Since we have not completely moved our development into the open yet, external contributions are limited. If you would like to make contributions, please create an issue detailing the change. We will work with you to get it merged in.
Alvearie projects now require contributors (internal and external) to certify their contributions according to (and LinuxForHealth projects will follow soon).
The GitHub DCO bot on all repos to enforce the presence of a Signed-off-by line and ensure that it matches the commit author for each commit on each pull request.
If you are a contributor, please setup Github using the instructions referenced below before committing changes:
Please ensure that your commit email address is configured locally and in GitHub.
See for guidance.
Please read and certify each commit to this by adding a Signed-off-by line to the end of each commit message. The github cli will do this for you automatically if you pass the -s flag on your commit.
If you are an eclipse user, you can configure your IDE to add the sign-off by default by updating your preference at Version Control (Team) > Git > Committing ... Footers Other IDEs should expose similar.