Here you will find the configuration for some of the software that I use.
I primarily use:
- Artix Linux(GNU): my main operating system.
- dwm: my Window Manager/Desktop Environment
- dwmblocks: my status bar
- dmenu: my app launcher
- st: my terminal
- Neovim: my terminal editor/IDE
- Emacs: my internal operating system
' amf@arTPad
'o' ----------
'ooo' OS: Artix Linux x86_64
'ooxoo' Host: 20ASA0M100 ThinkPad L440
'ooxxxoo' Kernel: 6.0.7-artix1-1
'oookkxxoo' Uptime: 1 day, 5 hours, 14 mins
'oiioxkkxxoo' Packages: 1813 (pacman)
':;:iiiioxxxoo' Shell: zsh 5.9
`'.;::ioxxoo' Resolution: 1366x768 @ 60Hz
'-. `':;jiooo' WM: dwm (X11)
'oooio-.. `'i:io' Theme: Adwaita-dark [GTK3/4]
'ooooxxxxoio:,. `'-;' Icons: Nordzy-dark [GTK3/4]
'ooooxxxxxkkxoooIi:-. `' Font: FantasqueSansMono Nerd Font Mono (10pt) [GTK3/4]
'ooooxxxxxkkkkxoiiiiiji' Cursor: phinger-cursors-light
'ooooxxxxxkxxoiiii:'` .i' Terminal: st
'ooooxxxxxoi:::'` .;ioxo' CPU: Intel Core i7-4600M (4) @ 3.6GHz
'ooooxooi::'` .:iiixkxxo' GPU: Intel 4th Gen Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller
'ooooi:'` `'';ioxxo' Memory: 3239MiB / 7846MiB (41%)
'i:'` '':io' Disk (/): 17.5 GB / 63.4GiB (27%)
'` `' Disk (/home): 36.5 GB / 48.9GiB (74%)
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