diff --git a/sdk/datafactory/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory/src/Generated/Models/AzureSqlSink.cs b/sdk/datafactory/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory/src/Generated/Models/AzureSqlSink.cs
index 0a8bc9813a758..692f7bcfbd1b5 100644
--- a/sdk/datafactory/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory/src/Generated/Models/AzureSqlSink.cs
+++ b/sdk/datafactory/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory/src/Generated/Models/AzureSqlSink.cs
@@ -64,7 +64,14 @@ public AzureSqlSink()
/// The option to handle sink table, such as
/// autoCreate. For now only 'autoCreate' value is supported. Type:
/// string (or Expression with resultType string).
- public AzureSqlSink(IDictionary additionalProperties = default(IDictionary), object writeBatchSize = default(object), object writeBatchTimeout = default(object), object sinkRetryCount = default(object), object sinkRetryWait = default(object), object maxConcurrentConnections = default(object), object disableMetricsCollection = default(object), object sqlWriterStoredProcedureName = default(object), object sqlWriterTableType = default(object), object preCopyScript = default(object), IDictionary storedProcedureParameters = default(IDictionary), object storedProcedureTableTypeParameterName = default(object), object tableOption = default(object))
+ /// Whether to use table lock
+ /// during bulk copy. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType
+ /// boolean).
+ /// Write behavior when copying data into
+ /// Azure SQL. Type: SqlWriteBehaviorEnum (or Expression with
+ /// resultType SqlWriteBehaviorEnum)
+ /// SQL upsert settings.
+ public AzureSqlSink(IDictionary additionalProperties = default(IDictionary), object writeBatchSize = default(object), object writeBatchTimeout = default(object), object sinkRetryCount = default(object), object sinkRetryWait = default(object), object maxConcurrentConnections = default(object), object disableMetricsCollection = default(object), object sqlWriterStoredProcedureName = default(object), object sqlWriterTableType = default(object), object preCopyScript = default(object), IDictionary storedProcedureParameters = default(IDictionary), object storedProcedureTableTypeParameterName = default(object), object tableOption = default(object), object sqlWriterUseTableLock = default(object), object writeBehavior = default(object), SqlUpsertSettings upsertSettings = default(SqlUpsertSettings))
: base(additionalProperties, writeBatchSize, writeBatchTimeout, sinkRetryCount, sinkRetryWait, maxConcurrentConnections, disableMetricsCollection)
SqlWriterStoredProcedureName = sqlWriterStoredProcedureName;
@@ -73,6 +80,9 @@ public AzureSqlSink()
StoredProcedureParameters = storedProcedureParameters;
StoredProcedureTableTypeParameterName = storedProcedureTableTypeParameterName;
TableOption = tableOption;
+ SqlWriterUseTableLock = sqlWriterUseTableLock;
+ WriteBehavior = writeBehavior;
+ UpsertSettings = upsertSettings;
@@ -123,5 +133,26 @@ public AzureSqlSink()
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "tableOption")]
public object TableOption { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Gets or sets whether to use table lock during bulk copy. Type:
+ /// boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).
+ ///
+ [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "sqlWriterUseTableLock")]
+ public object SqlWriterUseTableLock { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Gets or sets write behavior when copying data into Azure SQL. Type:
+ /// SqlWriteBehaviorEnum (or Expression with resultType
+ /// SqlWriteBehaviorEnum)
+ ///
+ [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "writeBehavior")]
+ public object WriteBehavior { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Gets or sets SQL upsert settings.
+ ///
+ [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "upsertSettings")]
+ public SqlUpsertSettings UpsertSettings { get; set; }
diff --git a/sdk/datafactory/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory/src/Generated/Models/SsisPackageLocation.cs b/sdk/datafactory/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory/src/Generated/Models/SSISPackageLocation.cs
similarity index 100%
rename from sdk/datafactory/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory/src/Generated/Models/SsisPackageLocation.cs
rename to sdk/datafactory/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory/src/Generated/Models/SSISPackageLocation.cs
diff --git a/sdk/datafactory/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory/src/Generated/Models/SqlDWSink.cs b/sdk/datafactory/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory/src/Generated/Models/SqlDWSink.cs
index 85618404fb37d..e63175803062c 100644
--- a/sdk/datafactory/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory/src/Generated/Models/SqlDWSink.cs
+++ b/sdk/datafactory/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory/src/Generated/Models/SqlDWSink.cs
@@ -64,7 +64,14 @@ public SqlDWSink()
/// The option to handle sink table, such as
/// autoCreate. For now only 'autoCreate' value is supported. Type:
/// string (or Expression with resultType string).
- public SqlDWSink(IDictionary additionalProperties = default(IDictionary), object writeBatchSize = default(object), object writeBatchTimeout = default(object), object sinkRetryCount = default(object), object sinkRetryWait = default(object), object maxConcurrentConnections = default(object), object disableMetricsCollection = default(object), object preCopyScript = default(object), object allowPolyBase = default(object), PolybaseSettings polyBaseSettings = default(PolybaseSettings), object allowCopyCommand = default(object), DWCopyCommandSettings copyCommandSettings = default(DWCopyCommandSettings), object tableOption = default(object))
+ /// Whether to use table lock
+ /// during bulk copy. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType
+ /// boolean).
+ /// Write behavior when copying data into
+ /// azure SQL DW. Type: SqlDWWriteBehaviorEnum (or Expression with
+ /// resultType SqlDWWriteBehaviorEnum)
+ /// SQL DW upsert settings.
+ public SqlDWSink(IDictionary additionalProperties = default(IDictionary), object writeBatchSize = default(object), object writeBatchTimeout = default(object), object sinkRetryCount = default(object), object sinkRetryWait = default(object), object maxConcurrentConnections = default(object), object disableMetricsCollection = default(object), object preCopyScript = default(object), object allowPolyBase = default(object), PolybaseSettings polyBaseSettings = default(PolybaseSettings), object allowCopyCommand = default(object), DWCopyCommandSettings copyCommandSettings = default(DWCopyCommandSettings), object tableOption = default(object), object sqlWriterUseTableLock = default(object), object writeBehavior = default(object), SqlDWUpsertSettings upsertSettings = default(SqlDWUpsertSettings))
: base(additionalProperties, writeBatchSize, writeBatchTimeout, sinkRetryCount, sinkRetryWait, maxConcurrentConnections, disableMetricsCollection)
PreCopyScript = preCopyScript;
@@ -73,6 +80,9 @@ public SqlDWSink()
AllowCopyCommand = allowCopyCommand;
CopyCommandSettings = copyCommandSettings;
TableOption = tableOption;
+ SqlWriterUseTableLock = sqlWriterUseTableLock;
+ WriteBehavior = writeBehavior;
+ UpsertSettings = upsertSettings;
@@ -126,5 +136,26 @@ public SqlDWSink()
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "tableOption")]
public object TableOption { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Gets or sets whether to use table lock during bulk copy. Type:
+ /// boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).
+ ///
+ [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "sqlWriterUseTableLock")]
+ public object SqlWriterUseTableLock { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Gets or sets write behavior when copying data into azure SQL DW.
+ /// Type: SqlDWWriteBehaviorEnum (or Expression with resultType
+ /// SqlDWWriteBehaviorEnum)
+ ///
+ [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "writeBehavior")]
+ public object WriteBehavior { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Gets or sets SQL DW upsert settings.
+ ///
+ [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "upsertSettings")]
+ public SqlDWUpsertSettings UpsertSettings { get; set; }
diff --git a/sdk/datafactory/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory/src/Generated/Models/SqlDWUpsertSettings.cs b/sdk/datafactory/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory/src/Generated/Models/SqlDWUpsertSettings.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..7b6c86c2eef48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdk/datafactory/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory/src/Generated/Models/SqlDWUpsertSettings.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+// license information.
+// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+// Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+// regenerated.
+namespace Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models
+ using Newtonsoft.Json;
+ using System.Linq;
+ ///
+ /// Sql DW upsert option settings
+ ///
+ public partial class SqlDWUpsertSettings
+ {
+ ///
+ /// Initializes a new instance of the SqlDWUpsertSettings class.
+ ///
+ public SqlDWUpsertSettings()
+ {
+ CustomInit();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Initializes a new instance of the SqlDWUpsertSettings class.
+ ///
+ /// Schema name for interim table.
+ /// Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).
+ /// Key column names for unique row identification.
+ /// Type: array of strings (or Expression with resultType array of
+ /// strings).
+ public SqlDWUpsertSettings(object interimSchemaName = default(object), object keys = default(object))
+ {
+ InterimSchemaName = interimSchemaName;
+ Keys = keys;
+ CustomInit();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// An initialization method that performs custom operations like setting defaults
+ ///
+ partial void CustomInit();
+ ///
+ /// Gets or sets schema name for interim table. Type: string (or
+ /// Expression with resultType string).
+ ///
+ [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "interimSchemaName")]
+ public object InterimSchemaName { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Gets or sets key column names for unique row identification. Type:
+ /// array of strings (or Expression with resultType array of strings).
+ ///
+ [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "keys")]
+ public object Keys { get; set; }
+ }
diff --git a/sdk/datafactory/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory/src/Generated/Models/SqlDWWriteBehaviorEnum.cs b/sdk/datafactory/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory/src/Generated/Models/SqlDWWriteBehaviorEnum.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..6f905c4287ca7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdk/datafactory/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory/src/Generated/Models/SqlDWWriteBehaviorEnum.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+// license information.
+// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+// Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+// regenerated.
+namespace Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models
+ ///
+ /// Defines values for SqlDWWriteBehaviorEnum.
+ ///
+ public static class SqlDWWriteBehaviorEnum
+ {
+ public const string Insert = "Insert";
+ public const string Upsert = "Upsert";
+ }
diff --git a/sdk/datafactory/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory/src/Generated/Models/SqlMISink.cs b/sdk/datafactory/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory/src/Generated/Models/SqlMISink.cs
index 40611d33c54dc..4d69950593136 100644
--- a/sdk/datafactory/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory/src/Generated/Models/SqlMISink.cs
+++ b/sdk/datafactory/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory/src/Generated/Models/SqlMISink.cs
@@ -64,7 +64,14 @@ public SqlMISink()
/// The option to handle sink table, such as
/// autoCreate. For now only 'autoCreate' value is supported. Type:
/// string (or Expression with resultType string).
- public SqlMISink(IDictionary additionalProperties = default(IDictionary), object writeBatchSize = default(object), object writeBatchTimeout = default(object), object sinkRetryCount = default(object), object sinkRetryWait = default(object), object maxConcurrentConnections = default(object), object disableMetricsCollection = default(object), object sqlWriterStoredProcedureName = default(object), object sqlWriterTableType = default(object), object preCopyScript = default(object), IDictionary storedProcedureParameters = default(IDictionary), object storedProcedureTableTypeParameterName = default(object), object tableOption = default(object))
+ /// Whether to use table lock
+ /// during bulk copy. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType
+ /// boolean).
+ /// White behavior when copying data into
+ /// azure SQL MI. Type: SqlWriteBehaviorEnum (or Expression with
+ /// resultType SqlWriteBehaviorEnum)
+ /// SQL upsert settings.
+ public SqlMISink(IDictionary additionalProperties = default(IDictionary), object writeBatchSize = default(object), object writeBatchTimeout = default(object), object sinkRetryCount = default(object), object sinkRetryWait = default(object), object maxConcurrentConnections = default(object), object disableMetricsCollection = default(object), object sqlWriterStoredProcedureName = default(object), object sqlWriterTableType = default(object), object preCopyScript = default(object), IDictionary storedProcedureParameters = default(IDictionary), object storedProcedureTableTypeParameterName = default(object), object tableOption = default(object), object sqlWriterUseTableLock = default(object), object writeBehavior = default(object), SqlUpsertSettings upsertSettings = default(SqlUpsertSettings))
: base(additionalProperties, writeBatchSize, writeBatchTimeout, sinkRetryCount, sinkRetryWait, maxConcurrentConnections, disableMetricsCollection)
SqlWriterStoredProcedureName = sqlWriterStoredProcedureName;
@@ -73,6 +80,9 @@ public SqlMISink()
StoredProcedureParameters = storedProcedureParameters;
StoredProcedureTableTypeParameterName = storedProcedureTableTypeParameterName;
TableOption = tableOption;
+ SqlWriterUseTableLock = sqlWriterUseTableLock;
+ WriteBehavior = writeBehavior;
+ UpsertSettings = upsertSettings;
@@ -123,5 +133,26 @@ public SqlMISink()
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "tableOption")]
public object TableOption { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Gets or sets whether to use table lock during bulk copy. Type:
+ /// boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).
+ ///
+ [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "sqlWriterUseTableLock")]
+ public object SqlWriterUseTableLock { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Gets or sets white behavior when copying data into azure SQL MI.
+ /// Type: SqlWriteBehaviorEnum (or Expression with resultType
+ /// SqlWriteBehaviorEnum)
+ ///
+ [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "writeBehavior")]
+ public object WriteBehavior { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Gets or sets SQL upsert settings.
+ ///
+ [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "upsertSettings")]
+ public SqlUpsertSettings UpsertSettings { get; set; }
diff --git a/sdk/datafactory/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory/src/Generated/Models/SqlServerSink.cs b/sdk/datafactory/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory/src/Generated/Models/SqlServerSink.cs
index 841b30e178a05..93302987e4d45 100644
--- a/sdk/datafactory/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory/src/Generated/Models/SqlServerSink.cs
+++ b/sdk/datafactory/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory/src/Generated/Models/SqlServerSink.cs
@@ -64,7 +64,14 @@ public SqlServerSink()
/// The option to handle sink table, such as
/// autoCreate. For now only 'autoCreate' value is supported. Type:
/// string (or Expression with resultType string).
- public SqlServerSink(IDictionary additionalProperties = default(IDictionary), object writeBatchSize = default(object), object writeBatchTimeout = default(object), object sinkRetryCount = default(object), object sinkRetryWait = default(object), object maxConcurrentConnections = default(object), object disableMetricsCollection = default(object), object sqlWriterStoredProcedureName = default(object), object sqlWriterTableType = default(object), object preCopyScript = default(object), IDictionary storedProcedureParameters = default(IDictionary), object storedProcedureTableTypeParameterName = default(object), object tableOption = default(object))
+ /// Whether to use table lock
+ /// during bulk copy. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType
+ /// boolean).
+ /// Write behavior when copying data into
+ /// sql server. Type: SqlWriteBehaviorEnum (or Expression with
+ /// resultType SqlWriteBehaviorEnum)
+ /// SQL upsert settings.
+ public SqlServerSink(IDictionary additionalProperties = default(IDictionary), object writeBatchSize = default(object), object writeBatchTimeout = default(object), object sinkRetryCount = default(object), object sinkRetryWait = default(object), object maxConcurrentConnections = default(object), object disableMetricsCollection = default(object), object sqlWriterStoredProcedureName = default(object), object sqlWriterTableType = default(object), object preCopyScript = default(object), IDictionary storedProcedureParameters = default(IDictionary), object storedProcedureTableTypeParameterName = default(object), object tableOption = default(object), object sqlWriterUseTableLock = default(object), object writeBehavior = default(object), SqlUpsertSettings upsertSettings = default(SqlUpsertSettings))
: base(additionalProperties, writeBatchSize, writeBatchTimeout, sinkRetryCount, sinkRetryWait, maxConcurrentConnections, disableMetricsCollection)
SqlWriterStoredProcedureName = sqlWriterStoredProcedureName;
@@ -73,6 +80,9 @@ public SqlServerSink()
StoredProcedureParameters = storedProcedureParameters;
StoredProcedureTableTypeParameterName = storedProcedureTableTypeParameterName;
TableOption = tableOption;
+ SqlWriterUseTableLock = sqlWriterUseTableLock;
+ WriteBehavior = writeBehavior;
+ UpsertSettings = upsertSettings;
@@ -123,5 +133,26 @@ public SqlServerSink()
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "tableOption")]
public object TableOption { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Gets or sets whether to use table lock during bulk copy. Type:
+ /// boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).
+ ///
+ [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "sqlWriterUseTableLock")]
+ public object SqlWriterUseTableLock { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Gets or sets write behavior when copying data into sql server.
+ /// Type: SqlWriteBehaviorEnum (or Expression with resultType
+ /// SqlWriteBehaviorEnum)
+ ///
+ [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "writeBehavior")]
+ public object WriteBehavior { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Gets or sets SQL upsert settings.
+ ///
+ [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "upsertSettings")]
+ public SqlUpsertSettings UpsertSettings { get; set; }
diff --git a/sdk/datafactory/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory/src/Generated/Models/SqlSink.cs b/sdk/datafactory/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory/src/Generated/Models/SqlSink.cs
index 3d603b5d85220..d22257ec5197f 100644
--- a/sdk/datafactory/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory/src/Generated/Models/SqlSink.cs
+++ b/sdk/datafactory/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory/src/Generated/Models/SqlSink.cs
@@ -64,7 +64,14 @@ public SqlSink()
/// The option to handle sink table, such as
/// autoCreate. For now only 'autoCreate' value is supported. Type:
/// string (or Expression with resultType string).
- public SqlSink(IDictionary additionalProperties = default(IDictionary), object writeBatchSize = default(object), object writeBatchTimeout = default(object), object sinkRetryCount = default(object), object sinkRetryWait = default(object), object maxConcurrentConnections = default(object), object disableMetricsCollection = default(object), object sqlWriterStoredProcedureName = default(object), object sqlWriterTableType = default(object), object preCopyScript = default(object), IDictionary storedProcedureParameters = default(IDictionary), object storedProcedureTableTypeParameterName = default(object), object tableOption = default(object))
+ /// Whether to use table lock
+ /// during bulk copy. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType
+ /// boolean).
+ /// Write behavior when copying data into
+ /// sql. Type: SqlWriteBehaviorEnum (or Expression with resultType
+ /// SqlWriteBehaviorEnum)
+ /// SQL upsert settings.
+ public SqlSink(IDictionary additionalProperties = default(IDictionary), object writeBatchSize = default(object), object writeBatchTimeout = default(object), object sinkRetryCount = default(object), object sinkRetryWait = default(object), object maxConcurrentConnections = default(object), object disableMetricsCollection = default(object), object sqlWriterStoredProcedureName = default(object), object sqlWriterTableType = default(object), object preCopyScript = default(object), IDictionary storedProcedureParameters = default(IDictionary), object storedProcedureTableTypeParameterName = default(object), object tableOption = default(object), object sqlWriterUseTableLock = default(object), object writeBehavior = default(object), SqlUpsertSettings upsertSettings = default(SqlUpsertSettings))
: base(additionalProperties, writeBatchSize, writeBatchTimeout, sinkRetryCount, sinkRetryWait, maxConcurrentConnections, disableMetricsCollection)
SqlWriterStoredProcedureName = sqlWriterStoredProcedureName;
@@ -73,6 +80,9 @@ public SqlSink()
StoredProcedureParameters = storedProcedureParameters;
StoredProcedureTableTypeParameterName = storedProcedureTableTypeParameterName;
TableOption = tableOption;
+ SqlWriterUseTableLock = sqlWriterUseTableLock;
+ WriteBehavior = writeBehavior;
+ UpsertSettings = upsertSettings;
@@ -123,5 +133,26 @@ public SqlSink()
[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "tableOption")]
public object TableOption { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Gets or sets whether to use table lock during bulk copy. Type:
+ /// boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).
+ ///
+ [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "sqlWriterUseTableLock")]
+ public object SqlWriterUseTableLock { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Gets or sets write behavior when copying data into sql. Type:
+ /// SqlWriteBehaviorEnum (or Expression with resultType
+ /// SqlWriteBehaviorEnum)
+ ///
+ [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "writeBehavior")]
+ public object WriteBehavior { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Gets or sets SQL upsert settings.
+ ///
+ [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "upsertSettings")]
+ public SqlUpsertSettings UpsertSettings { get; set; }
diff --git a/sdk/datafactory/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory/src/Generated/Models/SqlUpsertSettings.cs b/sdk/datafactory/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory/src/Generated/Models/SqlUpsertSettings.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..04c0ec7db7ebb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdk/datafactory/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory/src/Generated/Models/SqlUpsertSettings.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+// license information.
+// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+// Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+// regenerated.
+namespace Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models
+ using Newtonsoft.Json;
+ using System.Linq;
+ ///
+ /// Sql upsert option settings
+ ///
+ public partial class SqlUpsertSettings
+ {
+ ///
+ /// Initializes a new instance of the SqlUpsertSettings class.
+ ///
+ public SqlUpsertSettings()
+ {
+ CustomInit();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Initializes a new instance of the SqlUpsertSettings class.
+ ///
+ /// Specifies whether to use temp db for upsert
+ /// interim table. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType
+ /// boolean).
+ /// Schema name for interim table.
+ /// Type: string (or Expression with resultType string).
+ /// Key column names for unique row identification.
+ /// Type: array of strings (or Expression with resultType array of
+ /// strings).
+ public SqlUpsertSettings(object useTempDB = default(object), object interimSchemaName = default(object), object keys = default(object))
+ {
+ UseTempDB = useTempDB;
+ InterimSchemaName = interimSchemaName;
+ Keys = keys;
+ CustomInit();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// An initialization method that performs custom operations like setting defaults
+ ///
+ partial void CustomInit();
+ ///
+ /// Gets or sets specifies whether to use temp db for upsert interim
+ /// table. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).
+ ///
+ [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "useTempDB")]
+ public object UseTempDB { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Gets or sets schema name for interim table. Type: string (or
+ /// Expression with resultType string).
+ ///
+ [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "interimSchemaName")]
+ public object InterimSchemaName { get; set; }
+ ///
+ /// Gets or sets key column names for unique row identification. Type:
+ /// array of strings (or Expression with resultType array of strings).
+ ///
+ [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "keys")]
+ public object Keys { get; set; }
+ }
diff --git a/sdk/datafactory/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory/src/Generated/Models/SqlWriteBehaviorEnum.cs b/sdk/datafactory/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory/src/Generated/Models/SqlWriteBehaviorEnum.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..1bc31bb01b30c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdk/datafactory/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory/src/Generated/Models/SqlWriteBehaviorEnum.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
+// Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for
+// license information.
+// Code generated by Microsoft (R) AutoRest Code Generator.
+// Changes may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is
+// regenerated.
+namespace Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models
+ ///
+ /// Defines values for SqlWriteBehaviorEnum.
+ ///
+ public static class SqlWriteBehaviorEnum
+ {
+ public const string Insert = "Insert";
+ public const string Upsert = "Upsert";
+ public const string StoredProcedure = "StoredProcedure";
+ }
diff --git a/sdk/datafactory/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory/src/Generated/SdkInfo_DataFactoryManagementClient.cs b/sdk/datafactory/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory/src/Generated/SdkInfo_DataFactoryManagementClient.cs
index fcaa64287cb32..ac665f5acd05e 100644
--- a/sdk/datafactory/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory/src/Generated/SdkInfo_DataFactoryManagementClient.cs
+++ b/sdk/datafactory/Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory/src/Generated/SdkInfo_DataFactoryManagementClient.cs
@@ -43,16 +43,5 @@ public static IEnumerable> ApiInfo_DataFactoryMana
- // BEGIN: Code Generation Metadata Section
- public static readonly String AutoRestVersion = "v2";
- public static readonly String AutoRestBootStrapperVersion = "autorest@2.0.4413";
- public static readonly String AutoRestCmdExecuted = "cmd.exe /c autorest.cmd https://github.com/Azure/azure-rest-api-specs/blob/master/specification/datafactory/resource-manager/readme.md --csharp --version=v2 --reflect-api-versions --tag=package-2018-06 --csharp-sdks-folder=D:\\Projects\\azure-sdk-for-net-1\\sdk";
- public static readonly String GithubForkName = "Azure";
- public static readonly String GithubBranchName = "master";
- public static readonly String GithubCommidId = "2a8a9a79b23c72c6092d5b1212acf6d69b1b3850";
- public static readonly String CodeGenerationErrors = "";
- public static readonly String GithubRepoName = "azure-rest-api-specs";
- // END: Code Generation Metadata Section