This repo contains the record and data of work done for u5india at IIT Bombay
countries: Contains data, Graphs, analysis and scripts for data analysis of birth_rate of different countries in the subfolder with each subfolder containing the respective visualizations and scripts generated. -data: contains official RTI responses from governments of Kerala, Delhi and Mumbai (BMC) and some cleaned data from the RTIs.
delhi: Contains data, visualizations, analysis and scripts for the Birth, Death and vaccinations data for Delhi sourced from official websites or from filed RTIs.
mumbai : Contains data, visualizations, analysis and scripts for the Birth, Death and vaccinations data for mumbai sourced from official websites or from filed RTIs.
Files "Report_birth_data_analysis.pdf" contains the final data analysis of 12 different countries's birth rate and live births.
The main file "birt_data_main_report.ods" contains the list of countries with source of the data folder "birth_rate" contains seperate folders for each country with their data , refer to their main report for more info and remarks.