2017-04-03 Marko Petric (PR#142)
- Update to the CI system:
- Install directly cvmfs on base system, which removes the need for the parrot connector
- Replace CernVM docker with plain docker
- This reduces the build run time from 50 min to 25 min
- Update to the CI system:
2017-03-27 Shaojun Lu (PR#134)
- Set verbose true for G4EmSaturation to printout Birks coefficient.
2017-03-29 Frank Gaede (PR#139)
- add a utility to dump the B-field for a given Volume
- usage: dumpBfield compact.xml x y z dx dy dz [in cm]
- will dump the B-field in volume [-x:x,-y:y,-z,z] with steps [dx,dy,dz]
- add a utility to dump the B-field for a given Volume
2017-03-29 Joschka Lingemann (PR#138)
- Direct implementation that calculates eta from cartesian coordinates
- Fix: Add registration of Phi-Eta segmentation
2017-03-29 Joschka Lingemann (PR#137)
- Adding GridRPhiEta a segmentation of equidistant size in R, Phi and Pseudorapidity
- Adding GridPhiEta a segmentation of equidistant size in Phi and Pseudorapidity
2017-03-28 Markus Frank (PR#135)
- Accidentally the Segmentations of Joschka were added in the wrong place of the hierarchy.
I removed them. He will later add them to the proper location. - Some C++ warnings concerning the C++11 standard were also fixed.
- Accidentally the Segmentations of Joschka were added in the wrong place of the hierarchy.
2017-03-24 Yorgos Voutsinas (PR#132)
- modifying the LayeredCalorimeterData struct in order to cope with conical shaped calorimeters
2017-03-31 Markus Frank (PR#143)
- Add new test for multi segment multi collections segmentations using a calorimeter endcap.
See also: #141, which is still unresolved,
but seems not to be directly related to the Monte-Carlo truth handling. - Side effect: add Geant4EventActions to dump hits and particles
- Fix a linker problem for unicode tags.
- Add new test for multi segment multi collections segmentations using a calorimeter endcap.
2017-03-31 Frank Gaede (PR#140)
- clarify documentation for CartesianField and implementations
- make clear that void fieldComponents() has to add
the new field to the given field vector