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components question_answering_finetune

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Question Answering Finetune



Component to finetune Hugging Face pretrained models for extractive question answering task. The component supports optimizations such as LoRA, Deepspeed and ONNXRuntime for performance enhancement. See docs to learn more.

Version: 0.0.45

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Lora parameters

LoRA reduces the number of trainable parameters by learning pairs of rank-decompostion matrices while freezing the original weights. This vastly reduces the storage requirement for large language models adapted to specific tasks and enables efficient task-switching during deployment all without introducing inference latency. LoRA also outperforms several other adaptation methods including adapter, prefix-tuning, and fine-tuning. Currently, LoRA is supported for gpt2, bert, roberta, deberta, distilbert, t5, bart, mbart and camembert model families

Name Description Type Default Optional Enum
apply_lora If "true" enables lora. string false True ['true', 'false']
merge_lora_weights If "true", the lora weights are merged with the base Hugging Face model weights before saving. string true True ['true', 'false']
lora_alpha alpha attention parameter for lora. integer 128 True
lora_r lora dimension integer 8 True
lora_dropout lora dropout value number 0.0 True

Training parameters

Name Description Type Default Optional Enum
num_train_epochs Number of epochs to run for finetune. integer 1 True
max_steps If set to a positive number, the total number of training steps to perform. Overrides 'epochs'. In case of using a finite iterable dataset the training may stop before reaching the set number of steps when all data is exhausted. integer -1 True
per_device_train_batch_size Per gpu batch size used for training. The effective training batch size is per_device_train_batch_size * num_gpus * num_nodes. integer 1 True
per_device_eval_batch_size Per gpu batch size used for validation. The default value is 1. The effective validation batch size is per_device_eval_batch_size * num_gpus * num_nodes. integer 1 True
auto_find_batch_size If set to "true" and if the provided 'per_device_train_batch_size' goes into Out Of Memory (OOM) auto_find_batch_size will find the correct batch size by iteratively reducing batch size by a factor of 2 till the OOM is fixed string false True ['true', 'false']
optim Optimizer to be used while training string adamw_hf True ['adamw_hf', 'adamw_torch', 'adafactor']
learning_rate Start learning rate used for training. number 2e-05 True
warmup_steps Number of steps for the learning rate scheduler warmup phase. integer 0 True
weight_decay Weight decay to apply (if not zero) to all layers except all bias and LayerNorm weights in AdamW optimizer number 0.0 True
adam_beta1 beta1 hyperparameter for the AdamW optimizer number 0.9 True
adam_beta2 beta2 hyperparameter for the AdamW optimizer number 0.999 True
adam_epsilon epsilon hyperparameter for the AdamW optimizer number 1e-08 True
gradient_accumulation_steps Number of updates steps to accumulate the gradients for, before performing a backward/update pass integer 1 True
eval_accumulation_steps Number of predictions steps to accumulate before moving the tensors to the CPU, will be passed as None if set to -1 integer -1 True
lr_scheduler_type learning rate scheduler to use. string linear True ['linear', 'cosine', 'cosine_with_restarts', 'polynomial', 'constant', 'constant_with_warmup']
precision Apply mixed precision training. This can reduce memory footprint by performing operations in half-precision. string 32 True ['32', '16']
seed Random seed that will be set at the beginning of training integer 42 True
enable_full_determinism Ensure reproducible behavior during distributed training. Check this link for more details. string false True ['true', 'false']
dataloader_num_workers Number of subprocesses to use for data loading. 0 means that the data will be loaded in the main process. integer 0 True
ignore_mismatched_sizes Not setting this flag will raise an error if some of the weights from the checkpoint do not have the same size as the weights of the model. string true True ['true', 'false']
max_grad_norm Maximum gradient norm (for gradient clipping) number 1.0 True
evaluation_strategy The evaluation strategy to adopt during training. If set to "steps", either the evaluation_steps_interval or eval_steps needs to be specified, which helps to determine the step at which the model evaluation needs to be computed else evaluation happens at end of each epoch. string epoch True ['epoch', 'steps']
evaluation_steps_interval The evaluation steps in fraction of an epoch steps to adopt during training. Overwrites eval_steps if not 0. number 0.0 True
eval_steps Number of update steps between two evals if evaluation_strategy='steps' integer 500 True
logging_strategy The logging strategy to adopt during training. If set to "steps", the logging_steps will decide the frequency of logging else logging happens at the end of epoch. string steps True ['epoch', 'steps']
logging_steps Number of update steps between two logs if logging_strategy='steps' integer 10 True
metric_for_best_model metric to use to compare two different model checkpoints string loss True ['loss', 'f1', 'exact']
resume_from_checkpoint If set to "true", resumes the training from last saved checkpoint. Along with loading the saved weights, saved optimizer, scheduler and random states will be loaded if exist. The default value is "false" string false True ['true', 'false']
save_total_limit If a positive value is passed, it will limit the total number of checkpoints saved. The value of -1 saves all the checkpoints, otherwise if the number of checkpoints exceed the save_total_limit, the older checkpoints gets deleted. integer -1 True

Early Stopping Parameters

Name Description Type Default Optional Enum
apply_early_stopping If set to "true", early stopping is enabled. string false True ['true', 'false']
early_stopping_patience Stop training when the metric specified through metric_for_best_model worsens for early_stopping_patience evaluation calls.This value is only valid if apply_early_stopping is set to true. integer 1 True
early_stopping_threshold Denotes how much the specified metric must improve to satisfy early stopping conditions. This value is only valid if apply_early_stopping is set to true. number 0.0 True

Deepspeed Parameters Deepspeed config is a JSON file that can be used to configure optimizer, scheduler, batch size and other training related parameters. A default deepspeed config is used when apply_deepspeed is set to true. Alternatively, you can pass your custom deepspeed config. Please follow the deepspeed docs to create the custom config. Please note that to enable deepspeed, apply_deepspeed must be set to true, only passing the deepspeed input will not suffice

Name Description Type Default Optional Enum
apply_deepspeed If set to true, will enable deepspeed for training string false True ['true', 'false']
deepspeed Deepspeed config to be used for finetuning uri_file True
deepspeed_stage This parameter configures which DEFAULT deepspeed config to be used - stage2 or stage3. The default choice is stage2. Note that, this parameter is ONLY applicable when user doesn't pass any config information via deepspeed port. string 2 True ['2', '3']

ORT Parameters ONNX Runtime is a cross-platform machine-learning model accelerator, with a flexible interface to integrate hardware-specific libraries.

Name Description Type Default Optional Enum
apply_ort If set to true, will use the ONNXRunTime training string false True ['true', 'false']

Data and Model inputs

Name Description Type Default Optional Enum
preprocess_output output folder of preprocess component containing encoded train, valid and test data. The tokenizer is also saved as part of preprocess output uri_folder False
model_selector_output output folder of model import component containing model artifacts and a metadata file. uri_folder False


Name Description Type
pytorch_model_folder output folder containing best model as defined by metric_for_best_model. Along with the best model, output folder contains checkpoints saved after every evaluation which is defined by the evaluation_strategy. Each checkpoint contains the model weight(s), config, tokenizer, optimzer, scheduler and random number states. uri_folder



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