This is a deprecated api. Undesirable side effects may occur.
How to serialize circular references for a json snapshot.
composition of instance methods apply directly to the constructor
function Ctor(){
preinitialize.apply(this, arguments);
initialize.apply(this, arguments);
setup for serialization
Ctor.prototype.valueOf = function(){
return this;
function Sync(name){
//; name = name;
Sync.prototype = Object.create(Ctor.prototype, {
constructor : {
configurable : true,
enumerable : true, //
value : Sync,
writeable : true
function Model(sync){
this.sync = sync;
Model.prototype = Object.create(Ctor.prototype, {
constructor : {
configurable : true,
enumerable : true, //
value : Model,
writeable : true
function Controller(model){
var self = this;
// model shares this with view
self.model = model;
Controller.prototype = Object.create(Ctor.prototype, {
constructor : {
configurable : true,
enumerable : true, //
value : Controller,
writeable : true
application instance, circular references will serialize to JSON
function Main(name){
this.sync= new Sync(name);
this.model = new Model(this.sync);
this.controller = new Controller(this.model);
Main.prototype = Object.create(Ctor.prototype, {
constructor : {
configurable : true,
enumerable : true, //
value : Main,
writeable : true
}); = new Main('App');
"sync": {
"name": "App"
"model": {
"sync": {
"name": "App"
"controller": {
"model": {
"sync": {
"name": "App"
A console log proxy has been added to log messages to the Document.
- Store
instance method testPending
- Model
instance method testPending
call to Store.testPending.then
- Template
instance method testPending
- View
instance method testPending
call to Template.testPending.then
- Controller
instance method test
resolves Model.testPending
and View.testPending
using Memoized IIFE
which returns an object
- Main
instance method test
linked to controller
Next, deriving specific properties and serializing the rest for a whole image.