The Hungry Hero
is a modern web application that lets you check out restaurants, see how good they are, look at pictures of delicious food, and find specific types of cuisine. It's easy to use, with a nice design, helping you discover where to eat
Yes, it's an open-source
web app!
Is that all? Nope. You can also create your feature and share them with the world. The best part is that the ReactJS developer will review
your project code before it gets part of the Hungry-Hero
Follow these steps to install and set up the project on your local machine.
First, clone the project repository to your local machine using Git. Open your terminal or command prompt and run the following command:
$ git clone [repository URL]
Change your current directory to the newly cloned project folder:
$ cd [project folder]
Install the project dependencies using npm (Node Package Manager) or yarn. Choose one of the following commands based on your preference:
$ npm install (or) yarn install
Once the installation is complete, you can start the project.
$ npm start (or) yarn run
When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via issue, email, or any other method with the owners of this repository before making a change.
- Ensure any install or build dependencies are removed before the end of the layer when doing a build.
We, as contributors and maintainers, are dedicated to ensuring that everyone can participate in our project and community without facing harassment or discrimination. We welcome individuals of all backgrounds, including but not limited to age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, sexual identity, and orientation.
As project maintainers, we have the responsibility to define the guidelines for acceptable conduct within our community. We are also entrusted with the task of taking fair and appropriate actions when any form of unacceptable behavior occurs.
Project maintainers possess the authority and obligation to:
- Remove, edit, or decline comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that do not adhere to this Code of Conduct.
- Temporarily or permanently ban contributors who engage in behaviors that we consider inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful.
Use the summary field to provide a succinct description of the change:
- Use the imperative, present tense: "change" not "changed" nor "changes"
- Don't capitalize the first letter
- Don't use dot (.) at the end
Before pushing code please go through our guidelines:
- Use clear and specific titles when pushing your code changes.
- Make sure to name your Pull Requests appropriately.
- Avoid submitting multiple Pull Requests with the same code; it will be considered spam.
- Help everyone understand your code by adding helpful comments.
Don't forget to follow @Anandsg ⭐😊