Home view
Our Plants view
About view
Contact view
Fontact Form functionality
Login functionality
Logout functionality
Create a user
Login as user
Send GET request
Check if response is OK (200)
Check that the view returns the correct user
Send a GET request to the view
Check that the response is 200 (OK)
Check that the view returns the correct template
Create a product
Send a GET request to the view
Check that the response is 200 (OK)
Check that the view returns the correct product
Check that the view returns the correct template
Create a user
Test review form submission
Login as the user
Create a new product
Send a POST request to the view with the ID of the new product
Check that the response is 302 (redirect)
Check that a review was added to the database
Test review form submission with no title
Check that the correct error message was returned
Test management view
Log in as regular user
Send a GET request to the view
Check that the response is 302 (Forbidden)
Test admin login
Send a GET request to the view
Check that the response is 200 (OK)
Test add product view
Send a GET request to the view
Check that the response is 200 (OK)
Check that a new product was created
send a GET request to the cart view
Check that the response is 200 (OK)
Check that the view returns the correct template