- Add method to set Drawable for FAB icon
- Removed fade when checking a CheckBoxItem
- Added helper methods to CheckBoxItem
- Fixed BaseItemAnimator isRecyclable decremented below 0 issue
- Added numColumn hook to CapsuleSRVFragment
- Add dialog as parameter for NeutralButtonClick
- Added click events for toolbar
- Added scrolling method reroutes from SRV to RV
- Add getSRV to CapsuleSRVFragment
- Add various new item helper methods in CapsuleSRVFragment
- Added duration option for smooth scroll
- Added CapsuleAppBarLayout and CapsuleAppBarBehavior in favor of fixing CollapsingToolbar issues with support libraries 26.+
- Make switchFragment public
- Create addFragment methods for backstacks
- Switch to Java 8
- Updated sample and readme
- Use CPage for ViewPager
- Add titleId to ViewPagerFragment
- Add page limit abstract in ViewPagerFragment
- Add TabClickEvent posting
- Add Appbar collapse listener
- Fully port SRV into Capsule
- Code cleanup
- Integrate SwipeRecyclerView
- Create abstract SRV fragment
- Update Changelog Dialog
- Added ShortCDrawerItem creations
- Upgraded dependencies
- Add more parcelables
- Update build tools
- Update dependencies
- Complete refractoring and renaming
- Proper namespacing
- Consumer proguard for capsule
- Use ValueAnimator for ripples
- Self generated javadocs
- Minor animation changes
- Code cleanup
- More javadocs
- Dependency updates
- Made AnimUtils compatible to Kitkat
- Created SwipeRecyclerFragment
- Added RecyclerView animations
- Added CollapsingToolbar support
- Do not switch drawerItems if selection is the same
- Added savedInstanceState to material drawer
- Added option to select drawer item by title id
- Created ParcelUtils
- Create parcelable map wrapper
- Added ViewPager modifier in ViewPagerFragment
- Better bulleted Changelog alignment
- Added Capsule reload option with drawer position saved
- Cleaned up AnimUtils
- Updated dependencies
- First fully stable release
- Events for Fab and Snackbar
- RippleCanvas for backgrounds with circular animations
- Null fixes
- More features for CFabEvent
- Some extra Javadocs
- Integrated EventBus - Fragments are no longer forced to extend CapsuleFragment
- Split up onCreate to allow for more flexibility
- Simplified fab creation
- Finished up viewpager
- Everything is working now
- Preparation for EventBus
- Added Activity Frame for easier activity creation
- Added viewpager support
- Modified Fab to be more customisable
- Lots of interfaces and separations
- Added coordinator layout customization
- Added snackbars for activities
- Separated Activity extensions for simplified reading
- Added some javadocs
- Fixed permission crash for null array
- Initial