MobileNetV2-based baseline system for DCASE2021 Challenge Task 2.
This system consists of two main scripts:
- "Development" mode:
- This script trains a model for each machine type by using the directory
- This script trains a model for each machine type by using the directory
- "Evaluation" mode:
- This script trains a model for each machine type by using the directory
. (This directory will be from the "additional training dataset".)
- This script trains a model for each machine type by using the directory
- "Development" mode:
- "Development" mode:
- This script makes a csv file for each section including the anomaly scores for each wav file in the directories
. - The csv files are stored in the directory
. - It also makes a csv file including AUC, pAUC, precision, recall, and F1-score for each section.
- This script makes a csv file for each section including the anomaly scores for each wav file in the directories
- "Evaluation" mode:
- This script makes a csv file for each section including the anomaly scores for each wav file in the directories
. (These directories will be from the "evaluation dataset".) - The csv files are stored in the directory
. as Yohei Kawaguchi mentioned before here are some steps below you should follow to get your results
- This script makes a csv file for each section including the anomaly scores for each wav file in the directories
- "Development" mode:
-after unzipping any version put the code inside a folder called dcase2021_task2_mobile_net_v2 -create a folder called results -create another folder called model -if you want to get same results as version 2 or 3 you should add 30% more data pitch shifted or time stretched using notebook called -to run the training process open the prompt and set up your dependencies in an enviroment open the folder dcase2021_task2_mobile_net_v2 -then type -d -to test type
We develop the source code on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and 18.04 LTS. In addition, we checked performing on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, 18.04 LTS, CentOS 7, and Windows 10.
- p7zip-full
- Python == 3.6.5
- FFmpeg
- Keras == 2.3.0
- Keras-Applications == 1.0.8
- Keras-Preprocessing == 1.0.5
- matplotlib == 3.0.3
- numpy == 1.18.1
- PyYAML == 5.1
- scikit-learn == 0.22.2.post1
- scipy == 1.1.0
- librosa == 0.6.0
- audioread == 2.1.5 (more)
- setuptools == 41.0.0
- tensorflow == 1.15.0
- tqdm == 4.43.0
If you use this baseline system, please cite all the following three papers:
- Yohei Kawaguchi, Keisuke Imoto, Yuma Koizumi, Noboru Harada, Daisuke Niizumi, Kota Dohi, Ryo Tanabe, Harsh Purohit, and Takashi Endo, "Description and Discussion on DCASE 2021 Challenge Task 2: Unsupervised Anomalous Sound Detection for Machine Condition Monitoring under Domain Shifted Conditions," in arXiv e-prints: 2106.04492, 2021. URL
- Noboru Harada, Daisuke Niizumi, Daiki Takeuchi, Yasunori Ohishi, Masahiro Yasuda, Shoichiro Saito, "ToyADMOS2: Another Dataset of Miniature-Machine Operating Sounds for Anomalous Sound Detection under Domain Shift Conditions," in arXiv e-prints: 2106.02369, 2021. URL
- Ryo Tanabe, Harsh Purohit, Kota Dohi, Takashi Endo, Yuki Nikaido, Toshiki Nakamura, and Yohei Kawaguchi, "MIMII DUE: Sound Dataset for Malfunctioning Industrial Machine Investigation and Inspection with Domain Shifts due to Changes in Operational and Environmental Conditions," in arXiv e-prints: 2105.02702, 2021. URL