This is the repo for the zero to hero project written in quarto. This resource was developed for PGT students studying applied economics who have studied maths previously but need a but need refreshing.
You can find the website version hosted on the bath github here.
Alternatively you can find the version hosted on here.
If you would like to download the pdf from the bath github you can too.
Add a License to the project. Probably Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
- Error a random b appears in the title of algebraic expressions expanding single brackets
- Error in fractions video change the title on second slide
Solving equations - unknowns on both sides- included in other video - Reading mathematics - set builder notation
- Straight line graphs - coordinates
- Straight line graphs -
$y = mx + c$ Solving Quadratics - factorisationSolving Quadratics - the formulaSolving Quadratics - simultaneous equations- Indices
- Logs - rules
- Logs - solving
- Differentiation - rules of differentiation
- Differentiation - gradient at a point
- Further Differentiation make APEB version
- Optimisation - in progress
- Graduation? Add a page with a final exam?