Deimos is an experimental computer vision library in C
I am trying to distill my knowledge into a computer vision guide, which serves as an introductory guide to this field and goes into details about the algorithms implemented below. I welcome any suggestions/critiques, thanks!
- Geometric Transformations
- Rotation
- Scaling
- Shearing/Warping
- Smoothing
- Gaussian filter
- Median filter
- Bilateral filter
- Box filter
- Edge detection
- Unsharp mask
- Laplacian Filter (Difference of Gaussian)
- Sobel operator
- Color
- Greyscale
- Contrast
- Thresholding
- Global
- Otsu's Method
- Feature extraction
- Harris corner detection
git clone
cd deimos/
If you don't have make on windows, you can instead use the
, it gets the job done.
git clone
cd deimos/
Note The filters are un-optimized, they work best on smaller images
./cv gray ../data/img1.jpg ./output.png
./cv sharpen --sigma 3 ../data/img1.jpg ./output.png
./cv blur --kernel 9 --sigma 5 ../data/img1.jpg ./output.png
./bin/deimos <command> <args> input output
deimos blur --sigma 3.4 --kernel 5 input.png output.png
deimos gray input.png output.png
deimos median --kernel 3 input.png output.png
deimos sharpen --sigma 0.6 --kernel 3 input.png output.png
blur, gaussian Apply Gaussian blur to the image.
median Apply median filter to the image.
bilateral Apply bilateral filter to the image.
box, mean Apply box filter onto the image.
Edge Detection:
sobel Apply Sobel filter to the image.
laplacian Apply Laplacian filter onto the image.
sharpen Sharpen image via an unsharp mask.
global-threshold Apply the global threshold filter over the image. 'sigma' would be the threshold.
otsu-threshold Apply Otsu's threshold filter over the image.
Feature Extraction:
harris-corners Detect corners within the image via Harris corner detection.
rotate Rotate the image by `sigma` deg.
scale Scale the image by sigma factor; if sigma is negative then downscale else upscale
shear Shear or skew the image at both axis by sigma factor.
flipX Horizontally mirror the image
flipY Vertically mirror the image
Color enhancements:
gray Convert image to grayscale.
contrast Increase/decrease contrast based on `sigma`
Other Commands:
help Print this help message.
--sigma Specify the primary modifier for the convolutions.
--kernel Define the kernel size for convolutions (if applicable).
--no-threshold Disable specifying a threshold for the sobel operator, default to setting gradient magnitude
Note this showcases only some of the many avaliable filters
./bin/deimos blur --kernel 9 --sigma 3 ./data/img1.jpg ./img1-gaussian-3-9.png
Original Image | Gaussian Blur |
./bin/deimos median --kernel 9 ./data/img1.jpg ../output.jpg
Original Image | Median Filter |
./bin/deimos sharpen --kernel 9 --sigma 1.2 ./data/img1.jpg ../output.jpg
Original Image | Unsharp Mask |
./bin/deimos laplacian --kernel 3 --sigma 1.5 ./data/img1.jpg ./output.jpg
Original Image | Laplacian Filter |
./bin/deimos otsu-threshold ./data/img1.jpg ./output.jpg
Original Image | Otsu's threshold |
./bin/deimos sobel --no-threshold ./data/img1.jpg ./output.jpg
Original Image | Sobel Operator |
Thanks to Adrian Sieber for pointing out a fault in calculating Otsu's threshold. (See #1)