserves may be spent: -For example, in early 2021 thanks to the `Food - dining` category I learned I spent thousands of dollars dining out; this was way more than my tobacco habit, in fact. For someone who's not into food this is excessive. So, in 2022, I decided to adjust both `Food - dining` and `Food - snacks`. If both of those categories become small enough, I'll stop using them. \ No newline at end of file +1. Each spend can only be used to purchase one security. +2. Purchasing the security cannot put the portfolio out of balance. +3. There must be at least 7 days between spends, regardless of event timings. +4. If the current price of a security is 30 percent or more less than the average of the 52 week high and low, cash reserves cannot be used to purchase that security. diff --git a/content/public/finances/building-wealth-paycheck-to-paycheck/20220201/content.md b/content/public/finances/building-wealth-paycheck-to-paycheck/20220201/content.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6f2a917f --- /dev/null +++ b/content/public/finances/building-wealth-paycheck-to-paycheck/20220201/content.md @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +--- +title: February 1st, 2022 paycheck +created: 20220201 +data: +- [Debt, 0, 1, 0.8] +- [Cash, 5, 10, 7.1] +- [Low correlation, 0, 1, 0.9] +- [Negative correlation, 0, 1, 0.9] +- [US equities - small, 24, 35, 27.7] +- [US equities - mid, 24, 35, 25.9] +- [US equities - large, 24, 35, 36.5] +fi-experiments: +# label, current, previous, start +- [0.0, 41.76, 45.19, 47.71] +- [0.2, 38.78, 41.68, 43.83] +- [0.4, 39.12, 41.73, 43.74] +- [0.6, 39.38, 41.75, 43.54] +- [0.8, 39.81, 41.84, 43.36] +- [1.0, 43.53, 44.45, 46.87] +- [1.1, 43.43, 45.35, 46.76] +- [1.2, 43.39, 45.32, 46.73] +--- + +# February 1st, 2022 paycheck + +{!! dateblock !!} + +{!! data !!} + +A lot going on here. + +I'm moving the weekend before the first and decided to post on January 29 because not much will change by the first. + +In 2021 I started using [Wave](https://www.waveapps.com) as my primary accounting platform after my [fallout with Intuit](/finances/building-wealth-paycheck-to-paycheck/20220101/). Because of my [consolidated approach to categorizing transactions](/finances/budgeting/) I identified areas where I should adjust saving and spending. Let's focus on the saving piece as mentioned in the previous[paycheck](/finances/building-wealth-paycheck-to-paycheck/20220115/#too-much-cash). + +Because of the minimal categories I saw which expenses were more of a one-off for 2021 something to minimize in 2022. Subtracting the one-off expenses from the total expenses, I was able to adjust my projected retirement needs in [Personal Capital](https://www.personalcapital.com/?variant=bright-hp), which caused the estimated success rate to go from 78 percent back to 98 percent probability of success; at least until the most recent dip, which qualifies as a correction or, possibly, a bear market. + +Personal Capital uses the [You Index™️](https://support.personalcapital.com/hc/en-us/articles/201169610-What-is-the-You-Index-), which looks at the accounts I have synced with them. When I go to [Portfolio Charts](https://portfoliocharts.com/portfolio/portfolio-matrix/) and plug in the Mark 1 portfolio asset allocation, that portfolio outranks the comparative portfolios available. + +The ability to see income versus expenses reenforces the notion of [budgeting](/finances/budgeting/) as a means of tracking (not restricting) spending to establish the total cost of lifestyle number. Further, I'm appreciating the idea of looking at a net worth statement each year proposed by Brian and Bo from [The Money Guy Show](https://www.moneyguy.com/resources/) (and others in the financial planning space). + +Over time, the upper bands for both debt and cash should decrease. This is because the maximum is based on a percentage of the portfolio's value. As the value increases, the maximums should decrease; 1 percent of 100 [.United States Dollars](USD) is a lot different than 1 percent of 10,000 USD. In other words, my spending won’t change much, however, as a percentage of the portfolio, it'll be less. + +## Closing things up since last time + +### Health Savings Account + +The transfer from HealthSavings Administrators went through for my [.Health Savings Account](HSA). I lost roughly 2 USD from the original contribution and I’m okay with that. + +The primary purpose of the move was to get away from HealthSavings Administrators. Further, the price I’m buying in at is lower than when initially bought in, so, it should come out in the wash. + +### Too much cash + +The HSA transfer completed dropped my cash holdings a bit as I immediately bought the extended market fund in the HSA. Further, I contributed the maximum for 2022 to the HSA. + +I received my W2 and it looks like I'm safe to finish contributing to the Roth [.Individual Retirement Account](IRA) for 2021, and I did. + +I emptied the cash padding in the M1 Finance settlement account and preemptively purchased the pies there; so, with the next paycheck I'm hoping to bring the settlement account back to where it is normally and proceed as usual. + +On the Monday before getting paid, the market was down again; more like it was staying level for what I carry. I took my cash down a bit further to put a bit more into the taxable account. + +This has inspired me to adjust workflow and processes a bit to remove more emotion from the equation; not possible and more on that later. + +## Taxes + +Documents should start becoming available soon. I keep forgetting there’s a standard deduction, which reduces my taxable income. Standard deduction is important to remember because of the Roth IRA income limits restricting contributions. + +## Credit cards + +All but one of my credit cards is a cash rewards card. + +I cashed out my primary card, which had about 200 USD in points available, and put the money in the savings account of my secondary institution. This money will help to purchase the new mattress when we move. + +I updated the [investment policy](/finances/investment-policy/#emergency-fund-cash-and-credit) to account for the operation of the credit card reward points. + +## Site updates + +Updated the visualization for the portfolio at the beginning of these entries. + +Decided against the image approach [I initially considered](/finances/building-wealth-paycheck-to-paycheck/20210301/); I still have the chart in the spreadsheet. + +Hope you enjoy the visualization and I was pretty happy with it from a [web development](/web-development/) perspective because I kept the same markup and, because it's built with a template using the same data, all the previous pages were automatically updated; this isn't particularly new or exciting as it's been a part of web development for years, but it's sometimes the little things that bring the most joy. + +I increased the maximum allowed for debt to 1 percent because I pay for most things with credit cards and rarely are they paid off prior to publishing, despite being paid off each paycheck. + +## FI experiments + +Details are in the [January 15th, 2022 paycheck](https://joshbruce.com/finances/building-wealth-paycheck-to-paycheck/20220115/#fi-experiments). + +The hypothesis is when the Mark 0.0 mix is down, it‘ll be down more than the others. Further, when the Mark 0.0 is up, the others will be up and not too far behind the Mark 0.0. We will track the change since the previous paycheck as well as the change since we started tracking January 2022. + +{!! fi-experiments !!} + +## The market + +This is the first long-running correction I’ve been through, or at least that I’ve been aware of. As anticipated I’m not freaking out or considering selling, which I’m taking as a good sign. With that said, my risk tolerance and perceived risk capacity has me going the opposite direction and probably a bit too quickly, so, I’m setting up some guidelines and guardrails for myself on building and deploying cash reserves. + +In short, always dollar cost average each paycheck to reach the targets set for the various accounts. If cash is beyond the bands and I’m not saving for a larger purchase, go ahead and increase investment purchases. Every three months or so since the last purchase using reserves and on a paycheck day, take half of the reserves and increase investment purchase. If there’s a dip in the market, cash reserves may be used to purchase out of cycle compared to the two aforementioned events; with constraints. + +More details available in the [paycheck-to-paycheck](/finances/building-wealth-paycheck-to-paycheck/) main page. + +I’ve heard multiple parties in the investment space say that, counterintuitive as it might be, one of the best things that could happen to you when you start investing is a crash. There are two reasons they often give: + +1. You’ll get it out of the way with less on the line. +2. You’ll be able to purchase everything on sale compared to the most probable future outcome; it will be higher value later. + +And, here we are, almost exactly one year in since I started investing and it appears we’re in at least a bear market. + +My earlier frustrations about holding so much cash waiting for the outcome with the [.Internal Revenue Service](IRS) had that money burning a hole in my pocket. Add to that the Health SavingsAdministrators thing and I was chomping at the bit, so to speak. Unfortunately, that means, like some others, I might have bought the dip a bit heavy too early. + +I’ve heard this said by a few others, “I don’t have cash left to continue buying the dip.” Initially I was aware a dip was happening but that’s not why I wanted to buy in; I wanted get money moved so I wouldn’t be thinking about it anymore. However, as the dip kept getting deeper, I found myself wishing I had those cash reserves back. + +Emotions got the better of me; not on the fear side, but the greedy side. + +I still believe those purchases will serve me well given the time horizons. The front-loaded HSA is 30 years out, representing the highest lump sum purchases. The others were somewhat more spread out over the month. With that said, I wanted a way to keep that from happening again. + +Believe the updated approach will help curb that in the future; only time will tell. + +There's also something, I keep forgetting, which is that the portfolio is heavier in small-cap stocks than the total stock market funds, therefore, it has a tendency to fall faster and deeper while rebounding higher and faster (sometimes). + +{!! next-previous !!} diff --git a/content/public/finances/building-wealth-paycheck-to-paycheck/_20220201/content.md b/content/public/finances/building-wealth-paycheck-to-paycheck/_20220201/content.md deleted file mode 100644 index ad4934a9..00000000 --- a/content/public/finances/building-wealth-paycheck-to-paycheck/_20220201/content.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,56 +0,0 @@ ---- -title: February 1st, 2022 paycheck -created: 20220201 -data: -- [Debt, 0, 1, 0.6] -- [Cash, 5, 10, 15.8] -- [Low correlation, 0, 1, 0.7] -- [Negative correlation, 0, 1, 0.6] -- [US equities - small, 24, 35, 22] -- [US equities - mid, 24, 35, 22.5] -- [US equities - large, 24, 35, 37.9] -fi-experiments: -# label, current, previous, start -- [0.0, 45.19, 45.19, 47.71] -- [0.2, 41.68, 41.68, 43.83] -- [0.4, 41.73, 41.73, 43.74] -- [0.6, 41.75, 41.75, 43.54] -- [0.8, 41.84, 41.84, 43.36] -- [1.0, 45.45, 44.45, 46.87] -- [1.1, 45.35, 45.35, 46.76] -- [1.2, 45.32, 45.32, 46.73] ---- - -# February 1st, 2022 paycheck - -{!! dateblock !!} - -{!! data !!} - -In 2021 I started using [Wave](https://www.waveapps.com) as my primary accounting platform after my fallout with Intuit. Because of my [consolidated approach to categorizing](/finances/budgeting/) transactions I was able to identify areas where I should adjust with regard to spending and saving. Let's focus on the saving piece as mentioned in the last [paycheck entry](/finances/building-wealth-paycheck-to-paycheck/20220115/#too-much-cash). - -Because of the minimal categories I could quickly see which expenses were more of a one-off for that year and probably not something I wanted to progress into the future. Because all the expenses were tracked by the software I was also able to see exactly how much I had spent overall. Subtracting the one-off expenses from the total, I was able to readjust my projected retirement needs in [Personal Capital](https://www.personalcapital.com/?variant=bright-hp), which caused the estimated success rate to go from 78 percent to 98 percent probability of success. - -Personal Capital uses the [You Index™️](https://support.personalcapital.com/hc/en-us/articles/201169610-What-is-the-You-Index-), which looks at what I actually have syncing with them. When I go to [Portfolio Charts](https://portfoliocharts.com/portfolio/portfolio-matrix/) and plug in the Mark 1 portfolio asset allocation, that portfolio still outranks the comparative portfolios available. - -The ability to see income versus expenses reenforces the notion of [budgeting](/finances/budgeting/) as a means of tracking (not dieting) as well as the idea of looking at a net worth statement that Brian and Bo from [The Money Guy Show](https://www.moneyguy.com/resources/) (and others in the financial planning space) are often talking about. - -Over time, the allowed maximum for both debt and cash should decrease. This is because the maximum is based on an overall percentage of the portfolio's value. As the balance increases, the maximums should decrease; 1 percent of a 100 [.United States Dollars](USD) is a lot different than 1 percent of 10,000 USD. - -## Site updates - -I finally got around to updating the visualization for the portfolio. I decided against the image methodology I initially considered. - -I also increased the amount allowed for debt because I pay for most things with credit cards and rarely are they paid off prior to publishing, despite being paid off each paycheck. - -## FI experiments - -Details are in the [January 15th, 2022 paycheck](https://joshbruce.com/finances/building-wealth-paycheck-to-paycheck/20220115/#fi-experiments). - -The hypothesis is when the Mark 0.0 mix is down, it‘ll be down more than the others. Further, when the Mark 0.0 is up, the others will be up and not too far behind the Mark 0.0. We will track the change since the previous paycheck as well as the change since we started tracking. - -For this paycheck the Mark 0 is down just over 5 percent, however, the Mark 1 mixes are only down 3 percent. - -{!! fi-experiments !!} - -{!! next-previous !!} diff --git a/content/public/finances/building-wealth-paycheck-to-paycheck/content.md b/content/public/finances/building-wealth-paycheck-to-paycheck/content.md index dd39df85..59ff1550 100644 --- a/content/public/finances/building-wealth-paycheck-to-paycheck/content.md +++ b/content/public/finances/building-wealth-paycheck-to-paycheck/content.md @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ loglist: true {!!dateblock!!} -I'm present- and future-oriented. The concept of building a restrictive budget and then potentially beating myself for past decisions is a total turn off for me. I needed something simple-ish. +I'm present- and future-oriented. The concept of building a restrictive budget and then potentially beating myself for past decisions is a turn off for me. I needed something simple-ish. I'm an optimistic tinkerer with both a high risk tolerance and capacity who needs guardrails to keep me from tinkering my way into negative returns. I'm more flow-oriented than time-oriented, which makes tying things to events and need easier than tying them to time. @@ -17,13 +17,13 @@ I see finances in terms of two primary scales: 1. Immediate-need and long-term future. 2. Negative-return and high-return. -To appease the tinkerer and risk taker in me, I needed a method where I was hands-on; moving things around and logging into accounts — feeling like those scenes in movies where hackers are doing all this insane stuff on computers that is literally impossible and not how computers work. With that said, I wanted decision making to be as automated as possible. I didn't want to have to call or sign on to a bunch of places to cancel automatic payments should I find myself living in my car again or couch surfing because I couldn't afford to pay rent somewhere. +To appease the tinkerer and risk taker in me, I needed a method where I was hands-on; moving things around and logging into accounts—feeling active. With that said, I wanted decision making to be as automated as possible. I didn't want to have to call or sign on to a bunch of places to cancel automatic payments should I find myself living in my car again or couch surfing because I couldn't afford to pay rent somewhere. These desires and what I knew of myself became my [budgeting method](/finances/budgeting/). -This series chronicles the moves I started making regarding finances — at least from April of 2021 as I didn't really think about it in the first couple of months of 2021. +This series chronicles the financial moves I started making—at least from April of 2021 as I didn't really think about it when I started in 2021. -I'll probably avoid talking dollar amounts mainly because, for me, the systems and habits should be applicable regardless of dollar amounts. My income can be pretty volatile and I don't want a system that depends on me making a certain amount of money. I think it's easier to adjust percentages and think in those terms than it is to think in terms of dollar amounts — I'm not what I consider to be a numbers-oriented person. Besides, the basic system and habits worked when I was living in my car and still work now that I'm not. +I'll probably avoid talking dollar amounts mainly because, for me, the systems and habits should be applicable regardless of dollar amounts. My income can be pretty volatile and I don't want a system that depends on me making a certain amount of money. I think it's easier to adjust percentages and think in those terms than it is to think in terms of dollar amounts—I'm not what I consider to be a numbers-oriented person. Besides, the basic system and habits worked when I was living in my car and still work now that I'm not. ## Conclusion diff --git a/content/public/finances/investment-policy/content.md b/content/public/finances/investment-policy/content.md index 437b1f7e..2decd962 100644 --- a/content/public/finances/investment-policy/content.md +++ b/content/public/finances/investment-policy/content.md @@ -113,23 +113,32 @@ I have multiple groups for macro-asset classes from debt to lard-cap [.United St Cash is a portion of the portfolio, however, while in [accumulation mode](/finances/concepts/#accumulation-drawdown-and-rebalancing), the objective will be to keep cash at a minimum and view it as the reserve portion of the portfolio. From a long-term perspective, I'm hoping to build the cash reserve to be one year's worth of expenses by the time I step away from traditional employment. -### Coast FI 1 (43 years old) +
+Coast FI 1 (43 years old) Once I reach Coast FI 1, I plan to begin moving toward a risk parity style portfolio by adding long-term treasuries and a little gold to the mix. If I leave my current employer, I may decide to roll the 401k there to my new employer, or, push it into a Traditional [.Individual Retirement Account](IRA). -### Coast FI 2 (44 years old) +
+Coast FI 2 (44 years old) Coast FI 2 would see me increase diversification with an increase in long-term treasuries and gold and the addition of US [.Real Estate Investment Trusts](REITs). -### Coast FI 3 (46 years old) +
+Coast FI 3 (46 years old) Increase bond and gold exposure. Introduce commodities to the mix. -### Coast FI 4 (48 years old) +
+Coast FI 4 (48 years old) Decrease US equities exposure while increasing exposure to other asset classes and add in non-US REITs. -### FIRE-able (50 years old) +
+FIRE-able (50 years old) Decrease US equities exposure while increasing exposure to the other asset classes in proportion. @@ -141,7 +150,9 @@ I plan on reserving the tax-free accounts until age 70. If there are funds still I plan on having some form of earned income until my passing. This will be through books, art, and the like, which I'll create on my own schedule an not because I necessarily need to in order to survive. -### Beyond FIRE +
+Beyond FIRE No idea. @@ -149,6 +160,8 @@ The fact my Agile-brain has even allowed me to come up with a 10 year "plan" is What makes me feel comfortable about it is it's based on the value of the portfolio, which is the crux of the whole thing. So, if time slips a bit, I still have the same goal and, once I hit Coast FI 1, the retirement date is acceptable, though not ideal. +
Details @@ -166,6 +179,12 @@ I also have a broad definition of cash when it comes to this emergency fund. Mon These long-term savings accounts, if you will, will also be used to save for and replace things like cellphone, laptop, and so on. These tools will only be replaced if the current version no longer serves its intended purpose in my life; just because the time is right and there's a new model, doesn't mean I should buy it right then. +### Credit cards + +All credit cards will include some type of reward system; primarily cash back. Credit cards will be used for the majority of purchases and should be limited to those purchases that would have been made anyway. + +All cards, except the primary card, will have the funds automatically converted and deposited regularly. The primary card may hold update to 200 USD worth of points before some, if not all, of those points need to be converted to cash. + ## Housing and paying off debt - Monthly housing expenses will be no more than 25-30% of my net income. diff --git a/site-dynamic-php/tests/FileSystem/FinderTest.php b/site-dynamic-php/tests/FileSystem/FinderTest.php index 22eabf93..4f3629e3 100644 --- a/site-dynamic-php/tests/FileSystem/FinderTest.php +++ b/site-dynamic-php/tests/FileSystem/FinderTest.php @@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ final class FinderTest extends LiveContentTestCase { - private const PUBLISHED_COUNT = 49; + private const PUBLISHED_COUNT = 50; - private const DRAFT_COUNT = 11; + private const DRAFT_COUNT = 10; /** * @test