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Fluent Codegen Report

Github Actions edited this page Dec 16, 2024 · 1043 revisions

Generated at 2024-12-16T19:39:58.805921

Success (259)

RP count: 259
  • EnterpriseKnowledgeGraph
  • addons
  • advisor
  • agrifood
  • alertsmanagement
  • analysisservices
  • apicenter
  • apimanagement
  • app
  • appcomplianceautomation
  • appconfiguration
  • applicationinsights
  • appplatform
  • attestation
  • authorization
  • automanage
  • automation
  • awsconnector
  • azure-kusto
  • azureactivedirectory
  • azurearcdata
  • azuredata
  • azuredatatransfer
  • azurefleet
  • azureintegrationspaces
  • azurelargeinstance
  • azurestack
  • azurestackhci
  • baremetalinfrastructure
  • batch
  • billing
  • billingbenefits
  • blueprint
  • botservice
  • cdn
  • changeanalysis
  • chaos
  • cloudshell
  • codesigning
  • cognitiveservices
  • communication
  • communitytraining
  • compute
  • computeschedule
  • confidentialledger
  • confluent
  • connectedcache
  • connectedvmware
  • consumption
  • containerinstance
  • containerregistry
  • containerstorage
  • contosowidgetmanager
  • cosmos-db
  • cost-management
  • cpim
  • customer-insights
  • customerlockbox
  • customproviders
  • dashboard
  • databasewatcher
  • databoxedge
  • databricks
  • datacatalog
  • datadog
  • datafactory
  • datalake-analytics
  • datalake-store
  • datamigration
  • dataprotection
  • datashare
  • desktopvirtualization
  • devcenter
  • developerhub
  • deviceregistry
  • deviceupdate
  • devops
  • devopsinfrastructure
  • devspaces
  • devtestlabs
  • dfp
  • digitaltwins
  • dnc
  • dns
  • dnsresolver
  • durabletask
  • dynatrace
  • edgemarketplace
  • edgeorder
  • edgeorderpartner
  • edgezones
  • education
  • elastic
  • elasticsan
  • engagementfabric
  • eventgrid
  • eventhub
  • ews
  • extendedlocation
  • fabric
  • fist
  • fluidrelay
  • frontdoor
  • github-network
  • graphservicesprod
  • guestconfiguration
  • hanaonazure
  • hardwaresecuritymodules
  • hdinsight
  • healthbot
  • healthcareapis
  • healthdataaiservices
  • help
  • hybridaks
  • hybridcloud
  • hybridcompute
  • hybridconnectivity
  • hybriddatamanager
  • hybridkubernetes
  • hybridnetwork
  • imagebuilder
  • impact
  • informatica
  • iotcentral
  • iothub
  • iotoperations
  • iotoperationsdataprocessor
  • iotoperationsmq
  • iotoperationsorchestrator
  • keyvault
  • kubernetesconfiguration
  • kubernetesruntime
  • labservices
  • liftrastronomer
  • liftrneon
  • liftrpinecone
  • liftrqumulo
  • loadtestservice
  • logz
  • m365securityandcompliance
  • machinelearningservices
  • maintenance
  • managednetwork
  • managednetworkfabric
  • managedservices
  • managementgroups
  • managementpartner
  • maps
  • mariadb
  • marketplace
  • marketplacecatalog
  • marketplacenotifications
  • marketplaceordering
  • mediaservices
  • migrate
  • mixedreality
  • mobilenetwork
  • mongocluster
  • monitor
  • msi
  • mysql
  • netapp
  • networkanalytics
  • networkcloud
  • networkfunction
  • newrelic
  • nginx
  • notificationhubs
  • oep
  • offazurespringboot
  • operationalinsights
  • operationsmanagement
  • oracle
  • orbital
  • paloaltonetworks
  • peering
  • playwrighttesting
  • policyinsights
  • portal
  • portalservices
  • postgresql
  • postgresqlhsc
  • powerbidedicated
  • powerbiembedded
  • powerbiprivatelinks
  • powerplatform
  • privatedns
  • professionalservice
  • programmableconnectivity
  • providerhub
  • purview
  • purviewpolicy
  • quantum
  • quota
  • recommendationsservice
  • recoveryservices
  • recoveryservicesbackup
  • recoveryservicesdatareplication
  • recoveryservicessiterecovery
  • redis
  • redisenterprise
  • relay
  • reservations
  • resourceconnector
  • resourcehealth
  • resourcemover
  • resources
  • riskiq
  • saas
  • scheduler
  • scom
  • scvmm
  • search
  • security
  • securityandcompliance
  • serialconsole
  • servicebus
  • servicefabric
  • servicefabricmanagedclusters
  • servicefabricmesh
  • servicelinker
  • servicenetworking
  • signalr
  • softwareplan
  • solutions
  • sphere
  • splitio
  • sqlvirtualmachine
  • standbypool
  • storSimple1200Series
  • storage
  • storageactions
  • storagecache
  • storageimportexport
  • storagemover
  • storagepool
  • storagesync
  • storsimple8000series
  • subscription
  • support
  • synapse
  • syntex
  • terraform
  • testbase
  • timeseriesinsights
  • trafficmanager
  • verifiedid
  • vi
  • videoanalyzer
  • visualstudio
  • vmware
  • vmwarecloudsimple
  • voiceservices
  • web
  • webpubsub
  • windowsesu
  • windowsiot
  • workloadmonitor
  • workloads

Failure at Codegen (0)

Failure at Build (8)

  • databox
  • deviceprovisioningservices
  • logic
  • network
  • resourcegraph
  • service-map
  • sql
  • streamanalytics




AutoRest code generation utility [cli version: 3.7.1; node: v20.18.1]
(C) 2018 Microsoft Corporation.
info    | AutoRest core version selected from configuration: 3.9.7.
info    |    Loading AutoRest core      '/home/runner/.autorest/@autorestcore@3.9.7/nodemodules/@autorest/core/dist' (3.9.7)
info    |    Loading local AutoRest extension '@autorest/java' (/home/runner/work/
info    |    Loading local AutoRest extension '@autorest/java.fluent' (/home/runner/work/
info    |    Loading AutoRest extension '@autorest/modelerfour' (4.26.2->4.26.2)
warning | PreCheck/CheckDuplicateSchemas | Checking for duplicate schemas, this could take a (long) while.  Run with --verbose for more detail.
warning | SecurityDefinedSpecAndConfig | OpenAPI spec has a security definition but autorest security config is defined. Security config from autorest will be used.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
error   | Prenamer/NameEmpty | Enum 'nextPartitionKey' cannot have a value ' ' that result in an empty name. Use x-ms-enum.values to specify the name of the values.
error   | Prenamer/NameEmpty | Enum 'nextRowKey' cannot have a value ' ' that result in an empty name. Use x-ms-enum.values to specify the name of the values.
fatal   | Error: 2 errors occured -- cannot continue.
fatal   | Process() cancelled due to failure 
error   |   Error: Plugin pre-namer reported failure.
error   | Autorest completed with an error. If you think the error message is unclear, or is a bug, please declare an issues at with the error message you are seeing.




AutoRest code generation utility [cli version: 3.7.1; node: v20.18.1]
(C) 2018 Microsoft Corporation.
info    | AutoRest core version selected from configuration: 3.9.7.
info    |    Loading AutoRest core      '/home/runner/.autorest/@autorestcore@3.9.7/nodemodules/@autorest/core/dist' (3.9.7)
info    |    Loading local AutoRest extension '@autorest/java' (/home/runner/work/
info    |    Loading local AutoRest extension '@autorest/java.fluent' (/home/runner/work/
info    |    Loading AutoRest extension '@autorest/modelerfour' (4.26.2->4.26.2)
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'UsageSample' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'UsageAggregation' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'UsageAggregationListResult' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'RateCardQueryParameters' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'ResourceRateCardInfo' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'MeterInfo' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'OfferTermInfo' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'MonetaryCredit' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'MonetaryCommitment' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'RecurringCharge' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/CheckDuplicateSchemas | Checking for duplicate schemas, this could take a (long) while.  Run with --verbose for more detail.
warning | PreCheck/DuplicateSchema | Duplicate Schema named 'OfferTermInfo' (6 differences):
  - discriminator: {"propertyName":"Name"} => <none>
  - properties: {"Name":{"x-ms-enum":{"name":"OfferTermInfo","modelAsString":false},"$ref":"#/components/schemas/OfferTermInfo","description":"Name of the offer term"},"EffectiveDate":{"$ref":"#/components/schemas/schemas:45","description":"Indicates the date from which the offer term is effective."}} => <none>
  - required: ["Name"] => <none>
  - type: "object" => "string"
  - enum: <none> => ["Recurring Charge","Monetary Commitment","Monetary Credit"]
  - x-ms-enum: <none> => {"name":"OfferTermInfo","modelAsString":false}
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Modeler/MissingType | The schema 'InfoField' has no type or format information whatsoever. Location:
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | PreNamer/DeduplicateName | Deduplicating schema name: 'OfferTermInfo' -> 'OfferTermInfoAutoGenerated'
info    | FluentGen | Read YAML
info    | FluentNamer | Created temp directory for code model: /tmp/code-modelc5ee07b3-aec0-4bb0-b38a-b510ab7fdc8016410727182868767366
info    | FluentNamer | Load fluent settings
info    | FluentNamer | Transform code model
info    | ErrorTypeNormalization | Rename error from 'ErrorObjectResponse' to 'ManagementError'
info    | ErrorTypeNormalization | Rename error from 'ManagementError' to 'ManagementError'
info    | SchemaCleanup | Remove unused object schema 'RateCardQueryParameters'
info    | FluentGen | Map code model to client model
info    | FluentMapper | Add Inner to response types: [UsageAggregation, ResourceRateCardInfo]
error   | FluentGen | Failed to successfully run fluentgen plugin java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: [JavaCheck/SchemaError] no common parent found for client models [UsageAggregationListResult, ManagementError]
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: [JavaCheck/SchemaError] no common parent found for client models [UsageAggregationListResult, ManagementError]
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.Executors$
	at java.base/
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
	at java.base/

fatal   | Process() cancelled due to failure 
error   |   Error: Plugin fluentgen reported failure.
error   | Autorest completed with an error. If you think the error message is unclear, or is a bug, please declare an issues at with the error message you are seeing.




[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------< >-------
[INFO] Building Microsoft Azure SDK for DataBox Management 1.0.0-beta.1
[INFO]   from pom.xml
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ azure-resourcemanager-databox ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 2 resources
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:compile (default-compile) @ azure-resourcemanager-databox ---
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
[INFO] Compiling 202 source files to /home/runner/work/
[INFO] /home/runner/work/ /home/runner/work/ uses or overrides a deprecated API.
[INFO] /home/runner/work/ Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[34,46] variable ACTIVE_ORDER_LIMIT_BREACHED_DELAY_1 is already defined in class
[INFO] 1 error
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  2.931 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2024-12-16T18:29:22Z
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:compile (default-compile) on project azure-resourcemanager-databox: Compilation failure
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[34,46] variable ACTIVE_ORDER_LIMIT_BREACHED_DELAY_1 is already defined in class
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]




[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] --< >--
[INFO] Building Microsoft Azure SDK for IotDps Management 1.0.0-beta.1
[INFO]   from pom.xml
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ azure-resourcemanager-deviceprovisioningservices ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 2 resources
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:compile (default-compile) @ azure-resourcemanager-deviceprovisioningservices ---
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
[INFO] Compiling 94 source files to /home/runner/work/
[INFO] /home/runner/work/ /home/runner/work/ uses or overrides a deprecated API.
[INFO] /home/runner/work/ Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[627,44] cannot find symbol
  symbol:   variable EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
  location: class
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[691,44] cannot find symbol
  symbol:   variable EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
  location: class
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[969,44] cannot find symbol
  symbol:   variable EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
  location: class
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[1034,44] cannot find symbol
  symbol:   variable EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
  location: class
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[1208,44] cannot find symbol
  symbol:   variable EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
  location: class
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[1279,44] cannot find symbol
  symbol:   variable EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
  location: class
[INFO] 6 errors 
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  2.879 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2024-12-16T18:35:01Z
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:compile (default-compile) on project azure-resourcemanager-deviceprovisioningservices: Compilation failure: Compilation failure: 
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[627,44] cannot find symbol
[ERROR]   symbol:   variable EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
[ERROR]   location: class
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[691,44] cannot find symbol
[ERROR]   symbol:   variable EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
[ERROR]   location: class
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[969,44] cannot find symbol
[ERROR]   symbol:   variable EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
[ERROR]   location: class
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[1034,44] cannot find symbol
[ERROR]   symbol:   variable EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
[ERROR]   location: class
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[1208,44] cannot find symbol
[ERROR]   symbol:   variable EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
[ERROR]   location: class
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[1279,44] cannot find symbol
[ERROR]   symbol:   variable EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY
[ERROR]   location: class
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]




AutoRest code generation utility [cli version: 3.7.1; node: v20.18.1]
(C) 2018 Microsoft Corporation.
info    | AutoRest core version selected from configuration: 3.9.7.
info    |    Loading AutoRest core      '/home/runner/.autorest/@autorestcore@3.9.7/nodemodules/@autorest/core/dist' (3.9.7)
info    |    Loading local AutoRest extension '@autorest/java' (/home/runner/work/
info    |    Loading local AutoRest extension '@autorest/java.fluent' (/home/runner/work/
info    |    Loading AutoRest extension '@autorest/modelerfour' (4.26.2->4.26.2)
warning | PreCheck/CheckDuplicateSchemas | Checking for duplicate schemas, this could take a (long) while.  Run with --verbose for more detail.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
info    | FluentGen | Read YAML
info    | FluentNamer | Created temp directory for code model: /tmp/code-model0be37f40-3370-462a-ad47-dcca8985b4173853279212789975450
info    | FluentNamer | Load fluent settings
info    | FluentNamer | Transform code model
info    | OperationNameNormalization | Rename operation from 'get' to 'getByResourceGroup', in operation group 'DomainServices'
info    | ErrorTypeNormalization | Rename error from 'CloudError' to 'ManagementError'
info    | SchemaCleanup | Remove unused object schema 'ManagementError'
info    | SchemaCleanup | Remove unused choice schema 'CreatedByType'
info    | FluentGen | Map code model to client model
info    | FluentMapper | Add Inner to response types: [DomainService, OperationEntity, OuContainer]
info    | Javagen | Client property name subscriptionId
info    | Javagen | Client property name endpoint
info    | FluentGen | Java template for client model
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'DomainServiceListResult', caused by key 'pfxCertificatePassword'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'DomainServiceInner', caused by key 'pfxCertificatePassword'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'DomainServiceProperties', caused by key 'pfxCertificatePassword'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'LdapsSettings', caused by key 'pfxCertificatePassword'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'ResourceForestSettings', caused by key 'trustPassword'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'ForestTrust', caused by key 'trustPassword'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'DomainSecuritySettings', caused by key 'syncNtlmPasswords'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'OuContainerListResult', caused by key 'password'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'OuContainerInner', caused by key 'password'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'OuContainerProperties', caused by key 'password'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'ContainerAccount', caused by key 'password'
info    | FluentGen | Process for Fluent Lite, SDK integration disabled
info    | ResourceCreate | ResourceCreate: Fluent model 'DomainService', method reference 'createOrUpdate', body parameter 'DomainServiceInner'
info    | ResourceParser | Fluent model 'DomainService' as category RESOURCEGROUP_ASPARENT
info    | ResourceUpdate | ResourceUpdate: Fluent model 'DomainService', method reference 'update', body parameter 'DomainServiceInner'
info    | ResourceRefresh | ResourceRefresh: Fluent model 'DomainService', method reference 'getByResourceGroup'
info    | ResourceDelete | ResourceDelete: Fluent model 'DomainService', method reference 'delete'
info    | ResourceCreate | ResourceCreate: Fluent model 'OuContainer', method reference 'create', body parameter 'ContainerAccount'
info    | ResourceParser | Fluent model 'OuContainer' as category NESTED_CHILD
info    | ResourceUpdate | ResourceUpdate: Fluent model 'OuContainer', method reference 'update', body parameter 'ContainerAccount'
info    | ResourceRefresh | ResourceRefresh: Fluent model 'OuContainer', method reference 'get'
info    | ResourceDelete | ResourceDelete: Fluent model 'OuContainer', method reference 'delete'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get Operations'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'List Domain Service'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'List Domain Service'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get Domain Service'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Delete Domain Service'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse resource create example 'Create Domain Service'
info    | ResourceCreate | ResourceCreate: Fluent model 'DomainService', resource define method 'define'
warning | ExampleParser | Failed to assign sample value to required stage 'WithLocation'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse resource update example 'Update Domain Service'


                    throw new Error('Header must provide a Content-Length property.');
Error: Header must provide a Content-Length property.
    at StreamMessageReader.exports.modules.../../../common/temp/node_modules/.pnpm/vscode-jsonrpc@3.6.2/node_modules/vscode-jsonrpc/lib/messageReader.js.StreamMessageReader.onData (/home/runner/.autorest/@autorest_core@3.9.7/node_modules/@autorest/core/dist/vendors-common_temp_node_modules_pnpm_azure_logger_1_0_3_node_modules_azure_logger_dist-esm_s-fe57a1.js:110268:27)
    at Socket.<anonymous> (/home/runner/.autorest/@autorest_core@3.9.7/node_modules/@autorest/core/dist/vendors-common_temp_node_modules_pnpm_azure_logger_1_0_3_node_modules_azure_logger_dist-esm_s-fe57a1.js:110253:19)
    at Socket.emit (node:events:518:28)
    at addChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:561:12)
    at readableAddChunkPushByteMode (node:internal/streams/readable:512:3)
    at Socket.Readable.push (node:internal/streams/readable:392:5)
    at Pipe.onStreamRead (node:internal/stream_base_commons:191:23)



AutoRest code generation utility [cli version: 3.7.1; node: v20.18.1]
(C) 2018 Microsoft Corporation.
info    | AutoRest core version selected from configuration: 3.9.7.
info    |    Loading AutoRest core      '/home/runner/.autorest/@autorestcore@3.9.7/nodemodules/@autorest/core/dist' (3.9.7)
info    |    Loading local AutoRest extension '@autorest/java' (/home/runner/work/
info    |    Loading local AutoRest extension '@autorest/java.fluent' (/home/runner/work/
info    |    Loading AutoRest extension '@autorest/modelerfour' (4.26.2->4.26.2)
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'Resource' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'Location' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'LocationProperties' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'Error' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'LocationCollection' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'GroupsCollection' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'GroupItem' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'GroupProperties' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'ApplicationCollection' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'Application' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'ApplicationProperties' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'IOSMAMPolicyCollection' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'AndroidMAMPolicyCollection' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'iOSMAMPolicy' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'AndroidMAMPolicy' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'MAMPolicyAppIdOrGroupIdPayload' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'MAMPolicyAppOrGroupIdProperties' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'MAMPolicyProperties' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'iOSMAMPolicyProperties' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'AndroidMAMPolicyProperties' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'DeviceCollection' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'Device' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'DeviceProperties' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'WipeDeviceOperationResult' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'WipeDeviceOperationResultProperties' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'OperationResultCollection' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'OperationResult' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'OperationResultProperties' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'operationMetadataProperties' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'StatusesDefault' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'StatusesProperties' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'FlaggedUserCollection' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'FlaggedUser' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'FlaggedUserProperties' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'FlaggedEnrolledAppCollection' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'FlaggedEnrolledApp' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'FlaggedEnrolledAppProperties' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'FlaggedEnrolledAppError' with an undefined type and declared properties is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/CheckDuplicateSchemas | Checking for duplicate schemas, this could take a (long) while.  Run with --verbose for more detail.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
info    | FluentGen | Read YAML
info    | FluentNamer | Created temp directory for code model: /tmp/code-modelf73da4a2-3c2b-4672-a29e-856e7ecdd44c3681358330328454132
info    | FluentNamer | Load fluent settings
info    | FluentNamer | Transform code model
info    | FluentTransformer | Rename ungrouped operation group to 'ResourceProvider'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'hostName' to 'hostname'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'GetLocationByHostName' to 'GetLocationByHostname'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'hostName' to 'hostname'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'hostName' to 'hostname'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'userName' to 'username'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'hostName' to 'hostname'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'userName' to 'username'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'hostName' to 'hostname'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'userName' to 'username'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'hostName' to 'hostname'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'hostName' to 'hostname'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'hostName' to 'hostname'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'hostName' to 'hostname'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'userName' to 'username'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'hostName' to 'hostname'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'userName' to 'username'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'hostName' to 'hostname'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'hostName' to 'hostname'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'hostName' to 'hostname'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'hostName' to 'hostname'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'hostName' to 'hostname'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'hostName' to 'hostname'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'hostName' to 'hostname'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'hostName' to 'hostname'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'hostName' to 'hostname'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'hostName' to 'hostname'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'hostName' to 'hostname'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'hostName' to 'hostname'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'hostName' to 'hostname'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'hostName' to 'hostname'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'hostName' to 'hostname'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'hostName' to 'hostname'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'hostName' to 'hostname'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'hostName' to 'hostname'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'hostName' to 'hostname'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'hostName' to 'hostname'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'hostName' to 'hostname'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'hostName' to 'hostname'
info    | ErrorTypeNormalization | Rename error from 'Error' to 'ManagementError'
info    | FluentGen | Map code model to client model
info    | FluentMapper | Add Inner to response types: [WipeDeviceOperationResult, OperationResult, AndroidMamPolicy, GroupItem, IOsmamPolicy, FlaggedEnrolledApp, Application, Location, Device, FlaggedUser]
error   | FluentGen | Failed to successfully run fluentgen plugin java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: [JavaCheck/SchemaError] item name value not found among properties of client model StatusesDefault
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: [JavaCheck/SchemaError] item name value not found among properties of client model StatusesDefault
	at java.base/java.util.Optional.ifPresentOrElse(
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.Executors$
	at java.base/
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
	at java.base/

fatal   | Process() cancelled due to failure 
error   |   Error: Plugin fluentgen reported failure.
error   | Autorest completed with an error. If you think the error message is unclear, or is a bug, please declare an issues at with the error message you are seeing.




AutoRest code generation utility [cli version: 3.7.1; node: v20.18.1]
(C) 2018 Microsoft Corporation.
info    | AutoRest core version selected from configuration: 3.9.7.
info    |    Loading AutoRest core      '/home/runner/.autorest/@autorestcore@3.9.7/nodemodules/@autorest/core/dist' (3.9.7)
info    |    Loading local AutoRest extension '@autorest/java' (/home/runner/work/
info    |    Loading local AutoRest extension '@autorest/java.fluent' (/home/runner/work/
info    |    Loading AutoRest extension '@autorest/modelerfour' (4.26.2->4.26.2)
warning | OutdatedExtension | Semantic violation: Extension 'x-ms-code-generation-settings' is not supported in Autorest V3. It will just be ignored. (info > x-ms-code-generation-settings)
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/CheckDuplicateSchemas | Checking for duplicate schemas, this could take a (long) while.  Run with --verbose for more detail.
warning | SecurityDefinedSpecAndConfig | OpenAPI spec has a security definition but autorest security config is defined. Security config from autorest will be used.
info    | FluentGen | Read YAML
info    | FluentNamer | Created temp directory for code model: /tmp/code-modelce974ead-9037-449f-b8bb-63455013cc7c4505761140475706839
info    | FluentNamer | Load fluent settings
info    | FluentNamer | Transform code model
info    | FluentGen | Map code model to client model
info    | FluentMapper | Add Inner to response types: []
info    | FluentGen | Java template for client model
error   | FluentGen | Failed to successfully run fluentgen plugin java.lang.NullPointerException
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.Executors$
	at java.base/
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
	at java.base/

fatal   | Process() cancelled due to failure 
error   |   Error: Plugin fluentgen reported failure.
error   | Autorest completed with an error. If you think the error message is unclear, or is a bug, please declare an issues at with the error message you are seeing.




[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] -------< >--------
[INFO] Building Microsoft Azure SDK for Logic Management 1.0.0-beta.1
[INFO]   from pom.xml
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ azure-resourcemanager-logic ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 2 resources
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:compile (default-compile) @ azure-resourcemanager-logic ---
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
[INFO] Compiling 420 source files to /home/runner/work/
[INFO] /home/runner/work/ /home/runner/work/ uses or overrides a deprecated API.
[INFO] /home/runner/work/ Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
[INFO] --- build-helper-maven-plugin:3.0.0:add-test-source (add-test-source) @ azure-resourcemanager-logic ---
[INFO] Test Source directory: /home/runner/work/ added.
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:testResources (default-testResources) @ azure-resourcemanager-logic ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/runner/work/
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ azure-resourcemanager-logic ---
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
[INFO] Compiling 288 source files to /home/runner/work/
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[34,13] constant string too long
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[1118,17] code too large
[INFO] 2 errors 
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  9.770 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2024-12-16T18:53:40Z
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) on project azure-resourcemanager-logic: Compilation failure: Compilation failure: 
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[34,13] constant string too long
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[1118,17] code too large
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]




AutoRest code generation utility [cli version: 3.7.1; node: v20.18.1]
(C) 2018 Microsoft Corporation.
info    | AutoRest core version selected from configuration: 3.9.7.
info    |    Loading AutoRest core      '/home/runner/.autorest/@autorestcore@3.9.7/nodemodules/@autorest/core/dist' (3.9.7)
warning | DeprecatedConfig | Using directive.0.suppress which is deprecated and will be removed in the future.
info    |    Loading local AutoRest extension '@autorest/java' (/home/runner/work/
info    |    Loading local AutoRest extension '@autorest/java.fluent' (/home/runner/work/
info    |    Loading AutoRest extension '@autorest/modelerfour' (4.26.2->4.26.2)
error   | [Exception] No input files provided.

Use --help to get help information or see for additional documentation
error   |   Error: [Exception] No input files provided.

Use --help to get help information or see for additional documentation
error   | Autorest completed with an error. If you think the error message is unclear, or is a bug, please declare an issues at with the error message you are seeing.




AutoRest code generation utility [cli version: 3.7.1; node: v20.18.1]
(C) 2018 Microsoft Corporation.
info    | AutoRest core version selected from configuration: 3.9.7.
info    |    Loading AutoRest core      '/home/runner/.autorest/@autorestcore@3.9.7/nodemodules/@autorest/core/dist' (3.9.7)
info    |    Loading local AutoRest extension '@autorest/java' (/home/runner/work/
info    |    Loading local AutoRest extension '@autorest/java.fluent' (/home/runner/work/
info    |    Loading AutoRest extension '@autorest/modelerfour' (4.26.2->4.26.2)
error   | DiscriminatorNotRequired | Semantic violation: Discriminator must be a required property. (components > schemas > MigrateEventProperties)
  discriminator: { propertyName: [32m'instanceType'[39m }
    - file:///home/runner/work/
fatal   | Process() cancelled due to failure 
error   | DiscriminatorNotRequired | Semantic violation: Discriminator must be a required property. (components > schemas > ProjectSummary)
  discriminator: { propertyName: [32m'instanceType'[39m }
    - file:///home/runner/work/
error   | DiscriminatorNotRequired | Semantic violation: Discriminator must be a required property. (components > schemas > SolutionSummary)
  discriminator: { propertyName: [32m'instanceType'[39m }
    - file:///home/runner/work/
error   |   Error: Semantic validation failed. There was some errors
error   | Autorest completed with an error. If you think the error message is unclear, or is a bug, please declare an issues at with the error message you are seeing.




[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------< >-------
[INFO] Building Microsoft Azure SDK for Network Management 1.0.0-beta.1
[INFO]   from pom.xml
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ azure-resourcemanager-network ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 2 resources
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:compile (default-compile) @ azure-resourcemanager-network ---
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
[INFO] Compiling 2217 source files to /home/runner/work/
[INFO] /home/runner/work/ /home/runner/work/ uses or overrides a deprecated API.
[INFO] /home/runner/work/ Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[34,12] method getEndpoint() is already defined in interface
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[220,26] variable endpoint is already defined in class
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[227,19] method getEndpoint() is already defined in class
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[2332,16] variable endpoint is already defined in constructor NetworkManagementClientImpl(,,java.time.Duration,,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String)
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[59,20] variable endpoint is already defined in class
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[67,43] method endpoint(java.lang.String) is already defined in class
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[143,16] variable localEndpoint is already defined in method buildClient()
[INFO] 7 errors 
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  12.476 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2024-12-16T19:03:57Z
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:compile (default-compile) on project azure-resourcemanager-network: Compilation failure: Compilation failure: 
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[34,12] method getEndpoint() is already defined in interface
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[220,26] variable endpoint is already defined in class
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[227,19] method getEndpoint() is already defined in class
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[2332,16] variable endpoint is already defined in constructor NetworkManagementClientImpl(,,java.time.Duration,,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String)
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[59,20] variable endpoint is already defined in class
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[67,43] method endpoint(java.lang.String) is already defined in class
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[143,16] variable localEndpoint is already defined in method buildClient()
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]




[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ---< >----
[INFO] Building Microsoft Azure SDK for ResourceGraph Management 1.0.0-beta.1
[INFO]   from pom.xml
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ azure-resourcemanager-resourcegraph ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 2 resources
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:compile (default-compile) @ azure-resourcemanager-resourcegraph ---
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
[INFO] Compiling 70 source files to /home/runner/work/
[INFO] /home/runner/work/ /home/runner/work/ uses or overrides a deprecated API.
[INFO] /home/runner/work/ Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[26,12] method getEndpoint() is already defined in interface
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[61,26] variable endpoint is already defined in class
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[68,19] method getEndpoint() is already defined in class
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[167,93] variable endpoint is already defined in constructor ResourceGraphClientImpl(,,java.time.Duration,,java.lang.String,java.lang.String)
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[41,20] variable endpoint is already defined in class
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[49,39] method endpoint(java.lang.String) is already defined in class
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[125,16] variable localEndpoint is already defined in method buildClient()
[INFO] 7 errors 
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  2.132 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2024-12-16T19:17:29Z
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:compile (default-compile) on project azure-resourcemanager-resourcegraph: Compilation failure: Compilation failure: 
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[26,12] method getEndpoint() is already defined in interface
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[61,26] variable endpoint is already defined in class
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[68,19] method getEndpoint() is already defined in class
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[167,93] variable endpoint is already defined in constructor ResourceGraphClientImpl(,,java.time.Duration,,java.lang.String,java.lang.String)
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[41,20] variable endpoint is already defined in class
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[49,39] method endpoint(java.lang.String) is already defined in class
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[125,16] variable localEndpoint is already defined in method buildClient()
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]




AutoRest code generation utility [cli version: 3.7.1; node: v20.18.1]
(C) 2018 Microsoft Corporation.
info    | AutoRest core version selected from configuration: 3.9.7.
info    |    Loading AutoRest core      '/home/runner/.autorest/@autorestcore@3.9.7/nodemodules/@autorest/core/dist' (3.9.7)
warning | DeprecatedConfig | Using directive.0.suppress which is deprecated and will be removed in the future.
warning | DeprecatedConfig | Using directive.1.suppress which is deprecated and will be removed in the future.
warning | DeprecatedConfig | Using directive.2.suppress which is deprecated and will be removed in the future.
info    |    Loading local AutoRest extension '@autorest/java' (/home/runner/work/
info    |    Loading local AutoRest extension '@autorest/java.fluent' (/home/runner/work/
info    |    Loading AutoRest extension '@autorest/modelerfour' (4.26.2->4.26.2)
warning | Transform/DirectiveCodeError | Directive with 'where' clause '$.definitions' failed to execute transformation in path 'definitions':
  | $ = $

  'Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'properties')'
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > AlertRuleTemplate > properties > kind)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > FusionAlertRuleTemplate > properties > properties)
  keys: [ [32m'required'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > FusionAlertRuleTemplateProperties > properties > status)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > MicrosoftSecurityIncidentCreationAlertRuleTemplate > properties > properties)
  keys: [ [32m'required'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > MicrosoftSecurityIncidentCreationAlertRuleTemplateProperties > properties > status)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > ScheduledAlertRuleCommonProperties > properties > alertDetailsOverride)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > ScheduledAlertRuleTemplateProperties > properties > status)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > ScheduledAlertRuleTemplateProperties > properties > alertDetailsOverride)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > ScheduledAlertRuleTemplate > properties > properties)
  keys: [ [32m'required'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | OutdatedExtension | Semantic violation: Extension 'x-ms-code-generation-settings' is not supported in Autorest V3. It will just be ignored. (info > x-ms-code-generation-settings)
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > AutomationRule > properties > properties)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > AutomationRuleAddIncidentTaskAction > properties > actionConfiguration)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > AutomationRuleModifyPropertiesAction > properties > actionConfiguration)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > AutomationRuleRunPlaybookAction > properties > actionConfiguration)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > BooleanConditionProperties > properties > conditionProperties)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > PropertyArrayChangedConditionProperties > properties > conditionProperties)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > PropertyArrayConditionProperties > properties > conditionProperties)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > PropertyChangedConditionProperties > properties > conditionProperties)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > PropertyConditionProperties > properties > conditionProperties)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > BookmarkProperties > properties > createdBy)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > BookmarkProperties > properties > updatedBy)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > BookmarkProperties > properties > incidentInfo)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > DataConnectorDefinition > properties > kind)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > AlertsDataTypeOfDataConnector > properties > alerts)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > RestApiPollerRequestPagingConfig > properties > pagingType)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > CcpAuthConfig > properties > type)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > IncidentCommentProperties > properties > author)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > IncidentProperties > properties > additionalData)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > IncidentProperties > properties > owner)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > IncidentProperties > properties > severity)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > IncidentTask > properties > properties)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > SourceControlProperties > properties > version)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > SourceControlProperties > properties > repoType)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > RepositoryResourceInfo > properties > webhook)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > RepositoryResourceInfo > properties > gitHubResourceInfo)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > RepositoryResourceInfo > properties > azureDevOpsResourceInfo)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > DeploymentInfo > properties > deploymentFetchStatus)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > DeploymentInfo > properties > deployment)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > Deployment > properties > deploymentState)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > Deployment > properties > deploymentResult)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > PullRequest > properties > state)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > WarningBody > properties > code)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (paths > /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/{workspaceName}/providers/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/listRepositories > post > requestBody > content > application/json > schema)
  keys: [ [32m'required'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (paths > /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/{workspaceName}/providers/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/sourcecontrols/{sourceControlId}/delete > post > requestBody > content > application/json > schema)
  keys: [ [32m'required'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > WatchlistProperties > properties > createdBy)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > WatchlistProperties > properties > updatedBy)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > WatchlistItemProperties > properties > createdBy)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > WatchlistItemProperties > properties > updatedBy)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > IncidentInfo > properties > severity)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > HuntingBookmarkProperties > properties > createdBy)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > HuntingBookmarkProperties > properties > updatedBy)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
warning | IgnoredPropertyNextToRef | Semantic violation: Sibling values alongside $ref will be ignored. See$ for allowed values (components > schemas > HuntingBookmarkProperties > properties > incidentInfo)
  keys: [ [32m'type'[39m ]
warning | PreCheck/SchemaMissingType | The schema 'productTemplateProperties' with an undefined type and 'allOf'/'anyOf'/'oneOf' is a bit ambiguous. This has been auto-corrected to 'type:object'
    - file:///home/runner/work/
warning | PreCheck/CheckDuplicateSchemas | Checking for duplicate schemas, this could take a (long) while.  Run with --verbose for more detail.
warning | PreCheck/PropertyRedeclarationWarning | Schema 'MCASDataConnectorDataTypes' has a property 'alerts' that is already declared the parent schema 'AlertsDataTypeOfDataConnector' but isn't significantly different. The property has been removed from MCASDataConnectorDataTypes
warning | SecurityDefinedSpecAndConfig | OpenAPI spec has a security definition but autorest security config is defined. Security config from autorest will be used.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Modeler/MissingType | The schema 'components·1qaufw0·schemas·threatintelligenceindicatorproperties·properties·extensions·additionalproperties' has no type or format information whatsoever. Location:
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Modeler/MissingType | The schema 'components·12h9143·schemas·restapipollerrequestconfig·properties·queryparameters·additionalproperties' has no type or format information whatsoever. Location:
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Modeler/MissingType | The schema 'components·q92l88·schemas·sessionauthmodel·properties·queryparameters·additionalproperties' has no type or format information whatsoever. Location:
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
warning | Deprecated | seal-single-value-enum-by-default is a temporary flag that WILL be removed in the future. Please change the spec to add x-ms-enum.modelAsString=false for enums with this issue.
info    | FluentGen | Read YAML
info    | FluentNamer | Created temp directory for code model: /tmp/code-model98e7ef2d-aba6-49a6-9595-73e6971fc44214158789615177387014
info    | FluentNamer | Load fluent settings
info    | FluentNamer | Transform code model
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'metaData' to 'metadata'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'userName' to 'username'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'userName' to 'username'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'userName' to 'username'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'hostName' to 'hostname'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'JwtAuthModelUserName' to 'JwtAuthModelUsername'
info    | SchemaNameNormalization | Override default name, from 'SessionAuthModelUserName' to 'SessionAuthModelUsername'
info    | NamingConflictResolver | Rename operation group from 'ContentPackage' to 'ContentPackageOperation'
info    | NamingConflictResolver | Rename operation group from 'ProductPackage' to 'ProductPackageOperation'
info    | NamingConflictResolver | Rename operation group from 'ProductTemplate' to 'ProductTemplateOperation'
info    | NamingConflictResolver | Rename operation group from 'ContentTemplate' to 'ContentTemplateOperation'
info    | NamingConflictResolver | Rename operation group from 'SourceControls' to 'SourceControlsOperation'
info    | NamingConflictResolver | Rename operation group from 'ThreatIntelligenceIndicators' to 'ThreatIntelligenceIndicatorsOperation'
info    | ResourceTypeNormalization | Change parent from 'Resource' to 'ProxyResource', for 'ResourceWithEtag'
info    | ResourceTypeNormalization | Change parent from 'Resource' to 'ProxyResource', for 'ActionResponse'
info    | ResourceTypeNormalization | Change parent from 'Resource' to 'ProxyResource', for 'AlertRuleTemplate'
info    | ResourceTypeNormalization | Change parent from 'Resource' to 'ProxyResource', for 'Entity'
info    | ErrorTypeNormalization | Rename error from 'CloudError' to 'ManagementError'
info    | ErrorTypeNormalization | Rename error from 'ErrorResponse' to 'ManagementError'
info    | SchemaCleanup | Remove unused object schema 'ManagementError'
info    | SchemaCleanup | Remove unused object schema 'ManagementError'
info    | SchemaCleanup | Remove unused object schema 'ErrorAdditionalInfo'
info    | SchemaCleanup | Remove unused object schema 'Resource'
info    | SchemaCleanup | Remove unused choice schema 'CreatedByType'
info    | FluentGen | Map code model to client model
info    | FluentMapper | Add Inner to response types: [ThreatIntelligenceInformation, ProductPackageModel, Incident, Bookmark, SentinelOnboardingStatesList, Repo, ProductTemplateModel, ThreatIntelligenceMetricsList, DataConnector, Relation, Watchlist, AlertRule, AlertRuleTemplate, AutomationRule, IncidentTask, IncidentEntitiesResponse, SourceControl, IncidentComment, SecurityMLAnalyticsSetting, PackageModel, TemplateModel, MetadataModel, IncidentBookmarkList, ActionResponse, SentinelOnboardingState, IncidentAlertList, WatchlistItem, Warning, Operation, DataConnectorDefinition]
info    | Javagen | Client property name subscriptionId
info    | Javagen | Client property name endpoint
info    | FluentGen | Java template for client model
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'SentinelOnboardingStateInner', caused by key 'customerManagedKey'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'SentinelOnboardingStateProperties', caused by key 'customerManagedKey'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'SentinelOnboardingStatesListInner', caused by key 'customerManagedKey'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'RepositoryAccessProperties', caused by key 'code'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'RepositoryAccessObject', caused by key 'code'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'RepositoryAccess', caused by key 'code'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'SourceControlList', caused by key 'credentialsExpireOn'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'SourceControlInner', caused by key 'credentialsExpireOn'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'SourceControlProperties', caused by key 'credentialsExpireOn'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'ServicePrincipal', caused by key 'credentialsExpireOn'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'RepositoryResourceInfo', caused by key 'webhookSecretUpdateTime'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'Webhook', caused by key 'webhookSecretUpdateTime'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'WarningInner', caused by key 'code'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'WarningBody', caused by key 'code'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'ThreatIntelligenceIndicatorModel', caused by key 'patternTypeKey'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'ThreatIntelligenceIndicatorProperties', caused by key 'patternTypeKey'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'ThreatIntelligenceParsedPattern', caused by key 'patternTypeKey'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'ThreatIntelligenceFilteringCriteria', caused by key 'itemKey'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'ThreatIntelligenceSortingCriteria', caused by key 'itemKey'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'WatchlistList', caused by key 'itemsSearchKey'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'WatchlistInner', caused by key 'itemsSearchKey'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'WatchlistProperties', caused by key 'itemsSearchKey'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'WatchlistItemList', caused by key 'itemsKeyValue'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'WatchlistItemInner', caused by key 'itemsKeyValue'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'WatchlistItemProperties', caused by key 'itemsKeyValue'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'RestApiPollerRequestPagingLinkHeaderConfig', caused by key 'linkHeaderTokenJsonPath'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'RestApiPollerRequestPagingTokenConfig', caused by key 'nextPageTokenJsonPath'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'ApiKeyAuthModel', caused by key 'apiKey'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'BasicAuthModel', caused by key 'password'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'GenericBlobSbsAuthModel', caused by key 'credentialsConfig'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'JwtAuthModel', caused by key 'tokenEndpoint'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'OAuthModel', caused by key 'authorizationCode'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'SessionAuthModel', caused by key 'password'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'GeoLocation', caused by key 'countryCode'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'IpEntity', caused by key 'countryCode'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'IpEntityProperties', caused by key 'countryCode'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'ProcessEntity', caused by key 'elevationToken'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'ProcessEntityProperties', caused by key 'elevationToken'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'RegistryKeyEntity', caused by key 'key'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'RegistryKeyEntityProperties', caused by key 'key'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'RegistryValueEntity', caused by key 'keyEntityId'
warning | JavaPackage | Skip unit test for model 'RegistryValueEntityProperties', caused by key 'keyEntityId'
info    | FluentGen | Process for Fluent Lite, SDK integration disabled
info    | ResourceCreate | ResourceCreate: Fluent model 'ActionResponse', method reference 'createOrUpdate', body parameter 'ActionRequest'
info    | ResourceParser | Fluent model 'ActionResponse' as category NESTED_CHILD
info    | ResourceUpdate | ResourceUpdate: Fluent model 'ActionResponse', method reference 'createOrUpdate', body parameter 'ActionRequest'
info    | ResourceRefresh | ResourceRefresh: Fluent model 'ActionResponse', method reference 'get'
info    | ResourceDelete | ResourceDelete: Fluent model 'ActionResponse', method reference 'deleteWithResponse'
info    | ResourceCreate | ResourceCreate: Fluent model 'AutomationRule', method reference 'createOrUpdate', body parameter 'AutomationRuleInner'
info    | ResourceParser | Fluent model 'AutomationRule' as category NESTED_CHILD
info    | ResourceUpdate | ResourceUpdate: Fluent model 'AutomationRule', method reference 'createOrUpdate', body parameter 'AutomationRuleInner'
info    | ResourceRefresh | ResourceRefresh: Fluent model 'AutomationRule', method reference 'get'
info    | ResourceDelete | ResourceDelete: Fluent model 'AutomationRule', method reference 'deleteWithResponse'
info    | ResourceCreate | ResourceCreate: Fluent model 'Incident', method reference 'createOrUpdate', body parameter 'IncidentInner'
info    | ResourceParser | Fluent model 'Incident' as category NESTED_CHILD
info    | ResourceUpdate | ResourceUpdate: Fluent model 'Incident', method reference 'createOrUpdate', body parameter 'IncidentInner'
info    | ResourceRefresh | ResourceRefresh: Fluent model 'Incident', method reference 'get'
info    | ResourceDelete | ResourceDelete: Fluent model 'Incident', method reference 'deleteWithResponse'
info    | ResourceActions | ResourceActions: Fluent model 'Incident', action methods: [listEntities, listAlerts, listBookmarks]
info    | ResourceCreate | ResourceCreate: Fluent model 'Bookmark', method reference 'createOrUpdate', body parameter 'BookmarkInner'
info    | ResourceParser | Fluent model 'Bookmark' as category NESTED_CHILD
info    | ResourceUpdate | ResourceUpdate: Fluent model 'Bookmark', method reference 'createOrUpdate', body parameter 'BookmarkInner'
info    | ResourceRefresh | ResourceRefresh: Fluent model 'Bookmark', method reference 'get'
info    | ResourceDelete | ResourceDelete: Fluent model 'Bookmark', method reference 'deleteWithResponse'
info    | ResourceCreate | ResourceCreate: Fluent model 'PackageModel', method reference 'install', body parameter 'PackageModelInner'
info    | ResourceParser | Fluent model 'PackageModel' as category NESTED_CHILD
info    | ResourceUpdate | ResourceUpdate: Fluent model 'PackageModel', method reference 'install', body parameter 'PackageModelInner'
info    | ResourceCreate | ResourceCreate: Fluent model 'TemplateModel', method reference 'install', body parameter 'TemplateModelInner'
info    | ResourceParser | Fluent model 'TemplateModel' as category NESTED_CHILD
info    | ResourceUpdate | ResourceUpdate: Fluent model 'TemplateModel', method reference 'install', body parameter 'TemplateModelInner'
info    | ResourceRefresh | ResourceRefresh: Fluent model 'TemplateModel', method reference 'get'
info    | ResourceDelete | ResourceDelete: Fluent model 'TemplateModel', method reference 'deleteWithResponse'
info    | ResourceCreate | ResourceCreate: Fluent model 'IncidentComment', method reference 'createOrUpdate', body parameter 'IncidentCommentInner'
info    | ResourceParser | Fluent model 'IncidentComment' as category NESTED_CHILD
info    | ResourceUpdate | ResourceUpdate: Fluent model 'IncidentComment', method reference 'createOrUpdate', body parameter 'IncidentCommentInner'
info    | ResourceRefresh | ResourceRefresh: Fluent model 'IncidentComment', method reference 'get'
info    | ResourceDelete | ResourceDelete: Fluent model 'IncidentComment', method reference 'deleteWithResponse'
info    | ResourceCreate | ResourceCreate: Fluent model 'Relation', method reference 'createOrUpdate', body parameter 'RelationInner'
info    | ResourceParser | Fluent model 'Relation' as category NESTED_CHILD
info    | ResourceUpdate | ResourceUpdate: Fluent model 'Relation', method reference 'createOrUpdate', body parameter 'RelationInner'
info    | ResourceRefresh | ResourceRefresh: Fluent model 'Relation', method reference 'get'
info    | ResourceDelete | ResourceDelete: Fluent model 'Relation', method reference 'deleteWithResponse'
info    | ResourceCreate | ResourceCreate: Fluent model 'IncidentTask', method reference 'createOrUpdate', body parameter 'IncidentTaskInner'
info    | ResourceParser | Fluent model 'IncidentTask' as category NESTED_CHILD
info    | ResourceUpdate | ResourceUpdate: Fluent model 'IncidentTask', method reference 'createOrUpdate', body parameter 'IncidentTaskInner'
info    | ResourceRefresh | ResourceRefresh: Fluent model 'IncidentTask', method reference 'get'
info    | ResourceDelete | ResourceDelete: Fluent model 'IncidentTask', method reference 'deleteWithResponse'
info    | ResourceCreate | ResourceCreate: Fluent model 'MetadataModel', method reference 'create', body parameter 'MetadataModelInner'
info    | ResourceParser | Fluent model 'MetadataModel' as category NESTED_CHILD
info    | ResourceUpdate | ResourceUpdate: Fluent model 'MetadataModel', method reference 'update', body parameter 'MetadataPatch'
info    | ResourceRefresh | ResourceRefresh: Fluent model 'MetadataModel', method reference 'get'
info    | ResourceDelete | ResourceDelete: Fluent model 'MetadataModel', method reference 'deleteWithResponse'
info    | ResourceCreate | ResourceCreate: Fluent model 'SentinelOnboardingState', method reference 'create', body parameter 'SentinelOnboardingStateInner'
info    | ResourceParser | Fluent model 'SentinelOnboardingState' as category NESTED_CHILD
info    | ResourceRefresh | ResourceRefresh: Fluent model 'SentinelOnboardingState', method reference 'get'
info    | ResourceDelete | ResourceDelete: Fluent model 'SentinelOnboardingState', method reference 'deleteWithResponse'
info    | ResourceCreate | ResourceCreate: Fluent model 'SourceControl', method reference 'create', body parameter 'SourceControlInner'
info    | ResourceParser | Fluent model 'SourceControl' as category NESTED_CHILD
info    | ResourceRefresh | ResourceRefresh: Fluent model 'SourceControl', method reference 'get'
info    | ResourceActions | ResourceActions: Fluent model 'SourceControl', action methods: [delete]
info    | ResourceCreate | ResourceCreate: Fluent model 'Watchlist', method reference 'createOrUpdate', body parameter 'WatchlistInner'
info    | ResourceParser | Fluent model 'Watchlist' as category NESTED_CHILD
info    | ResourceUpdate | ResourceUpdate: Fluent model 'Watchlist', method reference 'createOrUpdate', body parameter 'WatchlistInner'
info    | ResourceRefresh | ResourceRefresh: Fluent model 'Watchlist', method reference 'get'
info    | ResourceDelete | ResourceDelete: Fluent model 'Watchlist', method reference 'delete'
info    | ResourceCreate | ResourceCreate: Fluent model 'WatchlistItem', method reference 'createOrUpdate', body parameter 'WatchlistItemInner'
info    | ResourceParser | Fluent model 'WatchlistItem' as category NESTED_CHILD
info    | ResourceUpdate | ResourceUpdate: Fluent model 'WatchlistItem', method reference 'createOrUpdate', body parameter 'WatchlistItemInner'
info    | ResourceRefresh | ResourceRefresh: Fluent model 'WatchlistItem', method reference 'get'
info    | ResourceDelete | ResourceDelete: Fluent model 'WatchlistItem', method reference 'deleteWithResponse'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get all alert rules.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get a Scheduled alert rule.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get a Fusion alert rule.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get a MicrosoftSecurityIncidentCreation rule.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Creates or updates a Fusion alert rule.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Creates or updates a MicrosoftSecurityIncidentCreation rule.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Creates or updates a Scheduled alert rule.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Delete an alert rule.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get all actions of alert rule.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get an action of alert rule.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Delete an action of alert rule.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse resource create example 'Creates or updates an action of alert rule.'
info    | ResourceCreate | ResourceCreate: Fluent model 'ActionResponse', resource define method 'define'
info    | ExampleParser | Skip possible resource create example 'Creates or updates an action of alert rule.' in update
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get all alert rule templates.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get alert rule template by Id.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'AutomationRules_Get'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'AutomationRules_Delete'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'AutomationRules_List'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse resource create example 'AutomationRules_CreateOrUpdate'
info    | ResourceCreate | ResourceCreate: Fluent model 'AutomationRule', resource define method 'define'
warning | ExampleParser | Failed to assign sample value to required stage 'WithDisplayName'
warning | ExampleParser | Failed to assign sample value to required stage 'WithOrder'
warning | ExampleParser | Failed to assign sample value to required stage 'WithTriggeringLogic'
warning | ExampleParser | Failed to assign sample value to required stage 'WithActions'
info    | ExampleParser | Skip possible resource create example 'AutomationRules_CreateOrUpdate' in update
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Entities_RunPlaybook'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Incidents_RunPlaybook'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get all incidents.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get an incident.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Delete an incident.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get all incident alerts.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get all incident bookmarks.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Gets all incident related entities'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse resource create example 'Creates or updates an incident.'
info    | ResourceCreate | ResourceCreate: Fluent model 'Incident', resource define method 'define'
info    | ExampleParser | Skip possible resource create example 'Creates or updates an incident.' in update
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get all bookmarks.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get a bookmark.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Delete a bookmark.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse resource create example 'Creates or updates a bookmark.'
info    | ResourceCreate | ResourceCreate: Fluent model 'Bookmark', resource define method 'define'
info    | ExampleParser | Skip possible resource create example 'Creates or updates a bookmark.' in update
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get all available packages.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get installed packages by id.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Uninstall a package from the workspace.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse resource create example 'Install a package to the workspace.'
info    | ResourceCreate | ResourceCreate: Fluent model 'PackageModel', resource define method 'definePackageModel'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get all available packages.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get a package.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get all installed templates.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get a template.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get all installed templates.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get a template.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Delete metadata.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse resource create example 'Get a template.'
info    | ResourceCreate | ResourceCreate: Fluent model 'TemplateModel', resource define method 'defineTemplateModel'
info    | ExampleParser | Skip possible resource create example 'Get a template.' in update
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get all data connector definitions.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get customize data connector definition'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Create data connector definition'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Delete data connector definition'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get all data connectors.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get a ASC data connector.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get an Office365 data connector.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get a MCAS data connector.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get an AwsCloudTrail data connector.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get a MicrosoftThreatIntelligence data connector'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get a RestApiPoller data connector'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get a PremiumMicrosoftDefenderForThreatIntelligence data connector'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get an AATP data connector.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get a MDATP data connector'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get a TI data connector.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get an AAD data connector.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Creates or updates a PremiumMicrosoftDefenderForThreatIntelligence data connector.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Creates or updates a MicrosoftThreatIntelligence data connector.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Creates or updates an Office365 data connector.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Creates or updates an Threat Intelligence Platform data connector.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Delete an Office365 data connector.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Delete an MicrosoftThreatIntelligence data connector'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Deletes a PremiumMicrosoftDefenderForThreatIntelligence data connector.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get all incident comments.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get an incident comment.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Delete the incident comment.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse resource create example 'Creates or updates an incident comment.'
info    | ResourceCreate | ResourceCreate: Fluent model 'IncidentComment', resource define method 'define'
info    | ExampleParser | Skip possible resource create example 'Creates or updates an incident comment.' in update
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get all incident relations.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get an incident relation.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Delete the incident relation.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse resource create example 'Creates or updates an incident relation.'
info    | ResourceCreate | ResourceCreate: Fluent model 'Relation', resource define method 'define'
info    | ExampleParser | Skip possible resource create example 'Creates or updates an incident relation.' in update
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'IncidentTasks_List'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'IncidentTasks_Get'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'IncidentTasks_Delete'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse resource create example 'IncidentTasks_CreateOrUpdate'
info    | ResourceCreate | ResourceCreate: Fluent model 'IncidentTask', resource define method 'define'
info    | ExampleParser | Skip possible resource create example 'IncidentTasks_CreateOrUpdate' in update
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get all metadata.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get all metadata with OData filter/orderby/skip/top'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get single metadata by name'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Delete metadata.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse resource create example 'Create/update full metadata.'
info    | ResourceCreate | ResourceCreate: Fluent model 'MetadataModel', resource define method 'define'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse resource create example 'Create/update minimal metadata.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse resource update example 'Update metadata.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get Sentinel onboarding state'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Delete Sentinel onboarding state'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get all Sentinel onboarding states'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse resource create example 'Create Sentinel onboarding state'
info    | ResourceCreate | ResourceCreate: Fluent model 'SentinelOnboardingState', resource define method 'define'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get all operations.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get all Security ML Analytics Settings.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get a Anomaly Security ML Analytics Settings.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Creates or updates a Anomaly Security ML Analytics Settings.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Delete a Security ML Analytics Settings.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get repository list.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get all source controls.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get a source control.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Delete a source control.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse resource create example 'Creates or updates a source control.'
info    | ResourceCreate | ResourceCreate: Fluent model 'SourceControl', resource define method 'define'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Create a new Threat Intelligence'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'View a threat intelligence indicator by name'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Update a threat Intelligence indicator'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Delete a threat intelligence indicator'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Query threat intelligence indicators as per filtering criteria'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Append tags to a threat intelligence indicator'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Replace tags to a Threat Intelligence'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get all threat intelligence indicators'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get threat intelligence indicators metrics.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get all watchlists.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get a watchlist.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Delete a watchlist.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse resource create example 'Create or update a watchlist.'
info    | ResourceCreate | ResourceCreate: Fluent model 'Watchlist', resource define method 'define'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse resource create example 'Create or update a watchlist and bulk creates watchlist items.'
info    | ExampleParser | Skip possible resource create example 'Create or update a watchlist.' in update
info    | ExampleParser | Skip possible resource create example 'Create or update a watchlist and bulk creates watchlist items.' in update
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get all watchlist Items.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Get a watchlist item.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse collection method example 'Delete a watchlist item.'
info    | ExampleParser | Parse resource create example 'Create or update a watchlist item.'
info    | ResourceCreate | ResourceCreate: Fluent model 'WatchlistItem', resource define method 'define'
info    | ExampleParser | Skip possible resource create example 'Create or update a watchlist item.' in update
warning | MockTestParser | Skip unit test for method 'getWithResponse', caused by key 'customerManagedKey'
warning | MockTestParser | Skip unit test for method 'listWithResponse', caused by key 'customerManagedKey'
warning | MockTestParser | Skip unit test for resource 'SentinelOnboardingStateInner', caused by key 'customerManagedKey'
warning | MockTestParser | Skip unit test for method 'listRepositories', caused by key 'code'
warning | MockTestParser | Skip unit test for method 'list', caused by key 'credentialsExpireOn'
warning | MockTestParser | Skip unit test for method 'getWithResponse', caused by key 'credentialsExpireOn'
warning | MockTestParser | Skip unit test for method 'deleteWithResponse', caused by key 'code'
warning | MockTestParser | Skip unit test for resource 'SourceControlInner', caused by key 'credentialsExpireOn'
warning | MockTestParser | Skip unit test for method 'createIndicatorWithResponse', caused by key 'patternTypeKey'
warning | MockTestParser | Skip unit test for method 'createWithResponse', caused by key 'patternTypeKey'
warning | MockTestParser | Skip unit test for method 'queryIndicators', caused by key 'itemKey'
warning | MockTestParser | Skip unit test for method 'replaceTagsWithResponse', caused by key 'patternTypeKey'
warning | MockTestParser | Skip unit test for method 'list', caused by key 'itemsSearchKey'
warning | MockTestParser | Skip unit test for method 'getWithResponse', caused by key 'itemsSearchKey'
warning | MockTestParser | Skip unit test for resource 'WatchlistInner', caused by key 'itemsSearchKey'
warning | MockTestParser | Skip unit test for method 'list', caused by key 'itemsKeyValue'
warning | MockTestParser | Skip unit test for method 'getWithResponse', caused by key 'itemsKeyValue'
warning | MockTestParser | Skip unit test for resource 'WatchlistItemInner', caused by key 'itemsKeyValue'
info    | FluentGen | Write Java
error   | FluentGen | Failed to successfully run fluentgen plugin java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Spotless failed to complete within 300 seconds or failed with an error code. [INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] -------------------< >-------------------
[INFO] Building customization-loader 1.0.0-beta.1
[INFO]   from spotless-pom.xml
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- spotless-maven-plugin:2.40.0:apply (default-cli) @ customization-loader ---
[INFO] Index file does not exist. Fallback to an empty index
WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred
WARNING: Illegal reflective access by (file:/home/runner/.m2/repository/com/google/googlejavaformat/google-java-format/1.17.0/google-java-format-1.17.0.jar) to method$JCImport.getQualifiedIdentifier()
WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of
WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations
WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870427003546783/src/test/java/com/azure/resourcemanager/securityinsights/generated/
[INFO] Writing clean file: /tmp/spotless2af1c3e3-ce09-437e-a76b-0b55e3b10bf314361870




[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] -----< >-----
[INFO] Building Microsoft Azure SDK for ServiceMap Management 1.0.0-beta.1
[INFO]   from pom.xml
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ azure-resourcemanager-servicemap ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 2 resources
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:compile (default-compile) @ azure-resourcemanager-servicemap ---
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
[INFO] Compiling 149 source files to /home/runner/work/
[INFO] /home/runner/work/ /home/runner/work/ uses or overrides a deprecated API.
[INFO] /home/runner/work/ Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[38,13] reference to Map is ambiguous
  both class in and interface java.util.Map in java.util match
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[91,12] reference to Map is ambiguous
  both class in and interface java.util.Map in java.util match
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[101,37] reference to Map is ambiguous
  both class in and interface java.util.Map in java.util match
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[18,1] a type with the same simple name is already defined by the single-type-import of
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[14,1] is already defined in this compilation unit
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[167,56] reference to Map is ambiguous
  both class in and interface java.util.Map in java.util match
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[20,52] type argument java.util.Map is not within bounds of type-variable T
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[54,16] incompatible types: cannot be converted to java.util.Map
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[74,16] incompatible types: cannot be converted to java.util.Map
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[119,35] java.util.Map is abstract; cannot be instantiated
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[125,36] cannot find symbol
  symbol:   variable nodes
  location: variable deserializedMap of type java.util.Map
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[127,36] cannot find symbol
  symbol:   variable edges
  location: variable deserializedMap of type java.util.Map
[INFO] 12 errors 
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  2.946 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2024-12-16T19:22:11Z
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:compile (default-compile) on project azure-resourcemanager-servicemap: Compilation failure: Compilation failure: 
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[38,13] reference to Map is ambiguous
[ERROR]   both class in and interface java.util.Map in java.util match
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[91,12] reference to Map is ambiguous
[ERROR]   both class in and interface java.util.Map in java.util match
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[101,37] reference to Map is ambiguous
[ERROR]   both class in and interface java.util.Map in java.util match
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[18,1] a type with the same simple name is already defined by the single-type-import of
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[14,1] is already defined in this compilation unit
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[167,56] reference to Map is ambiguous
[ERROR]   both class in and interface java.util.Map in java.util match
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[20,52] type argument java.util.Map is not within bounds of type-variable T
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[54,16] incompatible types: cannot be converted to java.util.Map
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[74,16] incompatible types: cannot be converted to java.util.Map
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[119,35] java.util.Map is abstract; cannot be instantiated
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[125,36] cannot find symbol
[ERROR]   symbol:   variable nodes
[ERROR]   location: variable deserializedMap of type java.util.Map
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[127,36] cannot find symbol
[ERROR]   symbol:   variable edges
[ERROR]   location: variable deserializedMap of type java.util.Map
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]




[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] --------< >---------
[INFO] Building Microsoft Azure SDK for Sql Management 1.0.0-beta.1
[INFO]   from pom.xml
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ azure-resourcemanager-sql ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 2 resources
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:compile (default-compile) @ azure-resourcemanager-sql ---
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
[INFO] Compiling 1604 source files to /home/runner/work/
[INFO] /home/runner/work/ /home/runner/work/ uses or overrides a deprecated API.
[INFO] /home/runner/work/ Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
[INFO] Some messages have been simplified; recompile with -Xdiags:verbose to get full output
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[124,61] incompatible types: cannot be converted to
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[132,61] incompatible types: cannot be converted to
[INFO] 2 errors 
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  13.442 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2024-12-16T19:28:14Z
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:compile (default-compile) on project azure-resourcemanager-sql: Compilation failure: Compilation failure: 
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[124,61] incompatible types: cannot be converted to
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[132,61] incompatible types: cannot be converted to
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]




[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] --< >---
[INFO] Building Microsoft Azure SDK for StreamAnalytics Management 1.0.0-beta.1
[INFO]   from pom.xml
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ azure-resourcemanager-streamanalytics ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] Copying 2 resources
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:compile (default-compile) @ azure-resourcemanager-streamanalytics ---
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
[INFO] Compiling 237 source files to /home/runner/work/
[INFO] /home/runner/work/ /home/runner/work/ uses or overrides a deprecated API.
[INFO] /home/runner/work/ Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[47,20] cannot find symbol
  symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[47,60] cannot find symbol
  symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[57,17] cannot find symbol
  symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[58,17] innerProperties has private access in
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[60,13] cannot find symbol
  symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[70,20] cannot find symbol
  symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[70,60] cannot find symbol
  symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[80,17] cannot find symbol
  symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[81,17] innerProperties has private access in
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[83,13] cannot find symbol
  symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[94,20] cannot find symbol
  symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[94,60] cannot find symbol
  symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[105,17] cannot find symbol
  symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[106,17] innerProperties has private access in
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[108,13] cannot find symbol
  symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[119,13] cannot find symbol
  symbol:   method innerProperties()
  location: class
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[120,13] cannot find symbol
  symbol:   method innerProperties()
  location: class
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[130,49] cannot find symbol
  symbol:   method innerProperties()
  location: class
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[47,20] cannot find symbol
  symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[47,60] cannot find symbol
  symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[57,17] cannot find symbol
  symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[58,17] innerProperties has private access in
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[60,13] cannot find symbol
  symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[70,20] cannot find symbol
  symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[70,60] cannot find symbol
  symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[80,17] cannot find symbol
  symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[81,17] innerProperties has private access in
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[83,13] cannot find symbol
  symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[94,20] cannot find symbol
  symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[94,60] cannot find symbol
  symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[105,17] cannot find symbol
  symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[106,17] innerProperties has private access in
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[108,13] cannot find symbol
  symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[119,13] cannot find symbol
  symbol:   method innerProperties()
  location: class
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[120,13] cannot find symbol
  symbol:   method innerProperties()
  location: class
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[130,49] cannot find symbol
  symbol:   method innerProperties()
  location: class
[INFO] 36 errors 
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  3.684 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2024-12-16T19:32:23Z
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:compile (default-compile) on project azure-resourcemanager-streamanalytics: Compilation failure: Compilation failure: 
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[47,20] cannot find symbol
[ERROR]   symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[47,60] cannot find symbol
[ERROR]   symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[57,17] cannot find symbol
[ERROR]   symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[58,17] innerProperties has private access in
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[60,13] cannot find symbol
[ERROR]   symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[70,20] cannot find symbol
[ERROR]   symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[70,60] cannot find symbol
[ERROR]   symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[80,17] cannot find symbol
[ERROR]   symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[81,17] innerProperties has private access in
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[83,13] cannot find symbol
[ERROR]   symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[94,20] cannot find symbol
[ERROR]   symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[94,60] cannot find symbol
[ERROR]   symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[105,17] cannot find symbol
[ERROR]   symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[106,17] innerProperties has private access in
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[108,13] cannot find symbol
[ERROR]   symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[119,13] cannot find symbol
[ERROR]   symbol:   method innerProperties()
[ERROR]   location: class
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[120,13] cannot find symbol
[ERROR]   symbol:   method innerProperties()
[ERROR]   location: class
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[130,49] cannot find symbol
[ERROR]   symbol:   method innerProperties()
[ERROR]   location: class
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[47,20] cannot find symbol
[ERROR]   symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[47,60] cannot find symbol
[ERROR]   symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[57,17] cannot find symbol
[ERROR]   symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[58,17] innerProperties has private access in
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[60,13] cannot find symbol
[ERROR]   symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[70,20] cannot find symbol
[ERROR]   symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[70,60] cannot find symbol
[ERROR]   symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[80,17] cannot find symbol
[ERROR]   symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[81,17] innerProperties has private access in
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[83,13] cannot find symbol
[ERROR]   symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[94,20] cannot find symbol
[ERROR]   symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[94,60] cannot find symbol
[ERROR]   symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[105,17] cannot find symbol
[ERROR]   symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[106,17] innerProperties has private access in
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[108,13] cannot find symbol
[ERROR]   symbol: method innerProperties()
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[119,13] cannot find symbol
[ERROR]   symbol:   method innerProperties()
[ERROR]   location: class
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[120,13] cannot find symbol
[ERROR]   symbol:   method innerProperties()
[ERROR]   location: class
[ERROR] /home/runner/work/[130,49] cannot find symbol
[ERROR]   symbol:   method innerProperties()
[ERROR]   location: class
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]


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