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File metadata and controls

171 lines (130 loc) · 8.53 KB


Python-WinIBW is a set of Javascript and Python scripts for easily using Python scripts with WinIBW. This tool only works with WinIBW's standart scripts (unless your WinIBW version can run application.CallStdScriptFunction in user scripts, which I'm pretty sure is not my case). Also, your computer must be able to run Python scripts.

Installing Python-WinIBW

This procedure installs Python-WinIBW in your WinIBW's profile. You can install it locally instead, but please thoroughly check every link in the files and don't forget that you can replace ProfD by BinDir in WinIBW's utilities special methods._

See how to install javascript scripts in WinIBW (only in french for the time being). You need to place the whole python-winibw subrepository (WinIBW/scripts/python-winibw) inside your WinIBW's profile. You will then need to edit to point to python_parameter absolute path. You will also need to edit in pythWinIBW.js the function __get_python_parameters() for the same reason.

Setting up Python-WinIBW parameters

Python-WinIBW has a textual file (python_parameters) that defines various parameters. You must at least define python_path before using Python-WinIBW. To define them for both python scripts and WinIBW scripts, edit the python_parameters file. It is build as a JSON file but it doesn't support tables / lists or object / dictionaries inside the main one. As such, every key / value pair should be in the same object.

Here is a list of restrictions with this file (due to the way I parse it):

  • keys shouldn't have a : inside them;
  • strings values must be declared between "", not '';
  • python_path, pyth_to_js_file, js_to_pyth_file and clean_pyth_files must exist.

Other than that, you're free to add any additionnal parameter you want to it.

Finally, please check in if the absolute path to python_parameters is correct.

WinIBW initialisation

Once Python-WinIBW is installed and python_parameters properly defined, WinIBW will define the global variable pythPar (returned by the function __get_python_parameters()) as the content of python_parameters and will run some checks on it everytime you initiliase WinIBW. Two types of check are runned:

  • key definition: WinIBW will check if python_path, pyth_to_js_file, js_to_pyth_file and clean_pyth_files exist as keys inside pythPar (error message = is not defined);
  • file existence: WinIBW will check if python_path and clean_pyth_files point to an existing file (error message = does not point to an existing file). This does not mean that the files in question are the one they are supposed to be.

If one (or more) of the checks fails, a message box will appear displaying all the problems and the reason of the error. Do note that this message box will not stop you from running any script that uses Python-WinIBW. But some of those errors will eventually lead to an error running a script using Python-WinIBW.

How to use

Reminder: Python-WinIBW must have been set up at least once before you can use it.

This procedure only covers keypoints. Also, remember that pythPar is a global variable and, as such, you can access it in your WinIBW scripts.

  • Execute a standart WinIBW script;
  • If you need to transfer data from the beginning of this script to the python script, write it in the js_to_pyth_file file using WinIBW's FileOutput object;
  • Execute the __execute_python() WinIBW script using the absolute path to the python module as a parameter;
  • In the python module, import the module get_python_parameters and store its main() returned value in a variable;
  • If needed, retrieve data from js_to_pyth_file;
  • Write any data you wish to transfer to WinIBW to the pyth_to_js_file file;
  • Back in the WinIBW script (you might need to pause WinIBW to let the python script fully execute), retrieve the data using WinIBW's FileInput object;
  • At the end of the WinIBW script, run __clean_python_temp_file() to delete the two temporary files (js_to_pyth_file and pyth_to_js_file).

If you need help with the WinIBW FileInput and FileOutput objects, see Scripting in WinIBW3 part 4 "Utility objects". You can access the 1.17 version in the Abes's GitHub (or just googling it).


This example displays the MARCXML record of the current title in a message box in WinIBW. It is pointless but shows a practical use of Python-WinIBW to retrieve data from the internet (here using Abes's UNIMARC/MARCXML webservice). Both scripts can be found in the scripts/python subdirectory.

WinIBW standart script (in Javascript)

In this script, the utility objects are already declared as a const and a sleep function is also declared (see the script file).

function pythonWinIBWexample(){
	// Gets the type of document
	var isAut = application.activeWindow.getVariable("P3VMC");

	// Checks if the script can properly execute
	if (isAut == ""){
		application.messageBox("Python-WinIBW example failed", "Please select a record before executing the script.", "error-icon")
	}else if (isAut.charAt(0) == "T"){
		application.messageBox("Python-WinIBW example failed", "This is record is an authority record, not a document record.", "error-icon")

	// Gets the PPN
	var PPN = application.activeWindow.getVariable("P3GPP");

	// Writes the PPN in js_to_pyth_file
	var jsToPyth = utility.newFileOutput();
	jsToPyth.setTruncate(true); // The path will be created in writing-mode and not in append-mode

	// Executes the python script

	// Defines the FileInput
	var pythToJs = utility.newFileInput();
	// Waits for pyth_to_js_file to exist AND to be opened 
	var maxWait = 10; // in sec
	var success = false;
	var ii = 0;
	while((ii < maxWait*2) && (success == false)){
		try {
			success =["pyth_to_js_file"]); // Opens pyth_to_js_file
		catch (e){}
		__sleep(500) // This waits for 0,5 sec
	if(ii==maxWait){ // This only occurs if the file could not be opened
		application.messageBox("Python-WinIBW example failed", "WinIBW could not open pyth_to_js_file after "+maxWait+" seconds. The script will delete temporary files and stop.", "error-icon");
	// Retrieves the data returned by the python script	
	var record = "";
		record += pythToJs.readLine()+"\n";
	// Display the data
	application.messageBox("Python-WinIBW example result", record, "message-icon");

	// Deletes the temporary files

Python script

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# External import
import python_init # I think this only is necessary in my environment of work
import get_python_parameters # To retrieve Python-WinIBW parameters
from Abes_Apis_Interface.AbesXml import AbesXml # by Alexandre Faure (
# To connect to Abes's SudocXML webservice

# Stores Python-WinIBW parameters in pyth_par
pyth_par = get_python_parameters.main()

# Retrieves the PPN from js_to_pyth_file
with open(pyth_par["js_to_pyth_file"], "r", encoding="utf-8") as js_to_pyth:
    ppn =

# Connects to Abes's SudocXML webservice and retrieve the XML record
record = AbesXml(ppn)
if record.get_init_status() == "Succes":
    record = record.get_record # Returns the XML record as a string
    record = "Could not return the record"

# Writes the result to pyth_to_js_file
with open(pyth_par["pyth_to_js_file"], "w", encoding="utf-8") as pyth_to_js:

# The python script ends, now we go back to the javascript script

Result (as an image)