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Exposing DNS UDP traffic for k8gb

In order for k8gb to function properly, associated CoreDNS service deployed with k8gb needs to be exposed for external DNS UDP traffic on cluster worker nodes.

Actual ways to achieve this depend on many factors, such as underlying infrastructure (cloud, on-prem, managed vs bare-metal setup), means to expose CoreDNS service (ClusterIP, LoadBalancer), type of load balancer or ingress controller used etc. This topic is outside the project's scope, as often the related configuration is shared by cluster services, requires additional permissions, and as result can't be owned by k8gb controller deployment. However, we can describe a few examples using common Kubernetes configurations, which have been thoroughly tested in local and production environments.

Ingress Controller with UDP support (NGINX)

Check NGINX Ingress controller official documentation for additional information

In general, an Ingress resource doesn't support TCP or UDP services. In order to let NGINX Ingress controller know that we want to expose UDP port for k8gb CoreDNS service (k8gb-coredns), we need to create or patch udp-services ConfigMap in a namespace where NGINX ingress controller is installed (ingress-nginx by default). Its data section would contain UDP 53 port mapping for CoreDNS service deployed with k8gb chart release.

Associated CoreDNS service can be found in the same namespace where k8gb chart release is deployed. Service name is prefixed with chart release name.

Example udp-services ConfigMap manifest:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: udp-services
  namespace: ingress-nginx
  53: "k8gb/k8gb-coredns:53"  # <== "<K8GB_DEPLOYMENT_NAMESPACE>/<K8GB_CHART_RELEASE>-coredns"

It can be also created or patched by running kubectl one-liner:

# Patch the existing `udp-services` ConfigMap in NGINX Ingress controller namespace:

kubectl patch -n ingress-nginx -p '{"data":{"53":"k8gb/k8gb-coredns:53"}}' --type=merge cm/udp-services

# Or create `udp-services` ConfigMap if it doesn't exist, e.g.:

kubectl create -n ingress-nginx cm udp-services --from-literal="53"="k8gb/k8gb-coredns:53"

Local project setup does this patching automatically.

CoreDNS service lookup

k8gb is trying to find a service annotated with within the same namespace where controller itself is deployed into. If the service has Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress[0].Hostname, k8gb will use the resolved IPs to reach CoreDNS on this cluster.

External load balancer

CoreDNS can be also exposed for DNS UDP traffic via external load balancer, if underlying infrastructure supports that.
AWS EKS with NLB and k3d with ServiceLB are good examples of such an infrastructure proven to work for k8gb deployments.
We're using this approach in our AWS+Route53 reference setup with k8gb helm chart providing out-of-the-box support for external load balancer scenario. CoreDNS service is configured by setting coredns.serviceType helm chart value to LoadBalancer:

# k8gb helm chart values.yaml example:

  serviceType: LoadBalancer # <== expose UDP DNS traffic via external load balancer
    annotations: nlb

In general, resulting Service resource configuration for k8gb CoreDNS looks like:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  annotations: nlb # <== tell AWS to use NLB load balancer
  name: k8gb-coredns
  namespace: k8gb
  - name: udp-53 # specify DNS UDP port (53)
    port: 53
    protocol: UDP
  selector: k8gb coredns
  type: LoadBalancer # <== set service type to LoadBalancer