diff --git a/docs/docs/tutorials/codealong/contract_tutorials/token_contract.md b/docs/docs/tutorials/codealong/contract_tutorials/token_contract.md index 26ae89d4570..e5d421fd8f6 100644 --- a/docs/docs/tutorials/codealong/contract_tutorials/token_contract.md +++ b/docs/docs/tutorials/codealong/contract_tutorials/token_contract.md @@ -200,15 +200,13 @@ This function allows an account approved in the public `minters` mapping to crea First, storage is initialized. Then the function checks that the `msg_sender` is approved to mint in the `minters` mapping. If it is, a new `U128` value is created of the `amount` provided. The function reads the recipients public balance and then adds the amount to mint, saving the output as `new_balance`, then reads to total supply and adds the amount to mint, saving the output as `supply`. `new_balance` and `supply` are then written to storage. -The function returns 1 to indicate successful execution. - #include_code mint_public /noir-projects/noir-contracts/contracts/token_contract/src/main.nr rust #### `mint_private` This public function allows an account approved in the public `minters` mapping to create new private tokens that can be claimed by anyone that has the pre-image to the `secret_hash`. -First, public storage is initialized. Then it checks that the `msg_sender` is an approved minter. Then a new `TransparentNote` is created with the specified `amount` and `secret_hash`. You can read the details of the `TransparentNote` in the `types.nr` file [here (GitHub link)](https://github.com/AztecProtocol/aztec-packages/blob/#include_aztec_version/noir-projects/noir-contracts/contracts/token_contract/src/types.nr#L61). The `amount` is added to the existing public `total_supply` and the storage value is updated. Then the new `TransparentNote` is added to the `pending_shields` using the `insert_from_public` function, which is accessible on the `PrivateSet` type. Then it's ready to be claimed by anyone with the `secret_hash` pre-image using the `redeem_shield` function. It returns `1` to indicate successful execution. +First, public storage is initialized. Then it checks that the `msg_sender` is an approved minter. Then a new `TransparentNote` is created with the specified `amount` and `secret_hash`. You can read the details of the `TransparentNote` in the `types.nr` file [here (GitHub link)](https://github.com/AztecProtocol/aztec-packages/blob/#include_aztec_version/noir-projects/noir-contracts/contracts/token_contract/src/types.nr#L61). The `amount` is added to the existing public `total_supply` and the storage value is updated. Then the new `TransparentNote` is added to the `pending_shields` using the `insert_from_public` function, which is accessible on the `PrivateSet` type. Then it's ready to be claimed by anyone with the `secret_hash` pre-image using the `redeem_shield` function. #include_code mint_private /noir-projects/noir-contracts/contracts/token_contract/src/main.nr rust