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Guide "Arch linux install "
You can revise it here:
You can find more information inside source code, at file: "arch-linux/src/app/lessons/lesson9/lesson9.component.html", because i am too lazy to re deploy

New information

New information i did add to file lesson9.component.html; but did not re deploy.
  1. tuning brightness of screen
  2. How read external drive and usb stick designed for windows
  3. Media transfer protocol
  4. Automatically connect wi-fi

How deploy angular on github

git checkout -b gh-pages
git push origin gh-pages
sudo npm install -g angular-cli-ghpages
sudo ng build --prod --base-href
sudo ngh --dir=dist/arch-linux/ --no-silent

In next time of building

sudo ng build --prod

Last step drag and drop dist/arch-linux to /arch-linux on github in gh-pages branch