Releases: BUTR/Bannerlord.ButterLib
Releases · BUTR/Bannerlord.ButterLib
Release 2.6.1
For v1.0.0/v1.0.1/v1.0.2
- v1.0.2 stealth update fix. We ship Newtonsoft.Json 13 for backwards compatibility
Release 2.6.0
For v1.0.0/v1.0.1/v1.0.2
- StoryMode is now an optional dependency
- Support for including save file and screenshot with a local crash report
- MiniDump inclusion decision moved from settings to the crash report
- Better SubSystem descriptions
- Added Ben.Demystifier for better exceptions
- Added DynamicAPI implementation
- Debug.Print is handled as Debug level now instead of Information
- Limited default log file size per day to 5MB, max 7 files; others to 3MB, max 5 files
- Limited logs in Crash Report to 2000 lines
- ExceptionHandler was still showing CrashReport when asked not to in options
Release 2.5.1
For v1.0.0/v1.0.1
- Fixed DelayedSubModuleManager check
Release 2.5.0
For v1.0.0/v1.0.1
- Extended DelayedSubModuleManager with a non generic variant
Release 2.4.1
For v1.0.0
- Removed unnecessary collision for HotKeys
- Better explanation of why a crash report failed to upload
Release 2.4.0
For v1.0.0
- HotKey system overhaul
Release 2.3.6
For v1.0.0
- Disabled "Catch Native->Managed Code Exceptions", seems to be causing issues for some players
Release 2.3.5
For v1.0.0
- Fixed CTD when failing to serialize ButterLib's settings
Release 2.3.4
For v1.0.0
- Another potential CTD fix
Release 2.3.3
For v1.0.0
- Added "Catch Native->Managed Code Exceptions"
- Fixed path being incorrect