GitHub Actions / Test Results
Apr 19, 2024 in 0s
1 fail, 362 pass in 6h 42m 23s
Check warning on line 0 in t_ClientTests_sim_SiliconBlockGFlash_LONGTEST
github-actions / Test Results
1 out of 7 runs failed: t_ClientTests_sim_SiliconBlockGFlash_LONGTEST (t_ClientTests_sim_SiliconBlockGFlash_LONGTEST)
artifacts/Test Results dev3x86_64-el9-gcc13-opt (g4units)/examples/build/TestResults_2.xml [took 6s]
Raw output
Error regular expression found in output. Regex=[ Exception]
#### LD_LIBRARY_PATH = : /home/runner/work/DD4hep/DD4hep/examples/lib:/home/runner/work/DD4hep/DD4hep/lib:/cvmfs/
#### DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH = : /cvmfs/
### running test : '/cvmfs/ /home/runner/work/DD4hep/DD4hep/examples/examples/ClientTests/scripts/ -batch -events 2 -geometry /home/runner/work/DD4hep/DD4hep/examples/examples/ClientTests/compact/SiliconBlock.xml -batch -events 2'
PersistencyIO INFO +++ Set Streamer to dd4hep::OpaqueDataBlock
Info in <TGeoManager>: Changing system of units to Geant4 units (mm, ns, MeV).
Info in <TGeoManager::TGeoManager>: Geometry default, Detector Geometry created
Info in <TGeoNavigator::BuildCache>: --- Maximum geometry depth set to 100
DD4hep INFO ++ Using globally Geant4 unit system (mm,ns,MeV)
XMLLoader INFO +++ Processing XML file: file:/home/runner/work/DD4hep/DD4hep/examples/examples/ClientTests/compact/SiliconBlock.xml
DD4hep WARN ++ STD conditions NOT defined by client. NTP defaults taken.
Info in <TGeoManager::SetTopVolume>: Top volume is world_volume. Master volume is world_volume
Detector INFO *********** Created World volume with size: 30000 30000 30000
Compact INFO ++ Converted subdetector:SiliconBlockUpper of type DD4hep_BoxSegment [tracker]
Compact INFO ++ Converted subdetector:SiliconBlockDown of type DD4hep_BoxSegment [tracker]
Info in <TGeoManager::CheckGeometry>: Fixing runtime shapes...
Info in <TGeoManager::CheckGeometry>: ...Nothing to fix
Info in <TGeoManager::CloseGeometry>: Counting nodes...
Info in <TGeoManager::Voxelize>: Voxelizing...
Info in <TGeoManager::CloseGeometry>: Building cache...
Info in <TGeoManager::CountLevels>: max level = 1, max placements = 2
Info in <TGeoManager::CloseGeometry>: 3 nodes/ 4 volume UID's in Detector Geometry
Info in <TGeoManager::CloseGeometry>: ----------------modeler ready----------------
Compact INFO ++ Converted field: Successfully created field GlobalSolenoid [solenoid]
Detector INFO +++ Patching names of anonymous shapes....
INFO: +++ Imported 5 global values to namespace:DDG4
Geant4Kernel OutputLevel: 2
Geant4Kernel UI: UI
Geant4Kernel NumEvents: 10
INFO: +++ List of sensitive detectors:
Geant4Kernel NumThreads: 0
INFO: +++ SiliconBlockDown type:tracker --> Sensitive type: Geant4TrackerCombineAction
INFO: +++ SiliconBlockUpper type:tracker --> Sensitive type: Geant4TrackerCombineAction
Geant4UI INFO +++ UI> Install Geant4 control directory:/ddg4/UI/
Geant4Kernel INFO ++ Registered global action UI of type dd4hep::sim::Geant4UIManager
INFO: +++++> 'MagFieldTrackingSetup' -> stepper = 'ClassicalRK4'
INFO: +++++> 'MagFieldTrackingSetup' -> equation = 'Mag_UsualEqRhs'
INFO: +++++> 'MagFieldTrackingSetup' -> eps_min = 5e-05 [mm]
INFO: +++++> 'MagFieldTrackingSetup' -> eps_max = 0.001 [mm]
INFO: +++++> 'MagFieldTrackingSetup' -> delta_chord = 0.25 [mm]
INFO: +++++> 'MagFieldTrackingSetup' -> min_chord_step = 0.01 [mm]
INFO: +++++> 'MagFieldTrackingSetup' -> delta_one_step = 0.01 [mm]
INFO: +++++> 'MagFieldTrackingSetup' -> delta_intersection = 0.001 [mm]
INFO: +++++> 'MagFieldTrackingSetup' -> largest_step = 1000000 [mm]
Geant4UI INFO +++ MagFieldTrackingSetup> Install Geant4 control directory:/ddg4/MagFieldTrackingSetup/
Geant4UI INFO +++ EventAction> Install Geant4 control directory:/ddg4/EventAction/
Geant4UI INFO +++ DetectorConstructionAction> Install Geant4 control directory:/ddg4/DetectorConstructionAction/
Geant4UI INFO +++ ConstructSD> Install Geant4 control directory:/ddg4/ConstructSD/
Geant4UI INFO +++ ShowerModel> Install Geant4 control directory:/ddg4/ShowerModel/
Geant4UI INFO +++ RunAction> Install Geant4 control directory:/ddg4/RunAction/
Geant4UI INFO +++ RootOutput> Install Geant4 control directory:/ddg4/RootOutput/
Geant4UI INFO +++ Gun> Install Geant4 control directory:/ddg4/Gun/
Geant4UI INFO +++ GeneratorAction> Install Geant4 control directory:/ddg4/GeneratorAction/
Geant4UI INFO +++ TrackingAction> Install Geant4 control directory:/ddg4/TrackingAction/
Geant4UI INFO +++ SteppingAction> Install Geant4 control directory:/ddg4/SteppingAction/
Geant4UI INFO +++ ParticleHandler> Install Geant4 control directory:/ddg4/ParticleHandler/
Geant4UI INFO +++ UserParticleHandler> Install Geant4 control directory:/ddg4/UserParticleHandler/
Geant4UI INFO +++ SiliconBlockUpper> Install Geant4 control directory:/ddg4/SiliconBlockUpper/
Geant4UI INFO +++ SiliconBlockUpperHandler> Install Geant4 control directory:/ddg4/SiliconBlockUpperHandler/
Geant4UI INFO +++ SiliconBlockDown> Install Geant4 control directory:/ddg4/SiliconBlockDown/
Geant4UI INFO +++ SiliconBlockDownHandler> Install Geant4 control directory:/ddg4/SiliconBlockDownHandler/
Geant4UI INFO +++ PhysicsList> Install Geant4 control directory:/ddg4/PhysicsList/
PhysicsList +++ Dump of physics list component(s)
PhysicsList +++ Extension name FTFP_BERT
PhysicsList +++ Transportation flag: 0
PhysicsList +++ Program decays: 1
PhysicsList +++ RangeCut: 0.700000
Geant4UI INFO +++ FastPhysicsList> Install Geant4 control directory:/ddg4/FastPhysicsList/
PhysicsList +++ Dump of physics list component(s)
PhysicsList +++ Extension name FTFP_BERT
PhysicsList +++ Transportation flag: 0
PhysicsList +++ Program decays: 1
PhysicsList +++ RangeCut: 0.700000
G4ChordFinder: stepperDriverId: 2
FieldSetup INFO Geant4 magnetic field tracking configured.
FieldSetup INFO G4MagIntegratorStepper:ClassicalRK4 G4Mag_EqRhs:Mag_UsualEqRhs
FieldSetup INFO Epsilon:[min:0.000050 mm max:0.001000 mm]
FieldSetup INFO Delta:[chord:0.250000 1-step:0.010000 intersect:0.001000] LargestStep 1000000.000000 mm
Geant4 version Name: geant4-11-02-patch-01 [MT] (16-February-2024)
Copyright : Geant4 Collaboration
References : NIM A 506 (2003), 250-303
: IEEE-TNS 53 (2006), 270-278
: NIM A 835 (2016), 186-225
Geant4UI INFO +++ Geant4RunManager> Install Geant4 control directory:/ddg4/Geant4RunManager/
Geant4RunManager WARN +++ Configured run manager of type: G4RunManager.
Geant4Kernel WARN +++ Multi-threaded mode requested, but not supported by this compilation of Geant4.
Geant4Kernel WARN +++ Falling back to single threaded mode.
G4PhysListFactory::GetReferencePhysList <FTFP_BERT> EMoption= 0
<<< Geant4 Physics List simulation engine: FTFP_BERT
FastPhysicsList INFO Enable fast simulation for particle type: e+
FastPhysicsList INFO Enable fast simulation for particle type: e-
FastPhysicsList INFO Constructed and initialized Geant4 Fast Physics [G4FastSimulationPhysics].
UserInitialization INFO +++ Executing Geant4UserActionInitialization::Build. Context:0xf572c90 Kernel:0xbf596c0 [-1]
UI INFO +++ Starting G4UIExecutive 'DDG4' of type csh....
Available UI session types: [ Qt, Xm, tcsh, csh ]
Geant4Converter ++ Successessfully converted shape [0x10767540] of type:TGeoBBox to G4Box.
Geant4Converter ++ Successessfully converted shape [0x107676b0] of type:TGeoBBox to G4Box.
Geant4Converter ++ Successessfully converted shape [0x10742130] of type:TGeoBBox to G4Box.
Geant4Converter ++ Convert Volume SiliconBlockDown_vol : 0xf7a1750 TGeoBBox/TGeoVolume assembly:NO
Geant4Material +++ Setting up material Silicon
Silicon ++ Created G4 material Material: Silicon density: 2.330 g/cm3 RadL: 9.366 cm Nucl.Int.Length: 45.660 cm
Imean: 173.000 eV temperature: 293.15 K pressure: 1.00 atm
---> Element: Si (Si) Z = 14.0 N = 28 A = 28.085 g/mole
---> Isotope: Si28 Z = 14 N = 28 A = 27.98 g/mole abundance: 92.230 %
---> Isotope: Si29 Z = 14 N = 29 A = 28.98 g/mole abundance: 4.683 %
---> Isotope: Si30 Z = 14 N = 30 A = 29.97 g/mole abundance: 3.087 %
ElmMassFraction: 100.00 % ElmAbundance 100.00 %
log(MEE): -8.662
Geant4Converter ++ Volume + Apply LIMITS settings: SiRegionLimitSet to volume SiliconBlockDown_vol.
Geant4Converter ++ Volume + Apply REGION settings: SiRegion to volume SiliconBlockDown_vol.
Geant4Converter ++ Volume + SiliconBlockDown_vol converted: 0xf7a1750 ---> G4: 0x1076f560
Geant4Converter ++ Convert Volume SiliconBlockUpper_vol : 0xf7a1660 TGeoBBox/TGeoVolume assembly:NO
Geant4Converter ++ Volume + Apply LIMITS settings: SiRegionLimitSet to volume SiliconBlockUpper_vol.
Geant4Converter ++ Volume + Apply REGION settings: SiRegion to volume SiliconBlockUpper_vol.
Geant4Converter ++ Volume + SiliconBlockUpper_vol converted: 0xf7a1660 ---> G4: 0x1075b2e0
Geant4Converter ++ Convert Volume world_volume : 0xf656be0 TGeoBBox/TGeoVolume assembly:NO
Geant4Material +++ Setting up material Air
Air ++ Created G4 material Material: Air density: 1.200 mg/cm3 RadL: 305.288 m Nucl.Int.Length: 712.828 m
Imean: 85.644 eV temperature: 293.15 K pressure: 1.00 atm
---> Element: N (N) Z = 7.0 N = 14 A = 14.007 g/mole
---> Isotope: N14 Z = 7 N = 14 A = 14.00 g/mole abundance: 99.632 %
---> Isotope: N15 Z = 7 N = 15 A = 15.00 g/mole abundance: 0.368 %
ElmMassFraction: 75.40 % ElmAbundance 78.29 %
---> Element: O (O) Z = 8.0 N = 16 A = 15.999 g/mole
---> Isotope: O16 Z = 8 N = 16 A = 15.99 g/mole abundance: 99.757 %
---> Isotope: O17 Z = 8 N = 17 A = 17.00 g/mole abundance: 0.038 %
---> Isotope: O18 Z = 8 N = 18 A = 18.00 g/mole abundance: 0.205 %
ElmMassFraction: 23.40 % ElmAbundance 21.27 %
---> Element: Ar (Ar) Z = 18.0 N = 40 A = 39.948 g/mole
---> Isotope: Ar36 Z = 18 N = 36 A = 35.97 g/mole abundance: 0.337 %
---> Isotope: Ar38 Z = 18 N = 38 A = 37.96 g/mole abundance: 0.063 %
---> Isotope: Ar40 Z = 18 N = 40 A = 39.96 g/mole abundance: 99.600 %
ElmMassFraction: 1.20 % ElmAbundance 0.44 %
log(MEE): -9.365
Geant4Converter ++ Volume + world_volume converted: 0xf656be0 ---> G4: 0x1076bc80
Geant4Converter INFO +++ Successfully converted geometry to Geant4.
Geant4UI INFO +++ ConstructGeo> Install Geant4 control directory:/ddg4/ConstructGeo/
- GVFlashShowerParameterisation::Material -
Material : Silicon
Z = 14
A = 28.0854
X0 = 9.36608 cm
Rm = 1.07837 cm
Ec = 182.393 MeV
- GFlashHomoShowerParameterisation::Constructor -
ShowerModel INFO SetMinEneToParametrise [e+ ] = 100.0000 GeV
ShowerModel INFO SetMinEneToParametrise [e- ] = 100.0000 GeV
ShowerModel INFO SetMaxEneToParametrise [e+ ] = 100000.0000 GeV
ShowerModel INFO SetMaxEneToParametrise [e- ] = 100000.0000 GeV
ShowerModel INFO SetEneToKill [e+ ] = 0.1000 GeV
ShowerModel INFO SetEneToKill [e- ] = 0.1000 GeV
ShowerModel INFO Geant4 shower model initialized with parametrization: GFlashHomoShowerParameterisation Material: Silicon
hInelastic FTFP_BERT : threshold between BERT and FTFP is over the interval
for pions : 3 to 6 GeV
for kaons : 3 to 6 GeV
for proton : 3 to 6 GeV
for neutron : 3 to 6 GeV
### Adding tracking cuts for neutron TimeCut(ns)= 10000 KinEnergyCut(MeV)= 0
e+ : fastSimProcess_massGeom[geom:world_volume_1]
e- : fastSimProcess_massGeom[geom:world_volume_1]
PhysicsList INFO ConstructDecays 0x10340240
UI INFO ++ Executing pre-run statement: /run/beamOn 2
====== Electromagnetic Physics Parameters ========
LPM effect enabled 1
Enable creation and use of sampling tables 0
Apply cuts on all EM processes 0
Use combined TransportationWithMsc Disabled
Use general process 1
Enable linear polarisation for gamma 0
Enable photoeffect sampling below K-shell 1
Enable sampling of quantum entanglement 0
X-section factor for integral approach 0.8
Min kinetic energy for tables 100 eV
Max kinetic energy for tables 100 TeV
Number of bins per decade of a table 7
Verbose level 1
Verbose level for worker thread 0
Bremsstrahlung energy threshold above which
primary e+- is added to the list of secondary 100 TeV
Bremsstrahlung energy threshold above which primary
muon/hadron is added to the list of secondary 100 TeV
Lowest triplet kinetic energy 1 MeV
Enable sampling of gamma linear polarisation 0
5D gamma conversion model type 0
5D gamma conversion model on isolated ion 0
Livermore data directory epics_2017
====== Ionisation Parameters ========
Step function for e+- (0.2, 1 mm)
Step function for muons/hadrons (0.2, 0.1 mm)
Step function for light ions (0.2, 0.1 mm)
Step function for general ions (0.2, 0.1 mm)
Lowest e+e- kinetic energy 1 keV
Lowest muon/hadron kinetic energy 1 keV
Use ICRU90 data 0
Fluctuations of dE/dx are enabled 1
Type of fluctuation model for leptons and hadrons Urban
Use built-in Birks satuaration 0
Build CSDA range enabled 0
Use cut as a final range enabled 0
Enable angular generator interface 0
Max kinetic energy for CSDA tables 1 GeV
Max kinetic energy for NIEL computation 0 eV
Linear loss limit 0.01
Read data from file for e+e- pair production by mu 0
====== Multiple Scattering Parameters ========
Type of msc step limit algorithm for e+- 1
Type of msc step limit algorithm for muons/hadrons 0
Msc lateral displacement for e+- enabled 1
Msc lateral displacement for muons and hadrons 0
Urban msc model lateral displacement alg96 1
Range factor for msc step limit for e+- 0.04
Range factor for msc step limit for muons/hadrons 0.2
Geometry factor for msc step limitation of e+- 2.5
Safety factor for msc step limit for e+- 0.6
Skin parameter for msc step limitation of e+- 1
Lambda limit for msc step limit for e+- 1 mm
Use Mott correction for e- scattering 0
Factor used for dynamic computation of angular
limit between single and multiple scattering 1
Fixed angular limit between single
and multiple scattering 3.1416 rad
Upper energy limit for e+- multiple scattering 100 MeV
Type of electron single scattering model 0
Type of nuclear form-factor 1
Screening factor 1
phot: for gamma SubType=12 BuildTable=0
LambdaPrime table from 200 keV to 100 TeV in 61 bins
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
LivermorePhElectric : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV SauterGavrila Fluo
compt: for gamma SubType=13 BuildTable=1
Lambda table from 100 eV to 1 MeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1
LambdaPrime table from 1 MeV to 100 TeV in 56 bins
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
Klein-Nishina : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV
conv: for gamma SubType=14 BuildTable=1
Lambda table from 1.022 MeV to 100 TeV, 18 bins/decade, spline: 1
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
BetheHeitlerLPM : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedTsai
Rayl: for gamma SubType=11 BuildTable=1
Lambda table from 100 eV to 150 keV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 0
LambdaPrime table from 150 keV to 100 TeV in 62 bins
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
LivermoreRayleigh : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV CullenGenerator
msc: for e- SubType= 10
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
UrbanMsc : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 MeV Nbins=42 100 eV - 100 MeV
StepLim=UseSafety Rfact=0.04 Gfact=2.5 Sfact=0.6 DispFlag:1 Skin=1 Llim=1 mm
WentzelVIUni : Emin= 100 MeV Emax= 100 TeV Nbins=42 100 MeV - 100 TeV
StepLim=UseSafety Rfact=0.04 Gfact=2.5 Sfact=0.6 DispFlag:1 Skin=1 Llim=1 mm
eIoni: for e- XStype:3 SubType=2
dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins
Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1
StepFunction=(0.2, 1 mm), integ: 3, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.01
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
MollerBhabha : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV
eBrem: for e- XStype:4 SubType=3
dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins
Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1
LPM flag: 1 for E > 1 GeV, VertexHighEnergyTh(GeV)= 100000
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
eBremSB : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 1 GeV ModifiedTsai
eBremLPM : Emin= 1 GeV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedTsai
CoulombScat: for e- XStype:1 SubType=1 BuildTable=1
Lambda table from 100 MeV to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 0
ThetaMin(p) < Theta(degree) < 180, pLimit(GeV^1)= 0.139531
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
eCoulombScattering : Emin= 100 MeV Emax= 100 TeV
msc: for e+ SubType= 10
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
UrbanMsc : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 MeV Nbins=42 100 eV - 100 MeV
StepLim=UseSafety Rfact=0.04 Gfact=2.5 Sfact=0.6 DispFlag:1 Skin=1 Llim=1 mm
WentzelVIUni : Emin= 100 MeV Emax= 100 TeV Nbins=42 100 MeV - 100 TeV
StepLim=UseSafety Rfact=0.04 Gfact=2.5 Sfact=0.6 DispFlag:1 Skin=1 Llim=1 mm
eIoni: for e+ XStype:3 SubType=2
dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins
Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1
StepFunction=(0.2, 1 mm), integ: 3, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.01
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
MollerBhabha : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV
eBrem: for e+ XStype:4 SubType=3
dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins
Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1
LPM flag: 1 for E > 1 GeV, VertexHighEnergyTh(GeV)= 100000
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
eBremSB : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 1 GeV ModifiedTsai
eBremLPM : Emin= 1 GeV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedTsai
annihil: for e+ XStype:2 SubType=5 BuildTable=0
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
eplus2gg : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV
CoulombScat: for e+ XStype:1 SubType=1 BuildTable=1
Lambda table from 100 MeV to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 0
ThetaMin(p) < Theta(degree) < 180, pLimit(GeV^1)= 0.139531
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
eCoulombScattering : Emin= 100 MeV Emax= 100 TeV
msc: for proton SubType= 10
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
WentzelVIUni : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Nbins=84 100 eV - 100 TeV
StepLim=Minimal Rfact=0.2 Gfact=2.5 Sfact=0.6 DispFlag:0 Skin=1 Llim=1 mm
hIoni: for proton XStype:3 SubType=2
dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins
Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1
StepFunction=(0.2, 0.1 mm), integ: 3, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.01
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
Bragg : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 2 MeV
BetheBloch : Emin= 2 MeV Emax= 100 TeV
hBrems: for proton XStype:1 SubType=3
dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins
Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
hBrem : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedMephi
hPairProd: for proton XStype:1 SubType=4
dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins
Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1
Sampling table 17x1001; from 7.50618 GeV to 100 TeV
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
hPairProd : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedMephi
CoulombScat: for proton XStype:1 SubType=1 BuildTable=1
Lambda table from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 0
ThetaMin(p) < Theta(degree) < 180, pLimit(GeV^1)= 0.139531
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
eCoulombScattering : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV
msc: for GenericIon SubType= 10
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
UrbanMsc : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV
StepLim=Minimal Rfact=0.2 Gfact=2.5 Sfact=0.6 DispFlag:0 Skin=1 Llim=1 mm
ionIoni: for GenericIon XStype:3 SubType=2
dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins
Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1
StepFunction=(0.2, 0.1 mm), integ: 3, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.02
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
BraggIon : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 2 MeV
BetheBloch : Emin= 2 MeV Emax= 100 TeV
msc: for alpha SubType= 10
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
UrbanMsc : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV
StepLim=Minimal Rfact=0.2 Gfact=2.5 Sfact=0.6 DispFlag:0 Skin=1 Llim=1 mm
ionIoni: for alpha XStype:3 SubType=2
dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins
Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1
StepFunction=(0.2, 0.1 mm), integ: 3, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.02
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
BraggIon : Emin= 0 eV Emax=7.9452 MeV
BetheBloch : Emin=7.9452 MeV Emax= 100 TeV
msc: for anti_proton SubType= 10
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
WentzelVIUni : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Nbins=84 100 eV - 100 TeV
StepLim=Minimal Rfact=0.2 Gfact=2.5 Sfact=0.6 DispFlag:0 Skin=1 Llim=1 mm
hIoni: for anti_proton XStype:3 SubType=2
dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins
Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1
StepFunction=(0.2, 0.1 mm), integ: 3, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.01
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
ICRU73QO : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 2 MeV
BetheBloch : Emin= 2 MeV Emax= 100 TeV
hBrems: for anti_proton XStype:1 SubType=3
dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins
Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
hBrem : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedMephi
hPairProd: for anti_proton XStype:1 SubType=4
dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins
Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1
Sampling table 17x1001; from 7.50618 GeV to 100 TeV
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
hPairProd : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedMephi
CoulombScat: for anti_proton XStype:1 SubType=1 BuildTable=1
Lambda table from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 0
ThetaMin(p) < Theta(degree) < 180, pLimit(GeV^1)= 0.139531
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
eCoulombScattering : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV
msc: for kaon+ SubType= 10
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
WentzelVIUni : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Nbins=84 100 eV - 100 TeV
StepLim=Minimal Rfact=0.2 Gfact=2.5 Sfact=0.6 DispFlag:0 Skin=1 Llim=1 mm
hIoni: for kaon+ XStype:3 SubType=2
dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins
Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1
StepFunction=(0.2, 0.1 mm), integ: 3, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.01
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
Bragg : Emin= 0 eV Emax=1.05231 MeV
BetheBloch : Emin=1.05231 MeV Emax= 100 TeV
hBrems: for kaon+ XStype:1 SubType=3
dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins
Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
hBrem : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedMephi
hPairProd: for kaon+ XStype:1 SubType=4
dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins
Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1
Sampling table 18x1001; from 3.94942 GeV to 100 TeV
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
hPairProd : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedMephi
CoulombScat: for kaon+ XStype:1 SubType=1 BuildTable=1
Lambda table from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 0
ThetaMin(p) < Theta(degree) < 180, pLimit(GeV^1)= 0.139531
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
eCoulombScattering : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV
msc: for kaon- SubType= 10
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
WentzelVIUni : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Nbins=84 100 eV - 100 TeV
StepLim=Minimal Rfact=0.2 Gfact=2.5 Sfact=0.6 DispFlag:0 Skin=1 Llim=1 mm
hIoni: for kaon- XStype:3 SubType=2
dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins
Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1
StepFunction=(0.2, 0.1 mm), integ: 3, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.01
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
ICRU73QO : Emin= 0 eV Emax=1.05231 MeV
BetheBloch : Emin=1.05231 MeV Emax= 100 TeV
hBrems: for kaon- XStype:1 SubType=3
dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins
Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
hBrem : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedMephi
hPairProd: for kaon- XStype:1 SubType=4
dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins
Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1
Sampling table 18x1001; from 3.94942 GeV to 100 TeV
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
hPairProd : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedMephi
CoulombScat: for kaon- XStype:1 SubType=1 BuildTable=1
Used Lambda table of kaon+
ThetaMin(p) < Theta(degree) < 180, pLimit(GeV^1)= 0.139531
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
eCoulombScattering : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV
msc: for mu+ SubType= 10
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
WentzelVIUni : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Nbins=84 100 eV - 100 TeV
StepLim=Minimal Rfact=0.2 Gfact=2.5 Sfact=0.6 DispFlag:0 Skin=1 Llim=1 mm
muIoni: for mu+ XStype:3 SubType=2
dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins
Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1
StepFunction=(0.2, 0.1 mm), integ: 3, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.01
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
Bragg : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 200 keV
MuBetheBloch : Emin= 200 keV Emax= 100 TeV
muBrems: for mu+ XStype:1 SubType=3
dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins
Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
MuBrem : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedMephi
muPairProd: for mu+ XStype:1 SubType=4
dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins
Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1
Sampling table 21x1001; from 0.85 GeV to 100 TeV
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
muPairProd : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedMephi
CoulombScat: for mu+ XStype:1 SubType=1 BuildTable=1
Lambda table from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 0
ThetaMin(p) < Theta(degree) < 180, pLimit(GeV^1)= 0.139531
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
eCoulombScattering : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV
msc: for mu- SubType= 10
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
WentzelVIUni : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Nbins=84 100 eV - 100 TeV
StepLim=Minimal Rfact=0.2 Gfact=2.5 Sfact=0.6 DispFlag:0 Skin=1 Llim=1 mm
muIoni: for mu- XStype:3 SubType=2
dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins
Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1
StepFunction=(0.2, 0.1 mm), integ: 3, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.01
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
ICRU73QO : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 200 keV
MuBetheBloch : Emin= 200 keV Emax= 100 TeV
muBrems: for mu- XStype:1 SubType=3
dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins
Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
MuBrem : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedMephi
muPairProd: for mu- XStype:1 SubType=4
dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins
Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1
Sampling table 21x1001; from 0.85 GeV to 100 TeV
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
muPairProd : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedMephi
CoulombScat: for mu- XStype:1 SubType=1 BuildTable=1
Used Lambda table of mu+
ThetaMin(p) < Theta(degree) < 180, pLimit(GeV^1)= 0.139531
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
eCoulombScattering : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV
msc: for pi+ SubType= 10
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
WentzelVIUni : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Nbins=84 100 eV - 100 TeV
StepLim=Minimal Rfact=0.2 Gfact=2.5 Sfact=0.6 DispFlag:0 Skin=1 Llim=1 mm
hIoni: for pi+ XStype:3 SubType=2
dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins
Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1
StepFunction=(0.2, 0.1 mm), integ: 3, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.01
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
Bragg : Emin= 0 eV Emax=297.505 keV
BetheBloch : Emin=297.505 keV Emax= 100 TeV
hBrems: for pi+ XStype:1 SubType=3
dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins
Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
hBrem : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedMephi
hPairProd: for pi+ XStype:1 SubType=4
dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins
Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1
Sampling table 20x1001; from 1.11656 GeV to 100 TeV
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
hPairProd : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedMephi
CoulombScat: for pi+ XStype:1 SubType=1 BuildTable=1
Lambda table from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 0
ThetaMin(p) < Theta(degree) < 180, pLimit(GeV^1)= 0.139531
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
eCoulombScattering : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV
msc: for pi- SubType= 10
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
WentzelVIUni : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Nbins=84 100 eV - 100 TeV
StepLim=Minimal Rfact=0.2 Gfact=2.5 Sfact=0.6 DispFlag:0 Skin=1 Llim=1 mm
hIoni: for pi- XStype:3 SubType=2
dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins
Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1
StepFunction=(0.2, 0.1 mm), integ: 3, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.01
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
ICRU73QO : Emin= 0 eV Emax=297.505 keV
BetheBloch : Emin=297.505 keV Emax= 100 TeV
hBrems: for pi- XStype:1 SubType=3
dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins
Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
hBrem : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedMephi
hPairProd: for pi- XStype:1 SubType=4
dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins
Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1
Sampling table 20x1001; from 1.11656 GeV to 100 TeV
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
hPairProd : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedMephi
CoulombScat: for pi- XStype:1 SubType=1 BuildTable=1
Used Lambda table of pi+
ThetaMin(p) < Theta(degree) < 180, pLimit(GeV^1)= 0.139531
===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ======
eCoulombScattering : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV
Hadronic Processes for neutron
Process: hadElastic
Model: hElasticCHIPS: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Cr_sctns: G4NeutronElasticXS: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Process: neutronInelastic
Model: FTFP: 3 GeV ---> 100 TeV
Model: BertiniCascade: 0 eV ---> 6 GeV
Cr_sctns: G4NeutronInelasticXS: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Process: nCapture
Model: nRadCapture: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Cr_sctns: G4NeutronCaptureXS: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Process: nKiller
Hadronic Processes for B-
Process: hadElastic
Model: hElasticLHEP: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Cr_sctns: Glauber-Gribov: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Process: B-Inelastic
Model: FTFP: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Cr_sctns: Glauber-Gribov: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Hadronic Processes for D-
Process: hadElastic
Model: hElasticLHEP: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Cr_sctns: Glauber-Gribov: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Process: D-Inelastic
Model: FTFP: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Cr_sctns: Glauber-Gribov: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Hadronic Processes for GenericIon
Process: ionInelastic
Model: Binary Light Ion Cascade: 0 eV /n ---> 6 GeV/n
Model: FTFP: 3 GeV/n ---> 100 TeV/n
Cr_sctns: Glauber-Gribov Nucl-nucl: 0 eV ---> 25.6 PeV
Hadronic Processes for He3
Process: hadElastic
Model: hElasticLHEP: 0 eV /n ---> 100 TeV/n
Cr_sctns: Glauber-Gribov Nucl-nucl: 0 eV ---> 25.6 PeV
Process: He3Inelastic
Model: Binary Light Ion Cascade: 0 eV /n ---> 6 GeV/n
Model: FTFP: 3 GeV/n ---> 100 TeV/n
Cr_sctns: Glauber-Gribov Nucl-nucl: 0 eV ---> 25.6 PeV
Hadronic Processes for alpha
Process: hadElastic
Model: hElasticLHEP: 0 eV /n ---> 100 TeV/n
Cr_sctns: Glauber-Gribov Nucl-nucl: 0 eV ---> 25.6 PeV
Process: alphaInelastic
Model: Binary Light Ion Cascade: 0 eV /n ---> 6 GeV/n
Model: FTFP: 3 GeV/n ---> 100 TeV/n
Cr_sctns: Glauber-Gribov Nucl-nucl: 0 eV ---> 25.6 PeV
Hadronic Processes for anti_He3
Process: hadElastic
Model: hElasticLHEP: 0 eV /n ---> 100.1 MeV/n
Model: AntiAElastic: 100 MeV/n ---> 100 TeV/n
Cr_sctns: AntiAGlauber: 0 eV ---> 25.6 PeV
Process: anti_He3Inelastic
Model: FTFP: 0 eV /n ---> 100 TeV/n
Cr_sctns: AntiAGlauber: 0 eV ---> 25.6 PeV
Process: hFritiofCaptureAtRest
Hadronic Processes for anti_alpha
Process: hadElastic
Model: hElasticLHEP: 0 eV /n ---> 100.1 MeV/n
Model: AntiAElastic: 100 MeV/n ---> 100 TeV/n
Cr_sctns: AntiAGlauber: 0 eV ---> 25.6 PeV
Process: anti_alphaInelastic
Model: FTFP: 0 eV /n ---> 100 TeV/n
Cr_sctns: AntiAGlauber: 0 eV ---> 25.6 PeV
Process: hFritiofCaptureAtRest
Hadronic Processes for anti_deuteron
Process: hadElastic
Model: hElasticLHEP: 0 eV /n ---> 100.1 MeV/n
Model: AntiAElastic: 100 MeV/n ---> 100 TeV/n
Cr_sctns: AntiAGlauber: 0 eV ---> 25.6 PeV
Process: anti_deuteronInelastic
Model: FTFP: 0 eV /n ---> 100 TeV/n
Cr_sctns: AntiAGlauber: 0 eV ---> 25.6 PeV
Process: hFritiofCaptureAtRest
Hadronic Processes for anti_hypertriton
Process: hFritiofCaptureAtRest
Hadronic Processes for anti_lambda
Process: hadElastic
Model: hElasticLHEP: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Cr_sctns: Glauber-Gribov: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Process: anti_lambdaInelastic
Model: FTFP: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Cr_sctns: Glauber-Gribov: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Process: hFritiofCaptureAtRest
Hadronic Processes for anti_neutron
Process: hadElastic
Model: hElasticLHEP: 0 eV ---> 100.1 MeV
Model: AntiAElastic: 100 MeV ---> 100 TeV
Cr_sctns: AntiAGlauber: 0 eV ---> 25.6 PeV
Process: anti_neutronInelastic
Model: FTFP: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Cr_sctns: AntiAGlauber: 0 eV ---> 25.6 PeV
Process: hFritiofCaptureAtRest
Hadronic Processes for anti_proton
Process: hadElastic
Model: hElasticLHEP: 0 eV ---> 100.1 MeV
Model: AntiAElastic: 100 MeV ---> 100 TeV
Cr_sctns: AntiAGlauber: 0 eV ---> 25.6 PeV
Process: anti_protonInelastic
Model: FTFP: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Cr_sctns: AntiAGlauber: 0 eV ---> 25.6 PeV
Process: hFritiofCaptureAtRest
Hadronic Processes for anti_triton
Process: hadElastic
Model: hElasticLHEP: 0 eV /n ---> 100.1 MeV/n
Model: AntiAElastic: 100 MeV/n ---> 100 TeV/n
Cr_sctns: AntiAGlauber: 0 eV ---> 25.6 PeV
Process: anti_tritonInelastic
Model: FTFP: 0 eV /n ---> 100 TeV/n
Cr_sctns: AntiAGlauber: 0 eV ---> 25.6 PeV
Process: hFritiofCaptureAtRest
Hadronic Processes for deuteron
Process: hadElastic
Model: hElasticLHEP: 0 eV /n ---> 100 TeV/n
Cr_sctns: Glauber-Gribov Nucl-nucl: 0 eV ---> 25.6 PeV
Process: dInelastic
Model: Binary Light Ion Cascade: 0 eV /n ---> 6 GeV/n
Model: FTFP: 3 GeV/n ---> 100 TeV/n
Cr_sctns: Glauber-Gribov Nucl-nucl: 0 eV ---> 25.6 PeV
Hadronic Processes for e+
Process: positronNuclear
Model: G4ElectroVDNuclearModel: 0 eV ---> 1 PeV
Cr_sctns: ElectroNuclearXS: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Hadronic Processes for e-
Process: electronNuclear
Model: G4ElectroVDNuclearModel: 0 eV ---> 1 PeV
Cr_sctns: ElectroNuclearXS: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Hadronic Processes for gamma
Process: photonNuclear
Model: GammaNPreco: 0 eV ---> 200 MeV
Model: BertiniCascade: 199 MeV ---> 6 GeV
Model: TheoFSGenerator: 3 GeV ---> 100 TeV
Cr_sctns: GammaNuclearXS: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Hadronic Processes for kaon+
Process: hadElastic
Model: hElasticLHEP: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Cr_sctns: Glauber-Gribov: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Process: kaon+Inelastic
Model: FTFP: 3 GeV ---> 100 TeV
Model: BertiniCascade: 0 eV ---> 6 GeV
Cr_sctns: Glauber-Gribov: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Hadronic Processes for kaon-
Process: hadElastic
Model: hElasticLHEP: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Cr_sctns: Glauber-Gribov: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Process: kaon-Inelastic
Model: FTFP: 3 GeV ---> 100 TeV
Model: BertiniCascade: 0 eV ---> 6 GeV
Cr_sctns: Glauber-Gribov: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Process: hBertiniCaptureAtRest
Hadronic Processes for lambda
Process: hadElastic
Model: hElasticLHEP: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Cr_sctns: Glauber-Gribov: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Process: lambdaInelastic
Model: FTFP: 3 GeV ---> 100 TeV
Model: BertiniCascade: 0 eV ---> 6 GeV
Cr_sctns: Glauber-Gribov: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Hadronic Processes for mu+
Process: muonNuclear
Model: G4MuonVDNuclearModel: 0 eV ---> 1 PeV
Cr_sctns: KokoulinMuonNuclearXS: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Hadronic Processes for mu-
Process: muonNuclear
Model: G4MuonVDNuclearModel: 0 eV ---> 1 PeV
Cr_sctns: KokoulinMuonNuclearXS: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Process: muMinusCaptureAtRest
Hadronic Processes for pi+
Process: hadElastic
Model: hElasticGlauber: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Cr_sctns: BarashenkovGlauberGribov: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Process: pi+Inelastic
Model: FTFP: 3 GeV ---> 100 TeV
Model: BertiniCascade: 0 eV ---> 6 GeV
Cr_sctns: BarashenkovGlauberGribov: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Hadronic Processes for pi-
Process: hadElastic
Model: hElasticGlauber: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Cr_sctns: BarashenkovGlauberGribov: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Process: pi-Inelastic
Model: FTFP: 3 GeV ---> 100 TeV
Model: BertiniCascade: 0 eV ---> 6 GeV
Cr_sctns: BarashenkovGlauberGribov: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Process: hBertiniCaptureAtRest
Hadronic Processes for proton
Process: hadElastic
Model: hElasticCHIPS: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Cr_sctns: BarashenkovGlauberGribov: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Process: protonInelastic
Model: FTFP: 3 GeV ---> 100 TeV
Model: BertiniCascade: 0 eV ---> 6 GeV
Cr_sctns: BarashenkovGlauberGribov: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Hadronic Processes for sigma-
Process: hadElastic
Model: hElasticLHEP: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Cr_sctns: Glauber-Gribov: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Process: sigma-Inelastic
Model: FTFP: 3 GeV ---> 100 TeV
Model: BertiniCascade: 0 eV ---> 6 GeV
Cr_sctns: Glauber-Gribov: 0 eV ---> 100 TeV
Process: hBertiniCaptureAtRest
Hadronic Processes for triton
Process: hadElastic
Model: hElasticLHEP: 0 eV /n ---> 100 TeV/n
Cr_sctns: Glauber-Gribov Nucl-nucl: 0 eV ---> 25.6 PeV
Process: tInelastic
Model: Binary Light Ion Cascade: 0 eV /n ---> 6 GeV/n
Model: FTFP: 3 GeV/n ---> 100 TeV/n
Cr_sctns: Glauber-Gribov Nucl-nucl: 0 eV ---> 25.6 PeV
====== Geant4 Native Pre-compound Model Parameters ========
Type of pre-compound inverse x-section 3
Pre-compound model active 1
Pre-compound excitation low energy 100 keV
Pre-compound excitation high energy 30 MeV
Angular generator for pre-compound model 1
Use NeverGoBack option for pre-compound model 0
Use SoftCutOff option for pre-compound model 0
Use CEM transitions for pre-compound model 1
Use GNASH transitions for pre-compound model 0
Use HETC submodel for pre-compound model 0
====== Nuclear De-excitation Module Parameters ========
Type of de-excitation inverse x-section 3
Type of de-excitation factory Evaporation+GEM
Number of de-excitation channels 68
Min excitation energy 10 eV
Min energy per nucleon for multifragmentation 200 GeV
Limit excitation energy for Fermi BreakUp 20 MeV
Level density (1/MeV) 0.075
Use simple level density model 1
Use discrete excitation energy of the residual 1
Time limit for long lived isomeres 1 ns
Isomer production flag 1
Internal e- conversion flag 1
Store e- internal conversion data 0
Correlated gamma emission flag 0
Max 2J for sampling of angular correlations 10
Gun INFO Particle [0] e+ Mom:50.000 GeV vertex:( 0.000 0.000 0.000)[mm] direction:(-0.634 0.485 -0.603)
ParticleHandler INFO +++ Event 0 Begin event action. Access event related information.
Gun INFO Particle [0] e+ Mom:50.000 GeV vertex:( 0.000 0.000 0.000)[mm] direction:(-0.026 0.850 0.526)
ParticleHandler INFO +++ Event 1 Begin event action. Access event related information.
SiliconBlockUpperHandler ERROR cellID: failed to access segmentation for VolumeID: 0000000000000001 [1] [ BitFieldElement 'x': out of range : -2147483648 for width 12]
SiliconBlockUpperHandler ERROR ....... G4-local: (-nan, -nan, -nan) G4-global: (-nan, -nan, -nan)
SiliconBlockUpperHandler ERROR ....... TGeo-local: (-nan, -nan, -nan) TGeo-global: (-nan, -nan, -nan)
SiliconBlockUpperHandler ERROR ....... Touchable: SiliconBlockUpper_vol SD: SiliconBlockUpper
Geant4Kernel FATAL +++ Exception while simulating: BitFieldElement 'x': out of range : -2147483648 for width 12
Geant4Kernel INFO ++ Terminate Geant4 and delete associated actions.
RootOutput INFO +++ Closing ROOT output file SiliconBlock_GFlash_2024-04-19_18-28.root
Check notice on line 0 in .github
github-actions / Test Results
363 tests found
There are 363 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
Raw output
TestFailToCompile ‑ TestFailToCompile
t_AlignDet_AlephTPC_global_align ‑ t_AlignDet_AlephTPC_global_align
t_AlignDet_AlephTPC_global_reset ‑ t_AlignDet_AlephTPC_global_reset
t_AlignDet_AlephTPC_load ‑ t_AlignDet_AlephTPC_load
t_AlignDet_CLICSiD_align_nominal_LONGTEST ‑ t_AlignDet_CLICSiD_align_nominal_LONGTEST
t_AlignDet_CLICSiD_stress_LONGTEST ‑ t_AlignDet_CLICSiD_stress_LONGTEST
t_AlignDet_Telescope_align_new ‑ t_AlignDet_Telescope_align_new
t_AlignDet_Telescope_align_nominal ‑ t_AlignDet_Telescope_align_nominal
t_AlignDet_Telescope_dump_geometry ‑ t_AlignDet_Telescope_dump_geometry
t_AlignDet_Telescope_dump_xml ‑ t_AlignDet_Telescope_dump_xml
t_AlignDet_Telescope_populate ‑ t_AlignDet_Telescope_populate
t_AlignDet_Telescope_read_xml ‑ t_AlignDet_Telescope_read_xml
t_AlignDet_Telescope_readback_xml ‑ t_AlignDet_Telescope_readback_xml
t_AlignDet_Telescope_stress ‑ t_AlignDet_Telescope_stress
t_AlignDet_Telescope_write_xml ‑ t_AlignDet_Telescope_write_xml
t_CLICSiD_DDG4_g4geometry_scan_LONGTEST ‑ t_CLICSiD_DDG4_g4geometry_scan_LONGTEST
t_CLICSiD_DDG4_g4material_scan_LONGTEST ‑ t_CLICSiD_DDG4_g4material_scan_LONGTEST
t_CLICSiD_check_checksum_EcalBarrel ‑ t_CLICSiD_check_checksum_EcalBarrel
t_CLICSiD_check_checksum_full ‑ t_CLICSiD_check_checksum_full
t_CLICSiD_check_geometry_LONGTEST ‑ t_CLICSiD_check_geometry_LONGTEST
t_CLICSiD_check_overlaps_LONGTEST ‑ t_CLICSiD_check_overlaps_LONGTEST
t_CLICSiD_converter_description_LONGTEST ‑ t_CLICSiD_converter_description_LONGTEST
t_CLICSiD_converter_vis_LONGTEST ‑ t_CLICSiD_converter_vis_LONGTEST
t_CLICSiD_multiple_inputs ‑ t_CLICSiD_multiple_inputs
t_Check_Shape_Tessellated_check_checksum ‑ t_Check_Shape_Tessellated_check_checksum
t_Check_Shape_Tessellated_check_checksum_with_meshes ‑ t_Check_Shape_Tessellated_check_checksum_with_meshes
t_ClientTests_Bitfield64_BarrelSides ‑ t_ClientTests_Bitfield64_BarrelSides
t_ClientTests_Bitfield64_BarrelSides2 ‑ t_ClientTests_Bitfield64_BarrelSides2
t_ClientTests_Bitfield64_LongVoldID ‑ t_ClientTests_Bitfield64_LongVoldID
t_ClientTests_Check_Handle_Casts ‑ t_ClientTests_Check_Handle_Casts
t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_Box ‑ t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_Box
t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_Cone ‑ t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_Cone
t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_ConeSegment ‑ t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_ConeSegment
t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_CutTube ‑ t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_CutTube
t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_EightPointSolid ‑ t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_EightPointSolid
t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_Eightpoint_Reflect_DetElement ‑ t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_Eightpoint_Reflect_DetElement
t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_Eightpoint_Reflect_Volume ‑ t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_Eightpoint_Reflect_Volume
t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_ElTube ‑ t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_ElTube
t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_ExtrudedPolygon ‑ t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_ExtrudedPolygon
t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_Hyperboloid ‑ t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_Hyperboloid
t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_Paraboloid ‑ t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_Paraboloid
t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_Polycone ‑ t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_Polycone
t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_Polyhedra ‑ t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_Polyhedra
t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_PseudoTrap ‑ t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_PseudoTrap
t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_PseudoTrap1 ‑ t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_PseudoTrap1
t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_PseudoTrap2 ‑ t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_PseudoTrap2
t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_Scaled_Cone ‑ t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_Scaled_Cone
t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_Sphere ‑ t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_Sphere
t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_Tessellated ‑ t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_Tessellated
t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_Torus ‑ t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_Torus
t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_Trap ‑ t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_Trap
t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_Trd1 ‑ t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_Trd1
t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_Trd2 ‑ t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_Trd2
t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_TruncatedTube ‑ t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_TruncatedTube
t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_Tube ‑ t_ClientTests_Check_Shape_Tube
t_ClientTests_Check_Temp_Pressure_Air ‑ t_ClientTests_Check_Temp_Pressure_Air
t_ClientTests_Check_Temp_Pressure_Air_NTP ‑ t_ClientTests_Check_Temp_Pressure_Air_NTP
t_ClientTests_Check_Temp_Pressure_Air_STP ‑ t_ClientTests_Check_Temp_Pressure_Air_STP
t_ClientTests_Check_VolumeDivisionTest ‑ t_ClientTests_Check_VolumeDivisionTest
t_ClientTests_Check_reflection_matrices ‑ t_ClientTests_Check_reflection_matrices
t_ClientTests_DetectorCheck_plugin ‑ t_ClientTests_DetectorCheck_plugin
t_ClientTests_DumpElements ‑ t_ClientTests_DumpElements
t_ClientTests_DumpMaterials ‑ t_ClientTests_DumpMaterials
t_ClientTests_MiniTel_JSON_Detector ‑ t_ClientTests_MiniTel_JSON_Detector
t_ClientTests_MiniTel_JSON_Dump ‑ t_ClientTests_MiniTel_JSON_Dump
t_ClientTests_MultiPlace ‑ t_ClientTests_MultiPlace
t_ClientTests_MultipleGeometries ‑ t_ClientTests_MultipleGeometries
t_ClientTests_Save_ROOT_MiniTel_LONGTEST ‑ t_ClientTests_Save_ROOT_MiniTel_LONGTEST
t_ClientTests_check_geometry_BoxTrafos_LONGTEST ‑ t_ClientTests_check_geometry_BoxTrafos_LONGTEST
t_ClientTests_check_geometry_CaloEndcapReflection_LONGTEST ‑ t_ClientTests_check_geometry_CaloEndcapReflection_LONGTEST
t_ClientTests_check_geometry_IronCylinder_LONGTEST ‑ t_ClientTests_check_geometry_IronCylinder_LONGTEST
t_ClientTests_check_geometry_MiniTel_LONGTEST ‑ t_ClientTests_check_geometry_MiniTel_LONGTEST
t_ClientTests_check_geometry_MultiCollections_LONGTEST ‑ t_ClientTests_check_geometry_MultiCollections_LONGTEST
t_ClientTests_check_geometry_NestedSimple_LONGTEST ‑ t_ClientTests_check_geometry_NestedSimple_LONGTEST
t_ClientTests_check_geometry_SiliconBlock_LONGTEST ‑ t_ClientTests_check_geometry_SiliconBlock_LONGTEST
t_ClientTests_check_overlaps_BoxTrafos_LONGTEST ‑ t_ClientTests_check_overlaps_BoxTrafos_LONGTEST
t_ClientTests_check_overlaps_CaloEndcapReflection_LONGTEST ‑ t_ClientTests_check_overlaps_CaloEndcapReflection_LONGTEST
t_ClientTests_check_overlaps_IronCylinder_LONGTEST ‑ t_ClientTests_check_overlaps_IronCylinder_LONGTEST
t_ClientTests_check_overlaps_MiniTel_LONGTEST ‑ t_ClientTests_check_overlaps_MiniTel_LONGTEST
t_ClientTests_check_overlaps_MultiCollections_LONGTEST ‑ t_ClientTests_check_overlaps_MultiCollections_LONGTEST
t_ClientTests_check_overlaps_NestedSimple_LONGTEST ‑ t_ClientTests_check_overlaps_NestedSimple_LONGTEST
t_ClientTests_check_overlaps_SiliconBlock_LONGTEST ‑ t_ClientTests_check_overlaps_SiliconBlock_LONGTEST
t_ClientTests_converter_description_Assemblies ‑ t_ClientTests_converter_description_Assemblies
t_ClientTests_converter_description_BoxTrafos ‑ t_ClientTests_converter_description_BoxTrafos
t_ClientTests_converter_description_CaloEndcapReflection ‑ t_ClientTests_converter_description_CaloEndcapReflection
t_ClientTests_converter_description_IronCylinder ‑ t_ClientTests_converter_description_IronCylinder
t_ClientTests_converter_description_LheD_tracker ‑ t_ClientTests_converter_description_LheD_tracker
t_ClientTests_converter_description_MagnetFields ‑ t_ClientTests_converter_description_MagnetFields
t_ClientTests_converter_description_MiniTel ‑ t_ClientTests_converter_description_MiniTel
t_ClientTests_converter_description_MultiCollections ‑ t_ClientTests_converter_description_MultiCollections
t_ClientTests_converter_description_MultiSegmentations ‑ t_ClientTests_converter_description_MultiSegmentations
t_ClientTests_converter_description_NestedDetectors ‑ t_ClientTests_converter_description_NestedDetectors
t_ClientTests_converter_description_NestedSimple ‑ t_ClientTests_converter_description_NestedSimple
t_ClientTests_converter_description_ParamVolume1D ‑ t_ClientTests_converter_description_ParamVolume1D
t_ClientTests_converter_description_ParamVolume2D ‑ t_ClientTests_converter_description_ParamVolume2D
t_ClientTests_converter_description_ParamVolume3D ‑ t_ClientTests_converter_description_ParamVolume3D
t_ClientTests_converter_description_SectorBarrelCalorimeter ‑ t_ClientTests_converter_description_SectorBarrelCalorimeter
t_ClientTests_converter_description_SiliconBlock ‑ t_ClientTests_converter_description_SiliconBlock
t_ClientTests_converter_vis_Assemblies ‑ t_ClientTests_converter_vis_Assemblies
t_ClientTests_converter_vis_BoxTrafos ‑ t_ClientTests_converter_vis_BoxTrafos
t_ClientTests_converter_vis_CaloEndcapReflection ‑ t_ClientTests_converter_vis_CaloEndcapReflection
t_ClientTests_converter_vis_IronCylinder ‑ t_ClientTests_converter_vis_IronCylinder
t_ClientTests_converter_vis_LheD_tracker ‑ t_ClientTests_converter_vis_LheD_tracker
t_ClientTests_converter_vis_MagnetFields ‑ t_ClientTests_converter_vis_MagnetFields
t_ClientTests_converter_vis_MiniTel ‑ t_ClientTests_converter_vis_MiniTel
t_ClientTests_converter_vis_MultiCollections ‑ t_ClientTests_converter_vis_MultiCollections
t_ClientTests_converter_vis_MultiSegmentations ‑ t_ClientTests_converter_vis_MultiSegmentations
t_ClientTests_converter_vis_NestedDetectors ‑ t_ClientTests_converter_vis_NestedDetectors
t_ClientTests_converter_vis_NestedSimple ‑ t_ClientTests_converter_vis_NestedSimple
t_ClientTests_converter_vis_ParamVolume1D ‑ t_ClientTests_converter_vis_ParamVolume1D
t_ClientTests_converter_vis_ParamVolume2D ‑ t_ClientTests_converter_vis_ParamVolume2D
t_ClientTests_converter_vis_ParamVolume3D ‑ t_ClientTests_converter_vis_ParamVolume3D
t_ClientTests_converter_vis_SectorBarrelCalorimeter ‑ t_ClientTests_converter_vis_SectorBarrelCalorimeter
t_ClientTests_converter_vis_SiliconBlock ‑ t_ClientTests_converter_vis_SiliconBlock
t_ClientTests_g4_gdml_MT ‑ t_ClientTests_g4_gdml_MT
t_ClientTests_g4_gdml_detector ‑ t_ClientTests_g4_gdml_detector
t_ClientTests_g4material_scan_Assemblies_LONGTEST ‑ t_ClientTests_g4material_scan_Assemblies_LONGTEST
t_ClientTests_g4material_scan_BoxTrafos_LONGTEST ‑ t_ClientTests_g4material_scan_BoxTrafos_LONGTEST
t_ClientTests_g4material_scan_CaloEndcapReflection_LONGTEST ‑ t_ClientTests_g4material_scan_CaloEndcapReflection_LONGTEST
t_ClientTests_g4material_scan_LheD_tracker_LONGTEST ‑ t_ClientTests_g4material_scan_LheD_tracker_LONGTEST
t_ClientTests_g4material_scan_MagnetFields_LONGTEST ‑ t_ClientTests_g4material_scan_MagnetFields_LONGTEST
t_ClientTests_g4material_scan_MiniTel_LONGTEST ‑ t_ClientTests_g4material_scan_MiniTel_LONGTEST
t_ClientTests_g4material_scan_MultiCollections_LONGTEST ‑ t_ClientTests_g4material_scan_MultiCollections_LONGTEST
t_ClientTests_g4material_scan_NestedDetectors_LONGTEST ‑ t_ClientTests_g4material_scan_NestedDetectors_LONGTEST
t_ClientTests_g4material_scan_NestedSimple_LONGTEST ‑ t_ClientTests_g4material_scan_NestedSimple_LONGTEST
t_ClientTests_g4material_scan_ParamVolume1D_LONGTEST ‑ t_ClientTests_g4material_scan_ParamVolume1D_LONGTEST
t_ClientTests_g4material_scan_ParamVolume2D_LONGTEST ‑ t_ClientTests_g4material_scan_ParamVolume2D_LONGTEST
t_ClientTests_g4material_scan_ParamVolume3D_LONGTEST ‑ t_ClientTests_g4material_scan_ParamVolume3D_LONGTEST
t_ClientTests_g4material_scan_SiliconBlock_LONGTEST ‑ t_ClientTests_g4material_scan_SiliconBlock_LONGTEST
t_ClientTests_material_scan_Assemblies ‑ t_ClientTests_material_scan_Assemblies
t_ClientTests_material_scan_BoxTrafos ‑ t_ClientTests_material_scan_BoxTrafos
t_ClientTests_material_scan_CaloEndcapReflection ‑ t_ClientTests_material_scan_CaloEndcapReflection
t_ClientTests_material_scan_LheD_tracker ‑ t_ClientTests_material_scan_LheD_tracker
t_ClientTests_material_scan_MagnetFields ‑ t_ClientTests_material_scan_MagnetFields
t_ClientTests_material_scan_MiniTel ‑ t_ClientTests_material_scan_MiniTel
t_ClientTests_material_scan_MultiCollections ‑ t_ClientTests_material_scan_MultiCollections
t_ClientTests_material_scan_NestedDetectors ‑ t_ClientTests_material_scan_NestedDetectors
t_ClientTests_material_scan_NestedSimple ‑ t_ClientTests_material_scan_NestedSimple
t_ClientTests_material_scan_ParamVolume1D ‑ t_ClientTests_material_scan_ParamVolume1D
t_ClientTests_material_scan_ParamVolume2D ‑ t_ClientTests_material_scan_ParamVolume2D
t_ClientTests_material_scan_ParamVolume3D ‑ t_ClientTests_material_scan_ParamVolume3D
t_ClientTests_material_scan_SiliconBlock ‑ t_ClientTests_material_scan_SiliconBlock
t_ClientTests_namespace_constants ‑ t_ClientTests_namespace_constants
t_ClientTests_parse_xml_string_BoxTrafos ‑ t_ClientTests_parse_xml_string_BoxTrafos
t_ClientTests_parse_xml_string_CaloEndcapReflection ‑ t_ClientTests_parse_xml_string_CaloEndcapReflection
t_ClientTests_parse_xml_string_IronCylinder ‑ t_ClientTests_parse_xml_string_IronCylinder
t_ClientTests_parse_xml_string_MiniTel ‑ t_ClientTests_parse_xml_string_MiniTel
t_ClientTests_parse_xml_string_MultiCollections ‑ t_ClientTests_parse_xml_string_MultiCollections
t_ClientTests_parse_xml_string_NestedSimple ‑ t_ClientTests_parse_xml_string_NestedSimple
t_ClientTests_parse_xml_string_SiliconBlock ‑ t_ClientTests_parse_xml_string_SiliconBlock
t_ClientTests_property_test ‑ t_ClientTests_property_test
t_ClientTests_sim_Assemblies ‑ t_ClientTests_sim_Assemblies
t_ClientTests_sim_Check_Temp_Pressure_Air ‑ t_ClientTests_sim_Check_Temp_Pressure_Air
t_ClientTests_sim_LheD_tracker ‑ t_ClientTests_sim_LheD_tracker
t_ClientTests_sim_MiniTel ‑ t_ClientTests_sim_MiniTel
t_ClientTests_sim_MiniTel_hepmc ‑ t_ClientTests_sim_MiniTel_hepmc
t_ClientTests_sim_MiniTel_limitset ‑ t_ClientTests_sim_MiniTel_limitset
t_ClientTests_sim_MiniTel_prod_cuts ‑ t_ClientTests_sim_MiniTel_prod_cuts
t_ClientTests_sim_MinitTel_edm4hep_write ‑ t_ClientTests_sim_MinitTel_edm4hep_write
t_ClientTests_sim_MultiCollections ‑ t_ClientTests_sim_MultiCollections
t_ClientTests_sim_MultiSegmentCollections ‑ t_ClientTests_sim_MultiSegmentCollections
t_ClientTests_sim_MultiSegmentations ‑ t_ClientTests_sim_MultiSegmentations
t_ClientTests_sim_NestedDetectors ‑ t_ClientTests_sim_NestedDetectors
t_ClientTests_sim_ParamVolume1D_LONGTEST ‑ t_ClientTests_sim_ParamVolume1D_LONGTEST
t_ClientTests_sim_ParamVolume2D_LONGTEST ‑ t_ClientTests_sim_ParamVolume2D_LONGTEST
t_ClientTests_sim_ParamVolume3D_LONGTEST ‑ t_ClientTests_sim_ParamVolume3D_LONGTEST
t_ClientTests_sim_SiliconBlockFastSim_LONGTEST ‑ t_ClientTests_sim_SiliconBlockFastSim_LONGTEST
t_ClientTests_sim_SiliconBlockGFlash_LONGTEST ‑ t_ClientTests_sim_SiliconBlockGFlash_LONGTEST
t_ClientTests_sim_TrackingRegion ‑ t_ClientTests_sim_TrackingRegion
t_ClientTests_sim_UserAnalysis ‑ t_ClientTests_sim_UserAnalysis
t_ClientTests_volume_materials_Assemblies ‑ t_ClientTests_volume_materials_Assemblies
t_ClientTests_volume_materials_BoxTrafos ‑ t_ClientTests_volume_materials_BoxTrafos
t_ClientTests_volume_materials_CaloEndcapReflection ‑ t_ClientTests_volume_materials_CaloEndcapReflection
t_ClientTests_volume_materials_IronCylinder ‑ t_ClientTests_volume_materials_IronCylinder
t_ClientTests_volume_materials_LheD_tracker ‑ t_ClientTests_volume_materials_LheD_tracker
t_ClientTests_volume_materials_MagnetFields ‑ t_ClientTests_volume_materials_MagnetFields
t_ClientTests_volume_materials_MiniTel ‑ t_ClientTests_volume_materials_MiniTel
t_ClientTests_volume_materials_MultiCollections ‑ t_ClientTests_volume_materials_MultiCollections
t_ClientTests_volume_materials_MultiSegmentations ‑ t_ClientTests_volume_materials_MultiSegmentations
t_ClientTests_volume_materials_NestedDetectors ‑ t_ClientTests_volume_materials_NestedDetectors
t_ClientTests_volume_materials_NestedSimple ‑ t_ClientTests_volume_materials_NestedSimple
t_ClientTests_volume_materials_ParamVolume1D ‑ t_ClientTests_volume_materials_ParamVolume1D
t_ClientTests_volume_materials_ParamVolume2D ‑ t_ClientTests_volume_materials_ParamVolume2D
t_ClientTests_volume_materials_ParamVolume3D ‑ t_ClientTests_volume_materials_ParamVolume3D
t_ClientTests_volume_materials_SectorBarrelCalorimeter ‑ t_ClientTests_volume_materials_SectorBarrelCalorimeter
t_ClientTests_volume_materials_SiliconBlock ‑ t_ClientTests_volume_materials_SiliconBlock
t_ClientTests_volume_scanner ‑ t_ClientTests_volume_scanner
t_Conditions_CLICSiD_root_load_cond_LONGTEST ‑ t_Conditions_CLICSiD_root_load_cond_LONGTEST
t_Conditions_CLICSiD_root_load_iov_LONGTEST ‑ t_Conditions_CLICSiD_root_load_iov_LONGTEST
t_Conditions_CLICSiD_root_load_usr_LONGTEST ‑ t_Conditions_CLICSiD_root_load_usr_LONGTEST
t_Conditions_CLICSiD_root_save_LONGTEST ‑ t_Conditions_CLICSiD_root_save_LONGTEST
t_Conditions_CLICSiD_stress2_LONGTEST ‑ t_Conditions_CLICSiD_stress2_LONGTEST
t_Conditions_CLICSiD_stress_LONGTEST ‑ t_Conditions_CLICSiD_stress_LONGTEST
t_Conditions_Telescope_MT_LONGTEST ‑ t_Conditions_Telescope_MT_LONGTEST
t_Conditions_Telescope_cond_dump_by_detelement ‑ t_Conditions_Telescope_cond_dump_by_detelement
t_Conditions_Telescope_cond_dump_by_pool ‑ t_Conditions_Telescope_cond_dump_by_pool
t_Conditions_Telescope_populate ‑ t_Conditions_Telescope_populate
t_Conditions_Telescope_root_load_iov ‑ t_Conditions_Telescope_root_load_iov
t_Conditions_Telescope_root_load_pool ‑ t_Conditions_Telescope_root_load_pool
t_Conditions_Telescope_root_load_usr ‑ t_Conditions_Telescope_root_load_usr
t_Conditions_Telescope_root_save ‑ t_Conditions_Telescope_root_save
t_Conditions_Telescope_stress ‑ t_Conditions_Telescope_stress
t_Conditions_Telescope_stress2 ‑ t_Conditions_Telescope_stress2
t_Conditions_Telescope_unresolved ‑ t_Conditions_Telescope_unresolved
t_Conditions_any_Telescope_populate ‑ t_Conditions_any_Telescope_populate
t_Conditions_any_basic ‑ t_Conditions_any_basic
t_Conditions_dynamic_payload ‑ t_Conditions_dynamic_payload
t_DDCAD_Check_Shape_BHV_Boxing_Toes ‑ t_DDCAD_Check_Shape_BHV_Boxing_Toes
t_DDCAD_Check_Shape_COB_dwarf ‑ t_DDCAD_Check_Shape_COB_dwarf
t_DDCAD_Check_Shape_Collada_duck ‑ t_DDCAD_Check_Shape_Collada_duck
t_DDCAD_Check_Shape_MS3D_jeep ‑ t_DDCAD_Check_Shape_MS3D_jeep
t_DDCAD_Check_Shape_PLY_Wuson ‑ t_DDCAD_Check_Shape_PLY_Wuson
t_DDCAD_Check_Shape_RelativePath ‑ t_DDCAD_Check_Shape_RelativePath
t_DDCAD_Issue1134_g4geometry_scan ‑ t_DDCAD_Issue1134_g4geometry_scan
t_DDCAD_Issue1134_g4overlap_check ‑ t_DDCAD_Issue1134_g4overlap_check
t_DDCAD_Issue1134_geometry_load ‑ t_DDCAD_Issue1134_geometry_load
t_DDCAD_Issue1134_overlap_check ‑ t_DDCAD_Issue1134_overlap_check
t_DDCAD_export_FCC_machine ‑ t_DDCAD_export_FCC_machine
t_DDCAD_export_cal_endcaps ‑ t_DDCAD_export_cal_endcaps
t_DDCAD_export_sid_vertex ‑ t_DDCAD_export_sid_vertex
t_DDCAD_import_FCC_machine ‑ t_DDCAD_import_FCC_machine
t_DDCAD_import_cal_endcaps ‑ t_DDCAD_import_cal_endcaps
t_DDCAD_import_sid_vertex ‑ t_DDCAD_import_sid_vertex
t_DDCMS_DumpDetElements ‑ t_DDCMS_DumpDetElements
t_DDCMS_DumpMaterials ‑ t_DDCMS_DumpMaterials
t_DDCMS_DumpVolumes ‑ t_DDCMS_DumpVolumes
t_DDCMS_LoadGeometry ‑ t_DDCMS_LoadGeometry
t_DDCMS_NamespaceConstants ‑ t_DDCMS_NamespaceConstants
t_DDCMS_Persist_Restore_DetTest1_LONGTEST ‑ t_DDCMS_Persist_Restore_DetTest1_LONGTEST
t_DDCMS_Persist_Restore_DetTest2_LONGTEST ‑ t_DDCMS_Persist_Restore_DetTest2_LONGTEST
t_DDCMS_Persist_Restore_LONGTEST ‑ t_DDCMS_Persist_Restore_LONGTEST
t_DDCMS_Persist_Restore_Nominal_LONGTEST ‑ t_DDCMS_Persist_Restore_Nominal_LONGTEST
t_DDCMS_Persist_Restore_Readouts_LONGTEST ‑ t_DDCMS_Persist_Restore_Readouts_LONGTEST
t_DDCMS_Persist_Restore_Sensitives_LONGTEST ‑ t_DDCMS_Persist_Restore_Sensitives_LONGTEST
t_DDCMS_Persist_Save_LONGTEST ‑ t_DDCMS_Persist_Save_LONGTEST
t_DDCMS_TestShapes ‑ t_DDCMS_TestShapes
t_DDCMS_VolumeMgrTest_PixelBarrel ‑ t_DDCMS_VolumeMgrTest_PixelBarrel
t_DDCMS_VolumeMgrTest_TIB ‑ t_DDCMS_VolumeMgrTest_TIB
t_DDCMS_VolumeMgrTest_TOB ‑ t_DDCMS_VolumeMgrTest_TOB
t_DDDigi_colored_noise ‑ t_DDDigi_colored_noise
t_DDDigi_framework ‑ t_DDDigi_framework
t_DDDigi_generate_ddg4_data ‑ t_DDDigi_generate_ddg4_data
t_DDDigi_generate_edm4hep_data ‑ t_DDDigi_generate_edm4hep_data
t_DDDigi_properties ‑ t_DDDigi_properties
t_DDDigi_test_attenuate ‑ t_DDDigi_test_attenuate
t_DDDigi_test_containers_parallel ‑ t_DDDigi_test_containers_parallel
t_DDDigi_test_deposit_count ‑ t_DDDigi_test_deposit_count
t_DDDigi_test_deposit_smear_energy ‑ t_DDDigi_test_deposit_smear_energy
t_DDDigi_test_deposit_smear_time ‑ t_DDDigi_test_deposit_smear_time
t_DDDigi_test_detector_resegmentation ‑ t_DDDigi_test_detector_resegmentation
t_DDDigi_test_digi_root_write ‑ t_DDDigi_test_digi_root_write
t_DDDigi_test_edm4hep_output ‑ t_DDDigi_test_edm4hep_output
t_DDDigi_test_edm4hep_read ‑ t_DDDigi_test_edm4hep_read
t_DDDigi_test_input_reading ‑ t_DDDigi_test_input_reading
t_DDDigi_test_move_IP ‑ t_DDDigi_test_move_IP
t_DDDigi_test_multi_interactions ‑ t_DDDigi_test_multi_interactions
t_DDDigi_test_processing_exception ‑ t_DDDigi_test_processing_exception
t_DDDigi_test_segmentation_split_1 ‑ t_DDDigi_test_segmentation_split_1
t_DDDigi_test_segmentation_split_2 ‑ t_DDDigi_test_segmentation_split_2
t_DDDigi_test_simple_adc_response ‑ t_DDDigi_test_simple_adc_response
t_DDDigi_test_smear_position ‑ t_DDDigi_test_smear_position
t_DDDigi_test_smear_track ‑ t_DDDigi_test_smear_track
t_DDDigi_test_spillover ‑ t_DDDigi_test_spillover
t_DDDigi_test_weighted_deposit_overlay ‑ t_DDDigi_test_weighted_deposit_overlay
t_DDG4_G4ExtendedMaterial_G4LogicalCrystalVolume ‑ t_DDG4_G4ExtendedMaterial_G4LogicalCrystalVolume
t_DDG4_HepMC_reader ‑ t_DDG4_HepMC_reader
t_DDG4_HepMC_reader_minbias ‑ t_DDG4_HepMC_reader_minbias
t_DDG4_MySensDet_g4material_scan_SiliconBlock_LONGTEST ‑ t_DDG4_MySensDet_g4material_scan_SiliconBlock_LONGTEST
t_DDG4_MySensDet_sim_SiliconBlock_LONGTEST ‑ t_DDG4_MySensDet_sim_SiliconBlock_LONGTEST
t_DDG4_TestStackingAction ‑ t_DDG4_TestStackingAction
t_DDG4_TestSteppingAction ‑ t_DDG4_TestSteppingAction
t_DDG4_Test_property_types ‑ t_DDG4_Test_property_types
t_DDG4_UIManager ‑ t_DDG4_UIManager
t_DDG4_material_volume_string_properties ‑ t_DDG4_material_volume_string_properties
t_LHeD_DDG4_g4material_scan_LONGTEST ‑ t_LHeD_DDG4_g4material_scan_LONGTEST
t_LHeD_check_geometry_LONGTEST ‑ t_LHeD_check_geometry_LONGTEST
t_LHeD_check_overlaps_LONGTEST ‑ t_LHeD_check_overlaps_LONGTEST
t_LHeD_converter_description_LONGTEST ‑ t_LHeD_converter_description_LONGTEST
t_LHeD_converter_vis_LONGTEST ‑ t_LHeD_converter_vis_LONGTEST
t_MiniTel_check_checksum_Minitel3 ‑ t_MiniTel_check_checksum_Minitel3
t_MiniTel_check_checksum_full ‑ t_MiniTel_check_checksum_full
t_MiniTel_check_missing_placements ‑ t_MiniTel_check_missing_placements
t_Persist_CLICSiD_Geant4_LONGTEST ‑ t_Persist_CLICSiD_Geant4_LONGTEST
t_Persist_CLICSiD_Restore_DetCheck_LONGTEST ‑ t_Persist_CLICSiD_Restore_DetCheck_LONGTEST
t_Persist_CLICSiD_Restore_LONGTEST ‑ t_Persist_CLICSiD_Restore_LONGTEST
t_Persist_CLICSiD_Restore_Nominal_LONGTEST ‑ t_Persist_CLICSiD_Restore_Nominal_LONGTEST
t_Persist_CLICSiD_Restore_Readouts_LONGTEST ‑ t_Persist_CLICSiD_Restore_Readouts_LONGTEST
t_Persist_CLICSiD_Restore_Segmentations_LONGTEST ‑ t_Persist_CLICSiD_Restore_Segmentations_LONGTEST
t_Persist_CLICSiD_Restore_Sensitives_LONGTEST ‑ t_Persist_CLICSiD_Restore_Sensitives_LONGTEST
t_Persist_CLICSiD_Restore_VolMgr1_LONGTEST ‑ t_Persist_CLICSiD_Restore_VolMgr1_LONGTEST
t_Persist_CLICSiD_Save_LONGTEST ‑ t_Persist_CLICSiD_Save_LONGTEST
t_Persist_Conditions_Restore ‑ t_Persist_Conditions_Restore
t_Persist_Conditions_Save ‑ t_Persist_Conditions_Save
t_Persist_MiniTel_Restore_LONGTEST ‑ t_Persist_MiniTel_Restore_LONGTEST
t_Persist_MiniTel_Restore_Nominal_LONGTEST ‑ t_Persist_MiniTel_Restore_Nominal_LONGTEST
t_Persist_MiniTel_Restore_Readouts_LONGTEST ‑ t_Persist_MiniTel_Restore_Readouts_LONGTEST
t_Persist_MiniTel_Restore_Segmentations_LONGTEST ‑ t_Persist_MiniTel_Restore_Segmentations_LONGTEST
t_Persist_MiniTel_Restore_Sensitives_LONGTEST ‑ t_Persist_MiniTel_Restore_Sensitives_LONGTEST
t_Persist_MiniTel_Restore_VolMgr1_LONGTEST ‑ t_Persist_MiniTel_Restore_VolMgr1_LONGTEST
t_Persist_MiniTel_Save_LONGTEST ‑ t_Persist_MiniTel_Save_LONGTEST
t_RICH_energy_deposition ‑ t_RICH_energy_deposition
t_RICH_number_of_hits ‑ t_RICH_number_of_hits
t_RICH_simulation ‑ t_RICH_simulation
t_SimpleDetector_converter_description ‑ t_SimpleDetector_converter_description
t_SimpleDetector_converter_vis ‑ t_SimpleDetector_converter_vis
t_Surfaces_OpNovice_read_gdml ‑ t_Surfaces_OpNovice_read_gdml
t_Surfaces_OpNovice_write_gdml ‑ t_Surfaces_OpNovice_write_gdml
t_Surfaces_read_GDMLMatrices ‑ t_Surfaces_read_GDMLMatrices
t_Surfaces_read_MaterialProperties ‑ t_Surfaces_read_MaterialProperties
t_Surfaces_read_OpticalSurfaces ‑ t_Surfaces_read_OpticalSurfaces
t_box_shape_build_type ‑ t_box_shape_build_type
t_ddsimUserActions ‑ t_ddsimUserActions
t_ddsimUserPlugins ‑ t_ddsimUserPlugins
t_import_geo_place_det_elements ‑ t_import_geo_place_det_elements
t_minitel_config_plugins_include_command_line ‑ t_minitel_config_plugins_include_command_line
t_minitel_config_plugins_include_command_xml ‑ t_minitel_config_plugins_include_command_xml
t_minitel_config_region_subdet_geant4 ‑ t_minitel_config_region_subdet_geant4
t_minitel_config_region_world_geant4 ‑ t_minitel_config_region_world_geant4
t_minitel_config_world ‑ t_minitel_config_world
t_minitel_config_world_material ‑ t_minitel_config_world_material
t_minitel_config_world_volume ‑ t_minitel_config_world_volume
t_test_DetType ‑ t_test_DetType
t_test_Evaluator ‑ t_test_Evaluator
t_test_EventReaders ‑ t_test_EventReaders
t_test_PolarGridRPhi2 ‑ t_test_PolarGridRPhi2
t_test_bitfield64 ‑ t_test_bitfield64
t_test_bitfieldcoder ‑ t_test_bitfieldcoder
t_test_cellDimensions ‑ t_test_cellDimensions
t_test_cellDimensionsRPhi2 ‑ t_test_cellDimensionsRPhi2
t_test_ddsim_.root ‑ t_test_ddsim_.root
t_test_ddsim_.slcio ‑ t_test_ddsim_.slcio
t_test_ddsim_edm4hep.root ‑ t_test_ddsim_edm4hep.root
t_test_ddsim_hepmc3_Pythia_output_hepmc ‑ t_test_ddsim_hepmc3_Pythia_output_hepmc
t_test_ddsim_hepmc3_geantinos_hepmc_bz2 ‑ t_test_ddsim_hepmc3_geantinos_hepmc_bz2
t_test_ddsim_hepmc3_geantinos_hepmc_gz ‑ t_test_ddsim_hepmc3_geantinos_hepmc_gz
t_test_ddsim_hepmc3_geantinos_hepmc_xz ‑ t_test_ddsim_hepmc3_geantinos_hepmc_xz
t_test_example ‑ t_test_example
t_test_python_import ‑ t_test_python_import
t_test_python_import_ddg4 ‑ t_test_python_import_ddg4
t_test_segmentationHandles ‑ t_test_segmentationHandles
t_test_shapes ‑ t_test_shapes
t_test_surface ‑ t_test_surface
t_test_units ‑ t_test_units