- If you use this source code without any change, your program is not executed, because some files contains personal information, so I removed related information.
- this manual doesn't provide any screenshot, so If you want some screenshots and detailed information then go http://onikaze.tistory.com/647 .
- OS: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
- Python: 3.7
- Django: 2.2.4 (Version Merged)
- MySQL: 5.7
$ sudo apt-get install python3.7-dev lib-mysqlclient-dev
- VENV and PIP
$ python3 -m venv venv
(venv)$ pip install --upgrade pip
(venv)$ pip install django==2.2
(venv)$ pip install mysqlclient
(venv)$ pip install django-storages[google]
(venv)$ pip install Pillow
GS_CREDENTIALS: Google Storage Service Account Information
- To use this variable, you must add 'from google.oauth2 import service_account'.
DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE: Media Storage, declared GoogleCloudMediaStorageClass in storage_backends.py
STATICFILES_STORAGE: Static Storage, decalred GoogleCloudStaticStorageClass in storage_backends.py
STATIC_URL/MEDIA_URL: Static/Media URL Addresses
Create a project
Create a Service Account Key
- Menu: API & Services - Credential
- Select a New service account key and you select a JSON key type.
- the JSON file will be used to connect a Google Storage and it's file name will be changed to 'secret/bucket-admin.json'.
- an e-mail address in the JSON file will be used to add a bucket permision in the storage.
- Create a VM Machin in Compute Engine
- Please check HTTP, HTTPS checkbox.
- After creation, allow TCP:8000 in the Firewall Rules.
- Have to set a python version 3.7 in VM instance.
- Create a SQL
- Recommend MySQL 5.7 version
- After creation, also create user and database
- After connecting, create a table, 't_images'
create table t_images ( id integer primary key auto_increment, image varchar2(300) not null, creation_date datetime );
- If you want to use other external tools, check public IP address and input an 'Add Network', otherwise recommend using Cloud SQL Proxy
- Create a Storage
- Media/Static buckets are separeted in thie project
- After deploying app engine, automatically three buckets but it is not important.
- Add a bucket permission. the permission's member is an e-mail address of created service account key.
- a test of the django development environment(in VM) and to execute in the web browser
- python manage.py runserver :8000
- input :8000 in the web browser
- set a ALLOWED_HOSTS=["*"] in settings.py temporarily
Thank you for your concerns.