----------------------------- Delete below -----------------------------
If your issue is a general question, starts similar to "How do I..", is related to 3rd party libs, or is related to hardware, please discuss at a community forum like esp8266.com.
If you do not follow these instructions, your issue may be dismissed.
- Follow the checklist under Basic Infos and fill in the [ ] spaces with an X.
- Fill in all the fields under Platform and Settings in IDE marked with [ ] (pick the correct option for you in each case, delete the others).
- If you haven't already done so, test your issue against current master branch (aka latest git), because it may have been already fixed.
- Describe your problem.
- If you have a STACK DUMP decode it:
- Include a Minimal Complete Reproducible Example sketch that shows your issue. Do not include your entire project, or a huge piece of code.
- Include debug messages:
- Use markup (buttons above) and the Preview tab to check what the issue will look like.
- Delete these instructions from the above to the below marker lines before submitting this issue.
----------------------------- Delete above -----------------------------
- This issue complies with the issue POLICY doc.
- I have read the documentation at readthedocs and the issue is not addressed there.
- I have tested that the issue is present in current master branch (aka latest git).
- I have searched the issue tracker for a similar issue.
- If there is a stack dump, I have decoded it.
- I have filled out all fields below.
- Hardware: [ESP-12|ESP-01|ESP-07|ESP8285 device|other]
- Core Version: [latest git hash or date]
- Development Env: [Arduino IDE|Platformio|Make|other]
- Operating System: [Windows|Ubuntu|MacOS]
- Module: [Generic ESP8266 Module|Wemos D1 mini r2|Nodemcu|other]
- Flash Mode: [qio|dio|other]
- Flash Size: [4MB/1MB]
- lwip Variant: [v1.4|v2 Lower Memory|Higher Bandwidth]
- Reset Method: [ck|nodemcu]
- Flash Frequency: [40Mhz]
- CPU Frequency: [80Mhz|160MHz]
- Upload Using: [OTA|SERIAL]
- Upload Speed: [115200|other] (serial upload only)
Detailed problem description goes here.
MCVE Sketch
#include <Arduino.h>
void setup() {
void loop() {
Debug messages go here