🚨 NOTE: This is prerelease software. Use at your own risk 🚨
A boilerplate for creating WPGraphQL extensions. Can be used as a Composer dependency or as a tool to scaffold your own plugin.
Inspired by the following projects and their contributors:
- Default folder structure that mirrors WPGraphQL.
- Helper classes, interfaces, methods, and traits to make it easier to register new GraphQL types.
- Dependency management with Composer.
- Code sniffing with PHPCS, WordPress Coding Standards, and Automattic's WordPress VIP Coding Standards
- Static Analysis with PHPStan
- WPUnit Testing with Codeception and WPBrowser.
- Docker image generation.
- Automated CI with Github Actions.
- PHP 7.4+ | 8.0+ | 8.1+
- WordPress 5.4.1+
- WPGraphQL 1.8.0+
We recommend installing this boilerplate using Strauss, to prevent plugin conflicts with other libraries. For more information see this explainer from StellarWP.
composer require axewp/wp-graphql-plugin-boilerplate
- Add the following scripts to composer .json:
"scripts": {
"strauss": [
"test -f ./bin/strauss.phar || curl -o bin/strauss.phar -L -C - https://github.com/BrianHenryIE/strauss/releases/download/0.14.0/strauss.phar",
"@php bin/strauss.phar"
"post-install-cmd": [
"post-update-cmd": [
- Add the strauss config to "extra" in composer.json:
"extra": {
"strauss": {
"target_directory": "vendor-prefixed",
"namespace_prefix": "WPGraphQL\\PluginName\\Vendor\\",
"classmap_prefix": "WPGraphQL_PluginName",
"constant_prefix": "GRAPHQL_PLUGINNAME",
"include_modified_date": false,
"delete_vendor_files": true,
"packages": [
"excluded_from_prefix": {
"file_patterns": []
- Include the autoloader in your composer.json's classmap.
"autoload": {
"files": [
"psr-4": {
"WPGraphQL\\PluginName\\": "src/"
+ "classmap": [
+ "vendor-prefixed/"
+ ]
Creating your WPGraphQL plugin is as simple as downloading the project to your machine and running curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/AxeWP/wp-graphql-plugin-boilerplate/master/bin/install.sh | bash
You will be asked to provide the following configuration details, or you can pass them as flags.
- Branch (
) : The Github branch to use as the source. - Name (
) : The name of your plugin (e.g.My Plugin for WPGraphQL
). - Namespace (
): The PHP namespace to be used for the plugin (e.g.MyPlugin
). - Path (
): The path to the directory directory where the plugin should be created (e.g.mysite/wp-content/plugins
). - Prefix (
): The plugin prefix (in snake case). This will be used to generate unique functions, hooks and constants (e.g.my_plugin
). - Slug (
): The slug (in kebab-case) to use for the plugin (e.g.wp-graphql-my-plugin
Alternatively, you can download the repository and run composer create-plugin
Rename .env.dist
to .env
, and set the variables to your particular localhost/testing environment.
wp-graphql-plugin-name # This will be renamed by `create-plugin` to the provided slug.
├── .github/workflows
│ ├── code-quality.yml # Github workflow for PHPStan.
│ ├── code-standard.yml # Github workflow for PHPCS
│ ├── integration-testing.yml # Github workflow for Codeception tests and Coveralls.
│ ├── schema-linter.yml # Github workflow GraphQL schema linting.
│ └── upload-schema-artifact.yml # Generates a schema artifact on Github release, for use by schema-linter.yml
├── .wordpress.org # Assets for use in WordPress's plugin directory.
├── bin
│ ├── _env.sh # The shared env variables used by other shell scripts.
│ ├── _lib.sh # Shared functions used by other shell scripts
│ ├── install-stan-env.sh # Creates a development environment for running PHPStan.
│ ├── install-test-env.sh # Creates a development environment for running Codeception.
│ ├── run-docker.sh # Builds and runs the Docker image.
│ └── wp-cli.yml # WPCLI configuration used for scripts.
├── docker
│ ├── app.Dockerfile
│ ├── app.entrypoint.sh
│ ├── app.post-setup.sh
│ ├── app.setup.sh
│ ├── testing.Dockerfile
│ └── testing.entrypoint.sh
├── phpstan
│ └── constants.php # Stubbed plugin constants for PHPStan.
├── src
│ ├── Admin # Classes for modifying the WP dashboard.
│ │ └── Settings
│ │ └── Settings.php # Adds custom settings to WPGraphQL's settings page.
│ ├── Connection # GraphQL connections.
│ ├── Data
│ ├── Fields # Individual GraphQL fields.
│ ├── Model # GraphQL object data modelers.
│ ├── Mutation # GraphQL mutations
│ ├── Type # GraphQL types.
│ │ ├── Enum # Enum types.
│ │ ├── Input # Input types.
│ │ ├── Union # Union types.
│ │ ├── WPInterface # Interface types.
│ │ └── WPObject # Object types.
│ ├── Utils # Helper functions used across the plugin
│ ├── CoreSchemaFilters.php # Entrypoint for modifying the default schema provided by WPGraphQL
│ ├── Main.php # Bootstraps the plugin
│ └── TypeRegistry.php # Entrypoint for registering GraphQL types to the schema
├── tests # Codeception tests
│ ├── _data
│ ├── _envs
│ ├── _output
│ ├── _support
│ ├── acceptance
│ ├── unit
│ ├── wpunit
│ ├── acceptance.suite.dist.yml
│ ├── bootstrap.php
│ ├── unit.suite.dist.yml
│ └── wpunit.suite.dist.yml
├── vendor # Composer dependencies
│ └── composer/autoload.php # Composer autoloader
├── vendor-prefixed # Namespaced dependencies, including the wrapped AxeWP classes from this package.
├── .distignore
├── .env.dist
├── .gitattributes
├── .gitignore
├── .phpcs.xml.dist
├── access-functions.php # Globally-available functions for accessing class methods.
├── activation.php # Methods that run on plugin activation.
├── codeception.dist.yml
├── composer.json
├── deactivation.php # Methods that run on plugin deactivation.
├── docker-compose.yml
├── phpstan.neon.dist
├── phpunit.xml.dist
├── README.md # The repo readme file.
├── readme.txt # The plugin readme file.
└── wp-graphql-plugin-name.php
- Include example files.
- Quality-of-life utils that make it easy to extend WPGraphQL.
- Extensive documentation.