It is expected that there is exactly one block on initialization. This is the remaining space (< 64K) within the last page after static data.
It is expected that if two adjacent blocks of size K are freed, the merged block doesn't go into the first level list for K*2 because its size is actually larger than that (K + OVERHEAD + K).
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@
TLSF visualizer
It is expected that after other operations have already been performed, being able to allocate 1GB can't be guaranteed anymore, even if there should be enough space left in absolute terms, if prior subdivision prevents it.
It is expected that the second level 0 in first level 0 isn't ever used due to alignment guarantees. Smallest block is 32 bytes (16 bytes overhead + 16 bytes payload if used, respectively linking information if free) in this implementation.
Implementation constants:? bits alignment, ? bits first level, ? bits second level, ? B overhead
First level bitmap
@@ -229,7 +229,6 @@
Allocations performed above are tracked here so you can free them again. Note that TLSF alone does not keep track of used blocks (unless free'd and put in a free list again). It is expected that adjacent free blocks become merged automatically.