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Tensor Data Model


TDM is a prototype aiming at developing the utilization of tensors connected to data sources for Big Data analytics. TDM Scala library is based on Spark DataFrames and uses shapeless to provide users with a type-safe implementation that is centered around dimensions' values instead of integer indexes.

The formal definition of the model is described in the following article Polystore and Tensor Data Model for Logical Data Independence and Impedance Mismatch in Big Data Analytics.

Related work and weakness

The most similiar works are:

The use of tensors in frameworks such as Tensorflow, Theano, NumPy, PyTorch, TensorLy, is error-prone and brings several bad habits, usually banned from good practices, that reduce evolution, reuse, etc. For example, most of tensor libraries implement tensors’ dimensions using integer indexes regardless of their real nature (string, timestamp, etc.). Thus, tensors are usually defined as multidimensional arrays; users assign an implicit meaning to dimensions and at best put comments in their code to remember the meaning of their constructions, dimension names or dimension order before or after operators are applied. This can lead to errors which cannot be easily understood because it is technically correct but functionally incorrect.

Tensors are also disconnected from data sources, failing to take advantage of the expressiveness of data models and well-defined semantics of data manipulation operators.

Benefits of TDM

First, TDM library is based on the formal TDM data model (defined here) and allows users to specify semantically rich tensor data objects by adding schema to tensor mathematical object. It also provides users with a set of well-defined operators that can be combined to express complex transformations.

Second, TDM library is a type-safe implementation. Strong static typing is of primary importance in Big Data analytics because it allows to detect errors at compile time and thus avoid expensive buggy calculation phases which can end up with inconsistencies.

Third, TDM library connects to multiple data sources using a polystore architecture (see for example M. Stonebraker "one size fits all"). TDM can take advantage of several database management systems to handle multiple data models i.e., graph, time series, key-value, relational, and provides users with a uniform query interface to build views as well as to transform data according to algorithms needs.

How to use TDM library

  • Put the jar in the lib directory, at the root of your Scala project, and import the Spark dependencies. For sbt:
val sparkVersion = "3.2.0"

// Spark
libraryDependencies += "org.apache.spark" %% "spark-core" % sparkVersion
libraryDependencies += "org.apache.spark" %% "spark-sql" % sparkVersion
libraryDependencies += "org.apache.spark" %% "spark-mllib" % sparkVersion
  • Import the TDM functionnalities with
import tdm._
import tdm.core._
  • Create a Spark session
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession

implicit val spark = SparkSession.builder().master("local[*]").getOrCreate()
  • Create the tensor dimensions
object User extends TensorDimension[String]
object Hashtag extends TensorDimension[String]
object Time extends TensorDimension[Long]
  • Ceate the tensor empty
val tensor = TensorBuilder[Int]

from a Spark DataFrame

val df: DataFrame = ...

val tensor = TensorBuilder[Int](df)
    .addDimension(User, "user")
    .addDimension(Hashtag, "hashtag")
    .addDimension(Time, "time")

or from a data source

val query = """
    SELECT user_screen_name AS user, ht.hashtag AS hashtag, published_hour AS time, COUNT(*) AS value 
    FROM tweet t 
        INNER JOIN hashtag ht ON = ht.tweet_id 
    GROUP BY user_screen_name, hashtag, published_hour
val tensor = TensorBuilder[Int](connection)
    .addDimension(User, "user")
    .addDimension(Hashtag, "hashtag")
    .addDimension(Time, "time")
    .build(query, "value")
  • Manually add values to tensor
tensor.addValue(User.value("u1"), Hashtag.value("ht1"), Time.value(1))(11)

Accessing elements of a tensor

Elements of a tensor can be accessed by first collecting the tensor

val collectedTensor = tensor.collect()

then, the value of the tensor or of a given dimension can be retrieved

collectedTensor(0) // Get the value of the tensor
collectedTensor(User, 0) // Get the value of the dimension User

The values of the tensor can be ordered in ascending or descending order

val ascCollectedTensor = collectedTensor.orderByValues()
val descCollectedTensor = collectedTensor.orderByValuesDesc()

Available operators

Data manipulation

All operators produce a new tensor and does not modifiy tensors on which the operator is applied.

  • Projection: remove the dimension specified, and only keep tensor's elements that match the dimension value
  • Restriction: keep tensor's elements which dimensions' value match the given condition(s)
tensor.restriction(User.condition(v => v == "u1"), Hashtag.condition(v => v == "ht1"))
  • Selection: keep tensor's elements which value match the given condition
tensor.selection(v => v > 10)
  • Union: keep all the elements of the 2 tensors, and apply the given function for the common elements
val tensor2 = TensorBuilder[Int]()
tensor.union(tensor2)((v1, v2) => v1 + v2)
  • Intersection: keep only the common elements between the 2 tensors, and apply the given function for each value
val tensor2 = TensorBuilder[Int]()
tensor.intersection(tensor2)((v1, v2) => v1 + v2)
  • Natural join: join 2 tensors on their common dimension(s), and keep elements that are present for the common dimension(s) in both tensors. Apply the given function for each value
object Email extends TensorDimension[String]
val tensor3 = TensorBuilder[Int]()
tensor.naturalJoin(tensor3)((v1, v2) => v1 + v2)
  • Difference: remove the elements from the first tensor that are also present in the second tensor
val tensor2 = TensorBuilder[Int]()
  • Rename a dimension: replace the phantom type of a dimension by another
object UserName extends TensorDimension[String]
tensor.withDimensionRenamed(User, UserName)


Canonical polyadic (or CANDECOMP/PARAFAC)

Perform the canonical polyadic decomposition for a given rank.


Some optional parameters are also available:

  • nbIterations: the maximum number of iterations
  • norm: the norm to apply on the columns of the factor matrices. The l1 and l2 norms are available
  • minFms: the Factor Match Score limit at which to stop the algorithm. To be performant even at large scale, our decomposition check the convergence by measuring the difference between the factor matrices of two iterations. The minFms set the limit
  • highRank: improve the computation of the pinverse if set to true. By default, is true when rank >= 100
  • computeCorcondia: set to true to compute the core consistency diagnostic (CORCONDIA)

You can adjust them with the methods with[...]:

val kruskal = tensor.canonicalPolyadicDecomposition(3)

The result of the decomposition is a KruskalTensor, from which a tensor for each dimension can be extracted, that then can be manipulated as any other tensor.

val extractedDimension = kruskal.extract(User)


Perform the Tucker decomposition by giving a rank for each dimension.

val tuckerResult = tensor.tuckerDecomposition(User.rank(3), Hashtag.rank(9), Time.rank(5)).execute()

Some optional parameters are also available:

  • nbIterations: the maximum number of iterations
  • minFrobenius: the Frobenius norm limit at which to stop the algorithm. To be performant even at large scale, our decomposition check the convergence by measuring the difference between the core tensors of two iterations

You can adjust them with the methods with[...]:

val tuckerResult = tensor.tuckerDecomposition(User.rank(3), Hashtag.rank(9), Time.rank(5))

Just as for the CP decomposition, factor matrices can be extracted.

val extractedDimension = tuckerResult.extractFactorMatrix(User)

Values of the core tensor can be accessed by given the value of the rank for each dimension.

val coreTensorValue = tuckerResult.extractValueOfCoreTensor(User.rank(0), Hashtag.rank(0), Time.rank(0))


  • Develop other decompositions.
  • Provide analytics methods based on tensor operations (community detection, centrality, etc.)

To cite this work

GILLET, Annabelle, LECLERCQ, Éric, et CULLOT, Nadine. Multi-level optimization of the canonical polyadic tensor decomposition at large-scale: Application to the stratification of social networks through deflation. Information Systems, 2023, vol. 112, p. 102142.

GILLET, Annabelle, LECLERCQ, Eric, SAVONNET, Marinette, et al. Empowering big data analytics with polystore and strongly typed functional queries. In : Proceedings of the 24th Symposium on International Database Engineering & Applications. 2020. p. 1-10.

LECLERCQ, Éric, GILLET, Annabelle, GRISON, Thierry, et al. Polystore and Tensor Data Model for Logical Data Independence and Impedance Mismatch in Big Data Analytics. In : Transactions on Large-Scale Data-and Knowledge-Centered Systems XLII. Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2019. p. 51-90.