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Vehicle Ambush Script And Vehicle Camo

AdamWaldie edited this page Jan 16, 2023 · 2 revisions

Associated Files: MissionScripts\Logistics\VehicleCamoScript\vehicleCamo.sqf

A script which allows for the creation of "camo" objects to assist in hiding a vehicle in ambush. The script also accounts for limited dismounted movement around the vehicle in concealment (civ).

If the Player:

  • Is spotted
  • Fires the vehicles weapons
  • Moves more than 40 meters from the vehicle
  • Takes damage (Player or vehicle)

The player is returned to their side (potential game-restricted delay of up to 30 seconds) however the camo objects will remain until the vehicle moves, or the camo is removed by the indicated ace action.

Designed for vehicles.

Setting Up in Eden;

  • Place the vehicle or object that you want to have the respawn deployable from, and provide it a variable name
  • Place a Game Logic down as close as possible to the vehicle. This can be found near the same menu as Modules.
  • Place any objects you wish to appear when the camo is deployed.
  • If you are using a vehicle as your primary object and any of your deployable objects should be resting on the floor, then raise them about a foot, to allow for the drop of the vehicle's suspension once the game has initialised.
  • Select all the objects that will be deployable, right-click and synchronise them to the Game Logic.
  • In the init of the vehicle, paste the example below, and alter it to suit the needs you have.


  • _target - Vehicle or Object to deploy camo from.


[this] call Waldo_fnc_VehicleCamoSetup;

Below is an example of a setup camo system in the eden editor. The Nazi Tank is the interaction object: Camo script example in the editor

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