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Semantic Segmentation Network Application (Python)

This application can run on the Atlas 200 DK to implement the inference function of the ERFNet network and output images with inference result.

The current application adapts to DDK&RunTime of as well as and later versions.


Before deploying this sample, ensure that:

  • Mind Studio has been installed.

  • The Atlas 200 DK developer board has been connected to Mind Studio, the SD card has been created, and the compilation environment has been configured.

  • The developer board is connected to the Internet over the USB port by default. The IP address of the developer board is

Sample Deployment

You can use either of the following methods:

  1. Quick deployment: visit


    • The quick deployment script can be used to quickly deploy multiple cases. Select sample-segmentation-python.
    • The quick deployment script automatically completes code download, model conversion, and environment variable configuration. To learn about the detailed deployment process, go to 2. Common deployment.
  2. Common deployment: visit


    • In this deployment mode, you need to manually download code, convert models, and configure environment variables.

Environment Deployment and Preparation

  1. Copy the application code to the developer board.

    Go to the root directory of the semantic segmentation application (python) code as the Mind Studio installation user, for example, $HOME/sample-segmentation-python, and run the following command to copy the application code to the developer board:

    scp -r ../sample-segmentation-python/ HwHiAiUser@

    Type the password of the developer board as prompted. The default password is Mind@123, as shown in Figure 1.

    Figure 1 Copying application code

    Log in to the host side as the HwHiAiUser user in SSH mode on Ubuntu Server where Mind Studio is located.

    ssh HwHiAiUser@

    Switch to the root user. The default password of the root user on the developer board is Mind@123.

    su root

  2. Configure the network connection of the developer board.

    Configure the network connection of the Atlas DK developer board by referring to

  3. Install the environment dependencies.

    Configure the environment dependency by referring to

Application Running

  1. Switch to the HwHiAiUser user and go to the directory where the semantic segmentation network application code is located.

    su HwHiAiUser

    cd ~/HIAI_PROJECTS/sample-segmentation-python/segmentationapp

  2. Run the application.

    Run the script to print the inference result on the execution terminal.

    Command example:


    Figure 2 shows the inference result after the execution is successful.

    Figure 2 Successful inference

  3. Query the execution result.

    The execution result is stored in Result of the current directory. You need to run the following command on the Atlas 200 DK to copy the result to the Ubuntu server to view the inference result image:

    scp -r username@host_ip:/home/username/HIAI_PROJECTS/sample-segmentation-python/Result ~

    • username: user name of the developer board. The default value is HwHiAiUser.
    • host_ip: IP address of the developer board. Generally, the IP address is for USB connection and for network cable connection.

    Command example:

    scp -r HwHiAiUser@ ~

    This command copies the inference result to the home directory of the Mind Studio installation user. You can view the inference result directly.


  • The process of the semantic segmentation network application (Python) is as follows:

    1. Read a JPEG image from the cityimage directory.
    2. Call OpenCV to resize the read JPEG image to 1024 x 512 and convert it to YUV420SP.
    3. Send the converted YUV420SP image data to Matrix for inference. The demo uses the ERFNet network, and the inference result includes the confidence values of 19 categories for each pixel.
    4. During post-processing, the category of the highest confidence value is used for each pixel, and pixels of the same category in the image are marked with the same color. A colored image is stored in the Result directory.
  • The directory structure of the semantic segmentation application (Python) is described as follows:

    • cityimage: directory of input images
    • main program
    • jpeg: JPEG image processing, such as resizing and color space conversion (CSC)
    • models: directory of model networks
    • Result: directory of labeled images


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