This is my attempt to create a Search Engine using Elastic Search over a simple data about IMDb Movie reviews written in tweets. The data was originally made for the RecSys Challenge 2014. I have used just about 8,000 tweets collected from the test.dat
file. For more information about how I collected the data and structured them, you can check this README. The data I used to be index inside ElasticSearch Engine can be found int the utils\data
This data used here looks like this:
movie_id | movie_name | reviews_count | average_tones | tweets |
993846 | The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) | 535 | {'Anger': 0.2844859585329844, 'Fear': 0.2838749471226159, 'Joy': 0.27755553696029167, 'Sadness': 0.26465190869767846, 'Analytical': 0.2751570982991599, 'Confident': 0.2899761642095416, 'Tentative': 0.27979233958022803} | [{'tweet_id': 4.21051e+17, 'tweet_text': 'I rated The Wolf of Wall Street 1/10 #IMDb'}, ...] |
This repo contains a Flask application that uses ElasticSeach internally to provide information about movies. These information includes a tone analysis system based on the tweets that reviews that movie and how they rank it. After running the application, it will look like this:
The prerequisites of this repo is so simple:
- You need to download and install ElasticSearch which can be done easily from here
- You need to install the requirements using
pip install -r requirements
It's so simple, ElasticSearch does all the heavy work and our application just previews the results. The first thing that we need to do is to index our data (which can be found in utils\data\MovieTweetsIndex.csv
). This can be done by running the index_data([data_path])
function found in the script utils\
which can be used as the following:
- First, run the ElasicSearch Executable
- Then, open the command line in the repo's root directory.
- Run the following few lines:
>>> from utils.indexing import index_data
>>> index_data()
Indexing: 0%|██████████████████| 2060/2060 [162:27<?, 14.45it/s]
Now, we have indexed our data into ElasticSearch. To make sure that went as it should, let's run the following commands:
- Open the terminal in the repo's root directoy.
- Run the following commands.
>>> from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
>>> from utils.indexing import es_search
>>> es = Elasticsearch([{'host':'localhost','port':9200}])
>>> hits = es_search(es, '1130884')
>>> hit[0]['_source']['movie_name']
Shutter Island (2010)
>>> hit[0]['_score']
Now, everything is as expected!!
Let's run our Flask application to search our indexed data. To do that, just run
. This will connected the server to the localhost port 5000 (which is the Flask's default). And that's it.. Enjoy!!