diff --git a/sdk/resourcemanager/Azure.ResourceManager.Core/src/Extensions/ARMClientExtensions.cs b/sdk/resourcemanager/Azure.ResourceManager.Core/src/Extensions/ARMClientExtensions.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..ff6d0452db003
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdk/resourcemanager/Azure.ResourceManager.Core/src/Extensions/ARMClientExtensions.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT License.
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+namespace Azure.ResourceManager.Core
+ ///
+ /// A class of extensions for the ARM Client.
+ ///
+ public static class ArmClientExtensions
+ {
+ ///
+ /// Get the operations for a list of specific resources.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// A list of the IDs of the resources to retrieve.
+ ///
+ public static IList GetGenericResourceOperations(this ArmClient client, IEnumerable ids)
+ {
+ if (ids == null)
+ {
+ throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(ids));
+ }
+ IList genericRespirceOperations = new List();
+ foreach (string id in ids)
+ {
+ genericRespirceOperations.Add(new GenericResourceOperations(client.DefaultSubscription, id));
+ }
+ return genericRespirceOperations;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Get the operations for an specific resource.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// The ID of the resource to retrieve.
+ ///
+ public static GenericResourceOperations GetGenericResourceOperations(this ArmClient client, string id)
+ {
+ if (id == null)
+ {
+ throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(id));
+ }
+ return new GenericResourceOperations(client.DefaultSubscription, id);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/sdk/resourcemanager/Azure.ResourceManager.Core/tests/Scenario/ArmClientTests.cs b/sdk/resourcemanager/Azure.ResourceManager.Core/tests/Scenario/ArmClientTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..679e7ef9ddab6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdk/resourcemanager/Azure.ResourceManager.Core/tests/Scenario/ArmClientTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using NUnit.Framework;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using Azure.Core.TestFramework;
+namespace Azure.ResourceManager.Core.Tests.Scenario
+ class ArmClientTests : ResourceManagerTestBase
+ {
+ private string _rgName;
+ private readonly string _location = "southcentralus";
+ public ArmClientTests(bool isAsync)
+ : base(isAsync)//, RecordedTestMode.Record)
+ {
+ }
+ [OneTimeSetUp]
+ public async Task LocalOneTimeSetup()
+ {
+ _rgName = SessionRecording.GenerateAssetName("testRg-");
+ var subscription = await GlobalClient.GetSubscriptions().TryGetAsync(SessionEnvironment.SubscriptionId);
+ _ = subscription.GetResourceGroups().Construct(_location).StartCreateOrUpdateAsync(_rgName).ConfigureAwait(false).GetAwaiter().GetResult().Value;
+ StopSessionRecording();
+ }
+ [TestCase]
+ public void GetGenericOperationsTests()
+ {
+ var ids = new List()
+ {
+ $"/subscriptions/{TestEnvironment.SubscriptionId}/resourceGroups/foo-1/",
+ $"/subscriptions/{TestEnvironment.SubscriptionId}/resourceGroups/foo-2/",
+ $"/subscriptions/{TestEnvironment.SubscriptionId}/resourceGroups/foo-3/",
+ $"/subscriptions/{TestEnvironment.SubscriptionId}/resourceGroups/foo-4/"
+ };
+ var genericResourceOperationsList = Client.GetGenericResourceOperations(ids);
+ foreach(GenericResourceOperations operations in genericResourceOperationsList)
+ {
+ Assert.AreEqual(operations.Id, ids[0]);
+ ids.RemoveAt(0);
+ }
+ }
+ [TestCase]
+ public void GetGenericResourceOperationsSingleIDTests()
+ {
+ string id = $"/subscriptions/{TestEnvironment.SubscriptionId}/resourceGroups/foo-1/";
+ Assert.AreEqual(Client.GetGenericResourceOperations(id).Id, id);
+ }
+ [TestCase]
+ [RecordedTest]
+ public async Task GetGenericResourceOperationsWithSingleValidResource()
+ {
+ string id = $"/subscriptions/{TestEnvironment.SubscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{_rgName}/";
+ var genericResourceOperations = Client.GetGenericResourceOperations(id);
+ var genericResource = await genericResourceOperations.GetAsync();
+ Assert.AreEqual(200, genericResource.GetRawResponse().Status);
+ }
+ [TestCase]
+ [RecordedTest]
+ public void GetGenericResourceOperationsWithSingleInvalidResource()
+ {
+ string id = $"/subscriptions/{TestEnvironment.SubscriptionId}/resourceGroups/foo-1/";
+ var genericResourceOperations = Client.GetGenericResourceOperations(id);
+ RequestFailedException exception = Assert.ThrowsAsync(async () => await genericResourceOperations.GetAsync());
+ Assert.AreEqual(404, exception.Status);
+ }
+ [TestCase]
+ [RecordedTest]
+ public async Task GetGenericOperationsWithListOfValidResource()
+ {
+ var ids = new List()
+ {
+ $"/subscriptions/{TestEnvironment.SubscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{_rgName}/"
+ };
+ var genericResourceOperationsList = Client.GetGenericResourceOperations(ids);
+ foreach (GenericResourceOperations operations in genericResourceOperationsList)
+ {
+ var genericResource = await operations.GetAsync();
+ Assert.AreEqual(200, genericResource.GetRawResponse().Status);
+ }
+ }
+ [TestCase]
+ [RecordedTest]
+ public void GetGenericOperationsWithListOfInvalidResource()
+ {
+ var ids = new List()
+ {
+ $"/subscriptions/{TestEnvironment.SubscriptionId}/resourceGroups/non-existent/"
+ };
+ var genericResourceOperationsList = Client.GetGenericResourceOperations(ids);
+ foreach (GenericResourceOperations operations in genericResourceOperationsList)
+ {
+ RequestFailedException exception = Assert.ThrowsAsync(async () => await operations.GetAsync());
+ Assert.AreEqual(404, exception.Status);
+ }
+ }
+ [TestCase]
+ public void GetGenericResourceOperationWithNullSetOfIds()
+ {
+ string[] x = null;
+ Assert.Throws(() => { Client.GetGenericResourceOperations(x); });
+ }
+ [TestCase]
+ public void GetGenericResourceOperationWithNullId()
+ {
+ string x = null;
+ Assert.Throws(() => { Client.GetGenericResourceOperations(x); });
+ }
+ [TestCase]
+ public void GetGenericResourceOperationEmptyTest()
+ {
+ var ids = new List();
+ Assert.AreEqual(new List(), Client.GetGenericResourceOperations(ids));
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/sdk/resourcemanager/Azure.ResourceManager.Core/tests/SessionRecords/ArmClientTests/ArmClientTests(False).json b/sdk/resourcemanager/Azure.ResourceManager.Core/tests/SessionRecords/ArmClientTests/ArmClientTests(False).json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..e03ebb8b39610
--- /dev/null
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+ }
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+ }
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+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ "provisioningState": "Succeeded"
+ }
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sdk/resourcemanager/Azure.ResourceManager.Core/tests/SessionRecords/ArmClientTests/GetGenericOperationsTests().json b/sdk/resourcemanager/Azure.ResourceManager.Core/tests/SessionRecords/ArmClientTests/GetGenericOperationsTests().json
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+ "locationPlacementId": "Internal_2014-09-01",
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+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sdk/resourcemanager/Azure.ResourceManager.Core/tests/SessionRecords/ArmClientTests/GetGenericOperationsTests()Async.json b/sdk/resourcemanager/Azure.ResourceManager.Core/tests/SessionRecords/ArmClientTests/GetGenericOperationsTests()Async.json
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+ "Accept": "application/json",
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+ "message": "Resource group \u0027non-existent\u0027 could not be found."
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+ "South Central US",
+ "South Africa North"
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+ "2021-05-01",
+ "2021-03-01-preview",
+ "2019-06-01-preview"
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+ "2019-06-01-preview"
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+ "ResponseBody": {
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+ "code": "ResourceGroupNotFound",
+ "message": "Resource group \u0027non-existent\u0027 could not be found."
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+ "Australia East",
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+ "Canada East",
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+ "Korea Central",
+ "Korea South",
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+ "Australia Central",
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+ "UK South",
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+ "Central India",
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+ "Japan West",
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+ "2019-06-01-preview"
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+ "code": "ResourceGroupNotFound",
+ "message": "Resource group \u0027foo-1\u0027 could not be found."
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+ "2019-10-01-preview"
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+ "East US 2",
+ "East US",
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+ "North Central US",
+ "France Central",
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+ "UK West",
+ "Central India",
+ "West India",
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+ "Japan West",
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+ "Korea South",
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+ "2019-06-01-preview"
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+ "East US",
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+ "Japan West",
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+ "2019-06-01-preview"
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+ ],
+ "capabilities": "SupportsExtension"
+ },
+ {
+ "resourceType": "operations",
+ "locations": [],
+ "apiVersions": [
+ "2015-01-01"
+ ],
+ "apiProfiles": [
+ {
+ "profileVersion": "2018-06-01-profile",
+ "apiVersion": "2015-01-01"
+ }
+ ],
+ "capabilities": "None"
+ },
+ {
+ "resourceType": "bulkDelete",
+ "locations": [],
+ "apiVersions": [
+ "2019-05-01",
+ "2019-04-01",
+ "2019-03-01",
+ "2018-11-01",
+ "2018-09-01",
+ "2018-08-01",
+ "2018-07-01",
+ "2018-05-01",
+ "2018-02-01",
+ "2018-01-01",
+ "2017-08-01",
+ "2017-06-01",
+ "2017-05-10",
+ "2017-05-01",
+ "2017-03-01",
+ "2016-09-01",
+ "2016-07-01",
+ "2016-06-01",
+ "2016-02-01",
+ "2015-11-01",
+ "2015-01-01",
+ "2014-04-01-preview"
+ ],
+ "capabilities": "None"
+ },
+ {
+ "resourceType": "deploymentScripts",
+ "locations": [
+ "East Asia",
+ "Southeast Asia",
+ "Australia East",
+ "Brazil South",
+ "Canada Central",
+ "Switzerland North",
+ "Germany West Central",
+ "East US 2",
+ "East US",
+ "Central US",
+ "North Central US",
+ "France Central",
+ "UK South",
+ "Central India",
+ "South India",
+ "Japan East",
+ "Korea Central",
+ "North Europe",
+ "Norway East",
+ "UAE North",
+ "West Central US",
+ "West Europe",
+ "West US 2",
+ "West US",
+ "South Central US"
+ ],
+ "apiVersions": [
+ "2020-10-01",
+ "2019-10-01-preview"
+ ],
+ "capabilities": "SupportsTags, SupportsLocation"
+ },
+ {
+ "resourceType": "deploymentScripts/logs",
+ "locations": [
+ "East Asia",
+ "Southeast Asia",
+ "Australia East",
+ "Brazil South",
+ "Canada Central",
+ "Switzerland North",
+ "Germany West Central",
+ "East US 2",
+ "East US",
+ "Central US",
+ "North Central US",
+ "France Central",
+ "UK South",
+ "Central India",
+ "South India",
+ "Japan East",
+ "Korea Central",
+ "North Europe",
+ "Norway East",
+ "UAE North",
+ "West Central US",
+ "West Europe",
+ "West US 2",
+ "West US",
+ "South Central US"
+ ],
+ "apiVersions": [
+ "2020-10-01",
+ "2019-10-01-preview"
+ ],
+ "capabilities": "None"
+ },
+ {
+ "resourceType": "locations/deploymentScriptOperationResults",
+ "locations": [
+ "East Asia",
+ "Southeast Asia",
+ "Australia East",
+ "Brazil South",
+ "Canada Central",
+ "Switzerland North",
+ "Germany West Central",
+ "East US 2",
+ "East US",
+ "Central US",
+ "North Central US",
+ "France Central",
+ "UK South",
+ "Central India",
+ "South India",
+ "Japan East",
+ "Korea Central",
+ "North Europe",
+ "Norway East",
+ "UAE North",
+ "West Central US",
+ "West Europe",
+ "West US 2",
+ "West US",
+ "South Central US"
+ ],
+ "apiVersions": [
+ "2020-10-01",
+ "2019-10-01-preview"
+ ],
+ "capabilities": "None"
+ },
+ {
+ "resourceType": "templateSpecs",
+ "locations": [
+ "East Asia",
+ "Southeast Asia",
+ "Australia East",
+ "Australia Central",
+ "Australia Central 2",
+ "Australia Southeast",
+ "Brazil South",
+ "Canada Central",
+ "Canada East",
+ "Switzerland North",
+ "Germany West Central",
+ "East US 2",
+ "East US",
+ "Central US",
+ "North Central US",
+ "France Central",
+ "UK South",
+ "UK West",
+ "Central India",
+ "West India",
+ "South India",
+ "Japan East",
+ "Japan West",
+ "Korea Central",
+ "Korea South",
+ "North Europe",
+ "Norway East",
+ "UAE North",
+ "West Central US",
+ "West Europe",
+ "West US 2",
+ "West US",
+ "South Central US",
+ "South Africa North"
+ ],
+ "apiVersions": [
+ "2021-05-01",
+ "2021-03-01-preview",
+ "2019-06-01-preview"
+ ],
+ "capabilities": "CrossResourceGroupResourceMove, CrossSubscriptionResourceMove, SupportsTags, SupportsLocation"
+ },
+ {
+ "resourceType": "templateSpecs/versions",
+ "locations": [
+ "East Asia",
+ "Southeast Asia",
+ "Australia East",
+ "Australia Central",
+ "Australia Central 2",
+ "Australia Southeast",
+ "Brazil South",
+ "Canada Central",
+ "Canada East",
+ "Switzerland North",
+ "Germany West Central",
+ "East US 2",
+ "East US",
+ "Central US",
+ "North Central US",
+ "France Central",
+ "UK South",
+ "UK West",
+ "Central India",
+ "West India",
+ "South India",
+ "Japan East",
+ "Japan West",
+ "Korea Central",
+ "Korea South",
+ "North Europe",
+ "Norway East",
+ "UAE North",
+ "West Central US",
+ "West Europe",
+ "West US 2",
+ "West US",
+ "South Central US",
+ "South Africa North"
+ ],
+ "apiVersions": [
+ "2021-05-01",
+ "2021-03-01-preview",
+ "2019-06-01-preview"
+ ],
+ "capabilities": "CrossResourceGroupResourceMove, CrossSubscriptionResourceMove, SupportsTags, SupportsLocation"
+ }
+ ],
+ "registrationState": "Registered",
+ "registrationPolicy": "RegistrationFree"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "RequestUri": "https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/db1ab6f0-4769-4b27-930e-01e2ef9c123c/resourceGroups/testRg-9828/?api-version=2019-05-01",
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+ "x-ms-return-client-request-id": "true"
+ },
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+ "StatusCode": 200,
+ "ResponseHeaders": {
+ "Cache-Control": "no-cache",
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+ "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
+ "Date": "Thu, 13 May 2021 22:40:44 GMT",
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+ "ResponseBody": {
+ "id": "/subscriptions/db1ab6f0-4769-4b27-930e-01e2ef9c123c/resourceGroups/testRg-9828",
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+ "location": "southcentralus",
+ "tags": {},
+ "properties": {
+ "provisioningState": "Succeeded"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "Variables": {
+ "RandomSeed": "234803832",
+ "SUBSCRIPTION_ID": "db1ab6f0-4769-4b27-930e-01e2ef9c123c"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file