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Attune automates and orchestrates processes to streamline deployments, scaling, migrations, and management of your systems. The Attune platform is building a community of sharable automated and orchestrated processes.

You can leverage the publicly available orchestrated blueprints to increase your productivity, and accelerate the delivery of your projects. You can open-source your own work and improve existing community orchestrated projects.

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The Attune Community Edition can be downloaded for free from our ServerTribe website. You can learn more about Attune through ServerTribe's YouTube Channel.

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This Project contains the following Blueprints.

Add New Network Adaptor on ESXi with macOS or Linux Worker

Add New Network Adaptor on ESX with Windows Worker

Add New Virtual Disk on ESXi with macOS or Linux Worker

Add New Virtual Disk on ESXi with Windows Worker

Build Virtual Machine on ESXi with macOS or Linux Worker

Build Virtual Machine on ESXi with Windows Worker

Delete the Virtual Machine on ESXi with macOS or Linux Worker

Delete the Virtual Machine on ESXi with Windows Worker

Deploy VMWare Drivers on macOS or Linux Worker

Deploy VMWare Drivers on Windows Worker

Perform Delete ISOs on ESXi Host with macOS or Linux Worker

Perform Delete ISOs on ESXi Host with Windows Worker

Perform Deploy ESXi Drivers to a Drop Directory with macOS or Linux Worker

Perform Deploy ESXi Drivers to a Drop Directory with Windows Worker

Perform Install VMware.VimAutomation.Core on Windows Worker

Perform Test if VMWare Drivers Installed on Windows

Setup VMWare Tools on Windows

Post Windows install setup of VMWare tools for new VM Windows node.


Name Type Script Reference Comment
Automation Worker Linux Base Directory Text automationworkerlinuxbasedirectory Directory for storing kickstart files, eg: "~/kickstart".
Automation Worker Linux Node Linux/Unix Node automationworkerlinuxnode The device used to connect to another device or perform tasks. This can be the devices Attune is running on.
Automation Worker Linux User Linux/Unix Credential automationworkerlinuxuser non privilege user on the Automation Worker node.
Automation Worker Windows Base Directory Text automationworkerwindowsbasedirectory Base directory for deploying temporary files to build the kickstart ISO on Windows Worker.
Automation Worker Windows Node Windows Node automationworkerwindowsnode The Windows automation worker node used to perform tasks to create the ISO.
Automation Worker Windows User: Administrator Windows Credential automationworkerwindowsuseradministrator Administrator user on the Windows Automation Worker node.
New VM Node Basic Node newvmnode The virtual machine being worked on.
New VM Windows Node Windows Node newvmwindowsnode
New VM Windows User: Administrator Windows Credential newvmwindowsuseradministrator The windows administrator user
Virtual Machine Boot Loader Is BIOS Text virtualmachinebootloaderisbios
Virtual Machine Boot Loader Is UEFI Text virtualmachinebootloaderisuefi
VM CPU Count Text vmcpucount VM CPU Count.
VM Disk Size GB Text vmdisksizegb VM Disk Size in GB.
VM Guest Type Text vmguesttype vSphere VM Guest Type.
VM Network Name Text vmnetworkname vSphere VM Network Name.
VM Ram Size GB Text vmramsizegb VM Ram Size in GB.
VM Storage Pool Name Text vmstoragepoolname vSphere VM Storage Pool Name.
VMWare ESXi Host Basic Node vmwareesxihost The ESXi Host details.
VMWare vCenter Node Basic Node vmwarevcenternode The vCenter Node details.
VMWare vCenter Server Basic Node vmwarevcenterserver
VMWare vCenter User Basic Credential vmwarevcenteruser The user to connect to vCenter.


Name Type Comment
WIN ESXi Tools Large Archives
WIN VMWare Drivers Large Archives These drivers are compatible with Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016, 2019 and 2022.

To obtain the files required for this archive, create a new Windows Server 2016 VM, install the VMWare Tools, and zip up the directory C:\Program Files\Common Files\VMware\Drivers

Contribute to this Project

The collective power of a community of talented individuals working in concert delivers not only more ideas, but quicker development and troubleshooting when issues arise.

If you’d like to contribute and help improve these projects, please fork our repository, commit your changes in Attune, push you changes, and create a pull request.

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Please feel free to raise any issues or questions you have.

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