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A minimal, functional interface to the semiempirical extended tight-binding (xtb) program package (

For a read on the theoretical background and applicability of the method, see

The goal is to make it easy to produce physical descriptors to feed those into machine learning models as informative features.

Two examples of it's usefulness:

#1 Example: Octanol / Water Partitioning Coefficients

With the high-level functionality exposed by xtbf, the water/octanol partitioning coefficient can be computed within below 20 lines of code:

from xtbf import run_xtb
from xtbf.parsers import total_energy

def xtb_logp_ow(mol) -> float:
    Computes the octanol/water partitioning coefficient logP_ow
    or None in case any computation fails.
    Takes an rdkit molecule as input.
    en_success, en_water = run_xtb("--alpb water",mol,1)
    if not en_success:
        return None
    en_water = total_energy(en_water)
    en_success, en_octanol = run_xtb("--alpb octanol",mol,1)
    if not en_success:
        return None
    en_octanol = total_energy(en_octanol)

    en_delta = en_water - en_octanol
    k = 3.166811563E-6
    T = 298
    return - np.log10( np.e ** ( - en_delta / (k * T)) )

and already gives good qualitative results:

using the following code to evaluate:

from smal.all import *
import seaborn as sns

data_logp = pd.DataFrame([
    {"iupac": "acetamide", "logp": -1.16,},
    {"iupac": "methanol", "logp": -0.81,},
    {"iupac": "formic acid", "logp": -0.41,},
    {"iupac": "diethylether", "logp": 0.83,},
    {"iupac": "p-dichlorobenzene", "logp": 3.37,},
    {"iupac": "hexamethylbenzene", "logp": 4.61,},
    {"iupac": "2,2',4,4',5-Pentachlorobiphenyl", "logp": 6.41,},
]) # source

data_logp["smiles"] = data_logp["iupac"].apply(iupac_to_smiles)
data_logp["mol"] = data_logp["smiles"].apply(from_smi)
data_logp["pred_logp"] = data_logp["mol"].apply(xtb_logp)
data=data_logp, x="pred_logp", y="logp",

#2 Example: Partial Charges

The following example shows how to compute partial charges:

    >>> from xtbf import *
    >>> from xtbf.shortcuts import *
    >>> mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles("NCCCO")
    >>> mol = embed_molecule(mol)
    >>> add_xtb_charges(mol)
    >>> for atm in mol.GetAtoms():
    ...     print(atm.GetSymbol(),"<>",atm.GetDoubleProp('xtb_partial_charge'))
    N <> -0.343
    C <> 0.021
    C <> -0.074
    C <> 0.075
    O <> -0.442
    H <> 0.138
    H <> 0.137
    H <> 0.007
    H <> 0.035
    H <> 0.034
    H <> 0.043
    H <> 0.049
    H <> 0.036
    H <> 0.284

Getting Started

Installation is possible via pip

pip install xtbf

To run XTB-related functionality, XTB needs to be installed from:

or alternatively via conda:

conda install -c conda-forge xtb

(see here:

To run the iupac-to-smiles conversion, opsin needs to be installed:

conda install bioconda::opsin


You need to have the following minimal dependencies:

joblib, tqdm, numpy, pandas


	pip install joblib
	pip install tqdm
	pip install numpy 
	pip install pandas 

alternatively, run from make:

make install-deps

For documentation gen, pdoc needs to be installed:

pip install pdoc

Running Tests

make doctests

runs all doctests.


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make doc-show