We will install all 3 components you need and bring them together in this tutorial.
MongoDB is a programm that would run on a server ideally. It will collect and comunicate information with the machines that run your experiments.
For installation, google install mongodb and your exact OS e.g., Linux Mint 18 (makes a big difference)
You can run MongoDB on your server via
sudo systemctl start mongodb # Ubuntu 14
sudo service start mongod # Ubuntu 16
You can check if its currently running via
sudo systemctl status mongodb # Ubuntu 14
sudo service status mongod # Ubuntu 16
It can also help to add this command to your start up applications.
Sacred is the python library that organizes your experiments. You will need to install it alongside pymongo.
pip install sacred pymongo
You can now set up experiments by following this GUIDE. This guide is great read it well.
sacredboard is the engine that asks your server for the collected experiment information and displays it for you in a browser window.
First you best set up a python 3(!) conda environment and install
conda create -n sacredboard python=3.5
source activate sacredboard
pip install sacredboard
! Note that this needs not to be the same environment as your project. In fact I got my own conda environment just for sacredboard.
Now that we got:
sacredboard on our device of choice
experimetns with well written sacred code
a running mongoDB server
we need to connect it all.
First thing to do is setting up a unique port for the mongo server (dont ask why, but its important).
Next, we start an experiment that send all information to our mongoDB server data base via our unique port (same as above!!)
python myexperiment.py -m IP_OF_MONGO_SERVER:MY_PORT:MY_DB
python experiment.py -m
We can now observe our experiments by
sacredboard -m
That is it already that is all you need to know.
Except, if you run experimetns on servers of the UvA due to security stuff it is best to
first open a tmux or screen session
ssh -R yourport:localhost:yourport fs2