Created by Xiaohan Ding, Yiyuan Zhang, etc.
This repository is an official implementation of UniRepLKNet .
This repository is built to explore the ability of RepLK-series networks to understand audio spectrograms. Following common practice in AST, we also transform raw waves into Mel features with a spatial-relevant form. Then we employ large-kernel convnets to deal with speech classification.
- Python 3.9
- CUDA 11.3
- PyTorch 1.11.1
- timm 0.5.4
- torch_scatter
- pointnet2_ops
- cv2, sklearn, yaml, h5py
conda create -n pt python=3.9
conda activate pt
conda install pytorch==1.11.0 torchvision==0.12.0 torchaudio==0.11.0 cudatoolkit=11.3
- ( Note that the python virtual environment of audio understanding is compatible with point cloud understanding)
The data of speech commands v2 can be directly downloaded:
cd egs/speechcommands && bash
The data is expected to be in the following file structure:
Audio/ |-- src/ |-- egs/ |-- Speechcommands/ |-- data/ |-- datafiles/ | -- speechcommand_eval_data.json | -- speechcommand_train_data.json | -- speechcommand_valid_data.json |-- speech_commands_v0.02/ |-- speechcommands_class_labels_indices.csv |-- pretrained_models/
( Other datasets can be found in AST)
- ( Please according to your practical settings to modify these Variables)
Our code is based on AST.