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Home > TravelModel > UsersGuide >> InputFiles

The table below contains brief descriptions of the input files required to execute the MTC travel model.

File name Purpose Folder location File type File format
freeflow.NET Highway network hwy\ Citilabs Cube HighwayNetworkCoding
tazData.csv Travel analysis zone-specific data landuse\ CSV TazData
tazData.dbf Travel analysis zone-specific data landuse\ DBF TazData
walkAccessBuffers.float.csv Walk access shares landuse\ CSV WalkAccessBuffers
truckFF.dat Friction factors for the commercial vehicle distribution models nonres\ ASCII TruckDistribution
truckkfact.k22.z1454.mat "K-factors" for the commercial vehicle distribution models nonres\ Citilabs Cube TruckDistribution
ixDailyx4.tpp Internal-external fixed trip table nonres\ Citilabs Cube FixedDemand
tripsAirPaxXX.tpp Airport passenger fixed trip table (XX is the TimePeriods code) nonres\ Citilabs Cube FixedDemand
hhFile.XXXX.YYYY.csv Synthetic population household file (XXXX denotes the forecast series from which the data is derived; YYYY denotes the forecast year) popsyn\ CSV PopSynHousehold
personFile.XXXX.YYYY.csv Synthetic population person file (XXXX denotes the forecast series from which the data is derived; YYYY denotes the forecast year) popsyn\ CSV PopSynPerson
Various Myriad transit files used to define the transit network and service trn\ Various TransitNetworkCoding
tripsXX.tpp Warm start passenger trip tables (XX is the TimePeriods code) warmstart\main Citilabs Cube As output by the travel model
tripsIxXX.tpp Warm start internal external trip tables (XX is the TimePeriods code) warmstart\nonres Citilabs Cube As output by the travel model
tripsTrkXX.tpp Warm start commercial vehicle trip tables (XX is the TimePeriods code) warmstart\nonres Citilabs Cube As output by the travel model
tripsAirPaxXX.tpp Warm start air passenger trip tables (XX is the TimePeriods code) warmstart\nonres Citilabs Cube FixedDemand

-- Main.DavidOry - 21 Jan 2012

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