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Development Operation(DevOps)

This is a guide to build this automation from scratch.


  • Docker version 18.01.0-ce and above
  • JDK 8

Docker Basics

Refer this to become aware about the basic Docker terminology and commands. Some important commands we will be using are described below.

Docker Machine IP(link)

Get the IP address of docker machines.

docker-machine ip

Docker Logs (link)

Fetch the logs of a container.

docker logs <CONTAINER_ID> --tail 500 -f

Docker Exec(link)

Run a command in a running container.

docker exec -it <CONTAINER-NAME/ID> bash

Docker Copy(link)

Copy files/folders between a container and the local file-system.


Docker Inspect

1] Jenkins

Jenkins is an open source automation server.

Steps for installation on Docker:

Pull the fresh docker image of Jenkins using the below command: (URL: Jenkins)

docker pull jenkins/jenkins:lts

This will download the Jenkins docker image on your system or directly run the below command. Run the following command to start a container for the above Jenkins image:

docker run --detach --name jenkins  -p 9080:8080 -p 50000:50000 jenkins/jenkins:lts

Since you are doing this for the first time, you will require a password provided by Jenkins to set up the account from the browser. To find the password use the command:

docker logs jenkins --tail 1000 -f

Open the browser and access Jenkins by using the following URL.

Please check the IP is the same as output from docker-machine ip. Follow the setup of process. Make sure you install the plugins for Cobertura, Git, GitHub, Gitlab, Gradle, JaCoCo, Job DSL, Maven, SBT. Setup the admin user.

Jenkins Configuration

Gitlab User Credential Setup

  • Please setup Gitlab as per the instructions given below and create a root user.
  • Navigate to Credentials section displayed on the left hand-side of the Jenkins dashboard.
  • Click on the System sub-menu under Credentials on the left side.
  • Open the drop down of Global credentials (unrestricted) and select Add Credentials.Creds
  • Create new credentials of the kind Username with password.
  • Make the scope as Global
  • Insert the Username created on Gitlab i.e. root
  • Enter the Password for the user on Gitlab.
  • Leave the ID and Description field blank.
  • Once created open Global Credentials link and you will be able to the user which was created.
  • The ID field is generated which is used in the Jenkins JOB DSL plugin to generate Jenkins job with the credentials of the above user.

JDK Installation

Please make sure JDK v7 or above is already installed on your system. This path will be automatically be taken by docker and provided to Jenkins container.

Maven Installation

For installing Maven on Jenkins follow the following steps:

  • Navigate to Global Tool Configuration present inside Manage Jenkins section.
  • Scroll down to find the Maven Section and click on Maven Installations.
  • Give the installation a name so it can be referred in the Jenkins jobs.

Environment Variables

For using the Understand binaries we have to provide the binary path to UND as environment variable. This can be configured as follows:

  • Navigate to Configure System present inside Manage Jenkins section.
  • Under Global Properties, check Environment Variables and append the Understand path to the und script to the PATH variable: e.g. : /var/jenkins_home/workspace/Git_to_Gitlab/Understand/scitools/bin/linux64/

Jenkins Job

Creation of Job

  • Select on New Item on the left hand side in the Jenkins Dashboard.
  • Create a Free Style Job and name it Git_to_Gitlab.

Passing Parameters to the Job

  • Under General tab present in the Job Configure Page check the option This project is parameterized.
  • Fill the details as given in the image.

1. Shell Commands

  • Under the Build Section, add a tab Execute Shell and enter the following commands:

      #Go to the Directory
      cd CloneRepo
      #Dowload the Github data to a json file
      curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" "$LANGUAGE+license:mit+size:%3C=10000&type=Repositories&sort=stars&order=desc" > java-full-data.json
      #curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" "$LANGUAGE+license:mit+size:%3C=10000&type=Repositories&sort=stars&order=desc" > java-full-data.json
      #Run the jar on the above json and create 2 other json files with required data and clone the repos
      # The first parameter can be changed to -1 to download all projects or change to a number less than 30.
      java -jar CloneRepo.jar 3 ./java-full-data.json ../output-project-names.json ../output-repo-issue-links.json ../
      cd ..
      #Loop through the json file which has the project names
      while read line; do
      	echo $line
      	# Create Gitlab repo remotely
      	curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d "{ \"name\": \"$line\" }"
      	cd $line
      	#Change the origin URL from github to local gitlab
      	git remote set-url origin http://oauth2:iTagjb7gZiq3ptz_U-X3@$line.git
      	git remote -v
      	#Push the proejct to the new origin
      	git push -u origin --all
      	cd ..
      done < output-project-names.json
      ls -ltr

2. Jenkins Job DSL Plugin

This will be used to create Jenkins Jobs dynamically after the repositories are created by the above code on Gitlab.

import static
import hudson.model.*

//File which has the list of Github Project names which were pulled.  
def theInfoName = '/var/jenkins_home/workspace/Git_to_Gitlab/output-project-names.json'

File theInfoFile = new File(theInfoName)

//Priting out the project names 
theInfoFile.eachLine {
 line ->
  if (line.trim()) {
   println line

//Iterate over the files in the clone directory and check for pom.xml(Maven project).
// If Maven Project than create the Jenkins Job
// This logic can be extended to other build type projects  
 new File("/var/jenkins_home/workspace/Git_to_Gitlab/$line")
  .eachFileMatch(~/pom.xml/) {
   file -> println file.getName()
   job("DSL-$line") {

scm {
 gitSCM {
  userRemoteConfigs {

   userRemoteConfig {
	//Gitlab URL
url("http://root@" + line + ".git")
	//Id for the credentials stored
  branches {
   branchSpec {
  browser {}

//Setting up trigger for ever 15 minutes
triggers {
 scm('H/15 * * * *')
steps {
//Setting the maven commands      
 maven {
	// Call the maven installed on Jenkins    
	// execute maven goals with Jacoco Coverage
  goals("-Djacoco.destFile=./coverage/jacoco.exec clean org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:0.8.0:prepare-agent install")
   //properties(skipTests: true)

	//shell commands for Understand reports
 shell('rm -rf ../Git_to_Gitlab/GitRetest/DSL-' + line + '; mkdir ../Git_to_Gitlab/GitRetest/DSL-' + line + '; ' +
  "und create -db ../Git_to_Gitlab/GitRetest/DSL-" + line + "/" + line + " -languages java web; " +
  "und -db ../Git_to_Gitlab/GitRetest/DSL-" + line + "/" + line + ".udb add ./ ;" +
  "und -db ../Git_to_Gitlab/GitRetest/DSL-" + line + "/" + line + ".udb analyze ;" +
  "und -db ../Git_to_Gitlab/GitRetest/DSL-" + line + "/" + line + ".udb report ;" +
  "und -db ../Git_to_Gitlab/GitRetest/DSL-" + line + "/" + line + ".udb export -dependencies -format longnoroot file csv " + "../Git_to_Gitlab/GitRetest/DSL-" + line + "/" + line + ".csv" + ";" +
  'java -jar ../Git_to_Gitlab/GitRetest/GitRetest.jar ./ ../Git_to_Gitlab/GitRetest/DSL-' + line + '/output_changed_files.txt ../Git_to_Gitlab/GitRetest/DSL-' + line + '/' + line + '.csv ; ' +
  "echo '**********************Changed File List & Dependencies***********************'  ; " +
  'cat ../Git_to_Gitlab/GitRetest/DSL-' + line + '/output_changed_files.txt'

	//Publish the Jacoco Report
publishers {

 jacocoCodeCoverage {
 new File("/var/jenkins_home/workspace/Git_to_Gitlab/$line")
  .eachFileMatch(~/.*.gradle/) {
   file -> println file.getName()
   job("DSL-$line") {

triggers {
 scm('H/15 * * * *')
steps {
 shell('git clone http://oauth2:iTagjb7gZiq3ptz_U-X3@' + line + '.git;cd ' + line)
 gradle 'assemble'


 new File("/var/jenkins_home/workspace/Git_to_Gitlab/$line")
  .eachFileMatch(~/.*b*.sbt/) {
   file -> println file.getName()
   job("DSL-$line") {

triggers {
 scm('H/15 * * * *')
steps {
 shell('git clone http://oauth2:iTagjb7gZiq3ptz_U-X3@' + line + '.git;cd ' + line)
 sbt('sbt-jenkins', null, '-Dsbt.log.noformat=true', null, null)


3. Shell Commands

These commands are for removal of the cloned repositories from Jenkins since they are pushed to the local Gitlab server. These will also download the issues of the repositories and push it to Redis storage.

#Removal of cloned repositories from Jenkins
while read line; do   

	rm -rf $line
done < output-project-names.json

#Downloading the issues of the repos downloaded and storing to Redis
while read line; do   

	curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" $line > current-repo-issues.json

	java -jar ./RedisStorage/RedisStorage.jar "" "./current-repo-issues.json" $line
done < output-repo-issue-links.json

rm current-repo-issues.json

2] Gitlab

Gitlab is a fully featured Git Server which can be installed on your system.

Steps for Installation on Docker:

Run the following command for downloading the Gitlab image and starting a container.

docker run --detach --name gitlab \
	--hostname \
	--publish 30080:30080 \
    --publish 30022:22 \
	--env GITLAB_OMNIBUS_CONFIG="external_url ''; gitlab_rails['gitlab_shell_ssh_port']=30022;" \

Gitlab will take some time to start. Open the browser and access Gitlab by using the following URL.

Please check the IP is the same as output from docker-machine ip. If you see HTTP 500 Error than wait for some time and check the logs by using

docker logs gitlab --tail 1000 -f

Setup root user and login to Gitlab.


Access Token for Jenkins

  • Navigate to top right dropdown menu and click on Settings. Open Access Tokens tab.
  • Enter the name and select the 2 check boxes and create the access token.
  • Copy the token and configure with Jenkins as described above.

3] Redis

Steps for installation on Docker

docker run -d --name my-redis -p 6379:6379 redis

Checking Data on Server

The data on Redis is stored in the form of a Hash data structure of Redis. Follow the steps below to see all the data:

  • Login to the running redis container by using the following command:

    docker exec -it my-redis bash

  • Run the Redis client by executing the below command:


  • Run HGETALL "repo"

  • This should display the field and the value corresponding the "repo" key.

The command to set the key field value to Redis Hash data structure is:

HSET "key" "field" "value"

We have used Jedis API which is a Java API for inserting to Redis Database.

We can use the following command to see all the fields and value corresponding to a particular key:

HGETALL "repo"

Refer this link.

4] Understand

Steps for installation on Docker

  1. Go to path /var/jenkins_home/workspace/Git_to_Gitlab and make new directory "Understand"

  2. Copy Understand-4.0.925-Linux-64bit.tgz from local drive to above created Understand directory

  3. Extract this file using command tar -xzf Understand-4.0.925-Linux-64bit.tgz. This may take more than a minute.

  4. When done, remove this file using rm Understand-4.0.925-Linux-64bit.tgz

  5. Now we need to setup the license for Understand.

    • Go to this path: /var/jenkins_home/workspace/Git_to_Gitlab/Understand/scitools/conf/license/

    • Make a new file "users.txt" with the following content:

      jenkins # any

      Use whoami command to verify that the current username is jenkins.

      This step may require root permissions for file editing.

      Hence the command docker exec -it -u root <container-name> must be used to login as root.

      To install "vim" for file editing, execute

      apt-get update

      and then

      apt-get install vim

      while logged in as root user.

    • Now go to this path: /var/jenkins_home

    • Create a new directory .config, then create another directory SciTools inside .config.

    • This step may again require root permissions. Follow same steps as above for logging through root.
      Now, in /var/jenkins_home/.config/SciTools create a new file Understand.conf with the following content:

  6. Set the environment variable for Understand by: export PATH=$PATH:/var/jenkins_home/workspace/Git_to_Gitlab/Understand/scitools/bin/linux64/

    This is the path where the understand executable rests.

  7. Verify the installation by typing und on the container shell.

    You should the und shell invoked:

     jenkins@764da6795a64:/$ und
     Welcome to und. Type "help" for a list of commands. "quit" to quit


Cloning Repo with JGIT

This is a Maven based Java Project which uses JGit API to clone the repositories from Github. Project present at

Redis Storage with Jedis

This is a Maven based Java Project which uses the Jedis API to push and retrieve data on the Redis Server Database. Project present at

Retest Components with Understand & JGit

This is a Maven based Java Project which uses the JGit API to find the files changed in the previous commit and uses the data provided by Understand API to find the file components which need to be retested.

Project present at