A class defined in another class is known as inner class. A parent class can have one or more inner class.
First we create a class and then the constructor of the class.
After creating a class, we will create another class within that class, the class inside another class will be called as inner class.
class Varsity:
def __init__(self, name, deptNo):
self.name = name
self.deptNo = deptNo
self.cse = self.Cse() # create Cse object as cse
def display(self):
print(f"{self.name} has {self.deptNo} departments")
class Cse:
def __init__(self):
self.student = 100
def displayStudentNo(self):
print(f"displayStudentNo called and print :Cse has {self.student} students")
var = Varsity("Sust", 28)
var.cse.displayStudentNo() # call display method of cse class
dept = var.cse # assigning cse object to dept
Sust has 28 departments
displayStudentNo called and print :Cse has 100 students
displayStudentNo called and print :Cse has 100 students
We implement Cse class in the Varsity class as inner class
Create a object named 'cse' of Cse class inside the constructor of Varsity class.
Then we create a object of Varsity class named 'var' which create 'cse' object of Cse class
Then we print display method of var object and displayStudentNo of cse object.
class Varsity:
name = "sust"
def __init__(self, name, deptNo):
self.name = name
self.deptNo = deptNo
self.cse = self.Cse() # create Cse object as cse
def display(self):
print(f"{self.name} has {self.deptNo} departments")
class Cse:
name = "Cse"
def __init__(self):
self.student = 100
def displayClassName(cls):
print(f"displayClassName called and print :{cls.name}")
def displayStudentNo(self):
print(f"displayStudentNo called and print :Cse has {self.student} students")
print(Varsity.name) # called 'name' class variable of Varsity class
print(Varsity.Cse.name) # called 'name' class variable of Cse class
Varsity.Cse.displayClassName() # called 'displayClassName()' class method of Cse class
var = Varsity("Sust", 28) # Create a object of Varsity class
var.display() # class 'display()' instance method of Varsity class
var.cse.displayStudentNo() # called 'displayStudentNo()' instance method of cse object
dept = var.cse # assigning cse object to dept
dept.displayStudentNo() # called 'displayStudentNo()' instance method through dept variable
For more about inner class follow this link.