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Easily support application loggers in your gems.


OptionalLogger was built out of the need to be able to easily support logging inside of gems while still allowing the application to control the logger.

Generally, applications have to make a few decisions about a particular logger.

  1. What log level should it be logging at?
  2. Where should the logger be logging?
  3. What format should this logger log in?

It is impossible for a gem to appropriately make these decisions as they are strictly application level concerns that are made when constructing a Logger instance.

OptionalLogger is a foundational component that enables gems to easily support logging through an application managed logger. It does so by allowing the gem authors to optionally receive a application managed Logger instance via dependency injection and handles the optionality of the logger. This frees the gem authors up from having to worry about checking for the existence of the logger each time they want to log something. It also protects you from accidentally altering the applications logger.


Add this line to your gem's gemspec file:

spec.add_dependency 'optional_logger', '~> 2.0'

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install optional_logger


The assumption with the usage of OptionalLogger is that your gem some how receives an application managed Logger instance via dependency injection. OptionalLogger does NOT prescribe how you receive the logger. Therefore, the following examples will refer to the received application managed logger instance as received_logger.

require 'optional_logger'

logger ="some info log message")"Program Name") { "some expensive info log message" } # => Returns true if the current severity level allows for the printing of INFO messages.

logger.warn("some warn log message")
logger.warn("Program Name") { "some expensive warn log message" }
logger.warn? # => Returns true if the current severity level allows for the printing of WARN messages.

logger.debug("some debug log message")
logger.debug("Program Name") { "some expensive debug log message" }
logger.debug? # => Returns true if the current severity level allows for the printing of DEBUG messages.

logger.error("some error log message")
logger.error("Program Name") { "some expensive error log message" }
logger.error? # => Returns true if the current severity level allows for the printing of ERROR messages.

logger.fatal("some fatal log message")
logger.fatal("Program Name") { "some expensive fatal log message" }
logger.fatal? # => Returns true if the current severity level allows for the printing of FATAL messages.

logger.unknown("some unknown log message")
logger.unknown("Program Name") { "Some expensive unknown log message" }

logger.add(Logger::FATAL, nil, "Program Name") { "some expensive message" }
logger.add(Logger::FATAL, "some message", "Program Name")

logger.log(Logger::FATAL, nil, "Program Name") { "some expensive message" }
logger.log(Logger::FATAL, "some message", "Program Name")

Note: You don't have to worry about setting up or cleaning up after the logger as it is managed by the application that is using your library.

Logger Management

We also provide a small module to aid with logger management within your gem if you don't want to write your own logger management using the core logger provided above. The following are a couple examples of how you might use it.

Module/Class Level

If you want to provide the logger interface at a Module/Class level. You would do the following.

require 'optional_logger'

module MyFooGem
  extend OptionalLogger::LoggerManagement

The above would enable consumers of your library to set the logger as follows.


It also enables you to access an OptionalLogger::Logger instance that wraps the application logger they provided within your gem as follows.

MyFooGem.logger # => the optional logger wrapping some_application_logger

# or if you are inside the module

self.logger # or simply logger

Instance Level

If you want to provide the logger interface at an instance level. You would do the following.

require 'optional_logger'

module MyClass
  include OptionalLogger::LoggerManagement

The above would enable consumers of your library to set the logger as follows.

obj =

It also enables you to access an OptionalLogger::Logger instance that wraps the application logger they provided within your gem as follows.

obj.logger # => the optional logger wrapping some_application_logger

# or if you are inside the class

self.logger # or simply logger


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.