Some Android shell commands
pm list packages
By default the command list enabled applications (-e).
List Third party Apps
pm list packages -3
List System Apps
pm list packages -s
Disabled Apps
pm list packages -d
Sometimes the command pm list packages
does not return all installed applications. dumpsys package
list also all installed applications:
dumpsys package | grep "Package \[" | cut -d "\[" -f2 | cut -d "\]" -f1
Adding --user 0
can help to uninstall/disable some system Apps
pm uninstall PACKAGE_NAME
pm disable PACKAGE_NAME
List users
pm list users
Remove user
pm remove-user USER_ID
USER_ID: from previous command
sqlite3 /data/system_ce/0/accounts_ce.db
sqlite> select * from accounts;
SECTION can be: secure, global or system
List all SECTION
settings list SECTION
Get value of KEY in SECTION
settings get SECTION KEY
Content query can also be used. For example to get global settings key "adb_enabled" that verify if ADB is enabled:
content query --uri content://settings/global --projection name:value --where 'name=adb_enabled"
Add/Edit Key Edit or add KEY with the value VALUE:
settings put SECTION KEY VALUE
content insert --uri content://settings/SECTION --bind name:s:KEY --bind value:VALUE_TYPE:VALUE
Where VALUE_TYPE is : 'i' for integer, 's' for string an 'b' for boolean.
The example bellow disable ADB :
content insert --uri content://settings/global --bind name:s:adb_enabled --bind value:i:0
Some usefull settings can be founded in AMDH project.
List current running Apps (include Background Apps)
ps -A | grep -E "u0_a[0-9]*" | awk {'print $9'}
Stop an App
am force-stop PACKAGE_NAME
Start an App
am start -n PACKAGE_NAME
Revoke permission
Grant permission
Content query
content query --uri content://PACKAGE_NAME
Example, get list of contacts:
content query --uri content:// --projection display_name:data1:data4:contact_id
Pending System update
dumpsys device_policy | grep "Pending System Update"
Information about package
dumpsys package PACKAGE_NAME
Information can be:
- Installation date
grep firstInstallTime
- Last update date
grep lastUpdateTime
- Granted permissions
grep permission | grep "granted=true"
- etc...
uiautomator dump
In this example, it revoke bluetooth permissions to all third party Apps:
adb shell
for package in $(pm list packages -3 | cut -f2 -d":"); do
pm revoke $package android.permission.BLUETOOTH
pm revoke $package android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN
Only third party Apps that has backup enabled will be backuped:
packages=$(adb -s emulator-5554 shell pm list packages -3 | cut -f2 -d':')
for package in $packages; do
adb backup -apk -f $package.ab $package
adb shell input keyevent 61 # password field
# if you need to encrypt your backup uncomment the line bellow and edit change the PASSWORD
# adb shell input text PASSWORD
adb shell input keyevent 61 # Do not Backup option
adb shell input keyevent 61 # Backup
adb shell input keyevent 66 # confirm
adb shell content query --uri content://sms/
adb shell content query --uri content://sms --projection _id:date:date_sent:deleted:body
adb shell content query --uri content://
for package in $(pm list packages -3 | cut -f2 -d":"); do
dumpsys package $package | grep "android.permission.INTERNET: granted=true" > /dev/null && echo $package
for package in $(pm list packages | cut -f2 -d":"); do echo $package; pm dump $package | grep "Mobile network"; done;