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Atmosphere PlugIns and Extensions

jfarcand edited this page Apr 19, 2012 · 33 revisions

External PlugIns


The Apache Wicket framework supports Atmosphere. There is a work in progress official integration and also a simple sample that ship with Atmosphere.


The Vaadin Framework supports Atmosphere via the DontPush addon


The Grails Framework supports Atmosphere via the Atmosphere Grails PlugIn


The JSF RichFaces supports Atmosphere via the a4j:push extension


The Scalatra framework supports Atmosphere. As simple as


Not natively supported, but easy to integrate with PrimeFaces

Atmosphere PlugIns


The atmosphere-gwt plugin add Atmosphere support to GWT. The easiest way to get started with that module is to look at our samples browse or download


The atmosphere-string plugin add Atmosphere Support to Spring. The easiest way to get started with that module is to look at out samples browse or download. The are also many other way (just Google Atmosphere + Spring)


The atmosphere-guice plugin allows the use of Google Guice with Atmosphere. The easiest way to get started with that module is to look at our samples browse or download


The atmosphere-redis plugin allows the use of Redis to distribute Atmosphere's Broadcast events into the cloud. The easiest way to get started with that module is to look at our samples browse or download


The atmosphere-hazelcast plugin allows the use the Hazelcast In-memory Data Grid to distribute Atmosphere's Broadcast into the cloud. The easiest way to get started with that module is to look at our samples browse or download Modify jQuery PubSub


The atmosphere-jgroups plugin allows the use of JGroups toolkit for reliable multicast communication to distribute Atmosphere's Broadcast into the cloud. The easiest way to get started with that module is to look at our samples browse or download Modify jQuery PubSub


The atmosphere-jms plugin allows the use of JMS protocol to distribute Atmosphere's Broadcast into the cloud. The easiest way to get started with that module is to look at our samples browse or download Modify jQuery PubSub


The atmosphere-xmpp plugin allows the use of the XMPP protocol to distribute Atmosphere's Broadcast into the cloud. The easiest way to get started with that module is to look at our samples browse or download Modify jQuery PubSub


The The atmosphere-jaxrs2 allows the use of the upcoming JAX RS 2 Sepcification. The work in progress JAX-RS 2.0 specification introduces a new async API (which strangely looks like Atmosphere’s own API ;-) ). Atmosphere supports the new Suspend annotation and the ExecutionContext class. The easiest way to get started with that module is to look at our samples browse or download

Jetty Early WebSocket Implementation

This module add Atmosphere WebSockets support to early Jetty WebSocket implementation (Jetty version 7.2 and lower). info download

WebLogic 11 and lower Native Support

This module adds Atmosphere supports to WebLogic early version. info download

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