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Qiyun Zhu |
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I am an Assistant Professor at the School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University, starting from August 2020. Prior to this appointment, I completed postdoctoral training at UC San Diego with Dr. Rob Knight. My academic background is multidisciplinary, with research experience and interest in bioinformatics, phylogenetics, microbiology, comparative genomics and molecular biology. I study both computational and biological questions, and strive to expand understanding of the microbial world through its multiple levels: genes, genomes, lineages, communities, hosts, and environments. <br /><br /> [<i class='fa fa-envelope-square fa-2x'></i>](mailto:Qiyun.Zhu@asu.edu) [<i class='ai ai-google-scholar-square ai-2x'></i>]( https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=mjkV0pUAAAAJ) [<i class='ai ai-orcid-square ai-2x'></i>]( http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0490-1175) [<i class='fab fa-github-square fa-2x'></i>]( https://github.com/qiyunzhu/) [<i class='fab fa-linkedin fa-2x'></i>]( https://www.linkedin.com/in/qiyunzhu/) [<i class='ai ai-cv-square ai-2x'></i>](assets/files/QiyunZhu_CV_Aug2020.pdf)
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Daniel Roush |
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I am a Postdoctoral Scholar in the Center for Fundamental and Applied Microbiomics at the Biodesign Institute located at Arizona State University. Before joining the Qiyun Lab, I completed my dissertation work under the tutelage of [Dr. Ferran Garcia-Pichel]( http://garcia-pichel.lab.asu.edu/labo/) where I examined endolithic phototrophs and their accompanying microbiomes. My (micro)biological training has spanned a wide range of topics including synthetic biology, microbial fuel cells, industrial applications of anaerobic extremophiles, and extreme environmental microbiomes. Most recently, I have led the development of databases and tools to help with rapid analysis of environmental microbiomes ([Cydrasil]( https://github.com/FGPLab/cydrasil)). My current research goals are focused on developing and adapting new technologies for use in microbiome analysis and making those new tools easily accessible for every scientist. <br /><br /> [<i class='fa fa-envelope-square fa-2x'></i>](mailto:dwroush@asu.edu) [<i class='ai ai-google-scholar-square ai-2x'></i>]( https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=oNXQvWkAAAAJ) [<i class='ai ai-orcid-square ai-2x'></i>]( https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8025-2117) [<i class='fab fa-github-square fa-2x'></i>]( https://github.com/droush) [<i class='fab fa-linkedin fa-2x'></i>]( https://www.linkedin.com/in/dwroush/) [<i class='ai ai-cv-square ai-2x'></i>](assets/files/roush-cv-aug-2020-qiyun-lab.pdf)
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Henry Secaira Morocho |
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I will join Qiyun lab in the 2021 Fall for my Ph.D. research. I am a biologist with a multidisciplinary background, which has shaped my interests at the interface of evolution, bioinformatics, microbiology, and systems biology. Currently, I am Bioinformatics and Computational Biology master's student in Spain, and I am working on a research project that focuses on the network analysis of deep sequencing data to understand the adaptive responses of viral populations to varying environments under the supervision of [Dr. Susanna Manrubia.]( https://auditore.cab.inta-csic.es/manrubia/) <br /><br /> [<i class='fa fa-envelope-square fa-2x'></i>](mailto:hsecaira@asu.edu) [<i class='fab fa-github-square fa-2x'></i>]( https://github.com/HSecaira) [<i class='fab fa-linkedin fa-2x'></i>]( https://www.linkedin.com/in/henry-secaira-morocho-7a080a146) [<i class='ai ai-cv-square ai-2x'></i>](assets/files/Secaira_Henrry_CV.pdf)
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Zhu Xing |
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I am an undergraduate student majoring in Biological Science (Genetics, Cell and Developmental Biology) and Global Health. I am a new member of the Qiyun lab. I am interested to learn about microbiology and bioinformatics. I am still exploring possible future careers with an interest in biomedical science. Currently, I am assisting Daniel with the Cydrasil project. <br /><br /> [<i class='fa fa-envelope-square fa-2x'></i>](mailto:zxing16@asu.edu) [<i class='fab fa-github-square fa-2x'></i>]( https://github.com/Zhu288) [<i class='fab fa-linkedin fa-2x'></i>]( https://www.linkedin.com/in/zhu-xing-a734661b5/) [<i class='ai ai-cv-square ai-2x'></i>](assets/files/Zhu_Xing_resume2021.pdf)
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Julian Yu |
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We welcome undergraduate and graduate students with an interest in microbiomes and bioinformatics to join our highly motivated and collaborative team. You will conduct research on one or several projects that both advance the field and fit your specific interest. You will receive training in quantitative skills, big data analytics, software development, hypothesis testing, scientific communication, and other valuable aspects of scientific research.
Please contact Dr. Qiyun Zhu at Qiyun.Zhu@asu.edu to discuss about the opportunity.